Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/709

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SIXTY-FIFTH couennss. sees. n. on. 113. 1918. 691 at Boston $300, one at Gloucester $600, one at Seattle $600; engineer, $1,080; three firemen, at $720 each; two watchmen, at $720 each; five janitors and messengers, at $720 each; janitress, $480; messenger boy, $360; five charwomen, at $240 each; in all, $109,120. Maskammw Alaska service: Pribilof Islands—two agents and caretakers at Ame, pnyéseim, $2,000 each, two physicians at $1,500 each, three schoo1—teachers at °‘°‘ $1,200 each, two storekeepers at $1,800 each; agent, $2,500; assistant agents—one $2,000, one $1,800, one $1,500; inspector, $1,800; wardens—one $1,200, six at $900 each; in all, $30,400. E Employees at large: Field assistant, $3,000; two Held station m‘”I°’°°“ °"""°‘ superintendents, at $1,800 each; Held assistants—one $1,500, one $1,200 ;_fish-cu1tur1sts—two at $960 each, two at $900 each; six machnmsts, at $960 each; two coxswams, at $720 each; m all, $20,220. mmm u Distribution (car) employees: Five captains, at $1,200 each; six prom, ° °" °m' messengers, at $1,000 each; five assistant messengers, at $900 each; Evelapprentice messengers, at $720 each; live cooks, at $600 each; in a , $23,100. Afognak (Alaska) 'Station: Superintendent, $1,500; foreman, $1,200; two fish-culturists, at $960 each; three apprentice iish-culturists, at $900 each; cook, $900; in all, $8,220. _ M mm _ .21l{>e;1;1((l\6l1ch1gan) Station: Foreman, $1,200; fish-cultunst, $900; p°“"* ‘ m , , . . Baird (California) and Battle Creek (Califomia) Stations: Superin- c,,§_•{_'**c8,f¤d 1***** tendent, $1,500; foreman, $1,080; fish—cu1t1u•ist, $900; three apprentice fish-cultiuists at $600 each; in all, $5,280. . — Baker Lake (Vllashington) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; fish- B‘°‘"I‘““°·w“"‘ cultiuist, $900; two apprentice fish—cu1turists, at $600 each; in all, $3,600. Beaufort (North Carolina) Biological Station: Superintendent and B°‘“‘°“·N‘°‘ directoig, assis1s1nt§4$£6g00; fish-eulturist, $900; aprenice -c uns, ;1n , , . Berkshire (Massachusetts) Trout Hatchery: Superintendent, $1,500; B°'“*‘"°’M‘“· izijlh-ggiltgist, $900; two apprentice iish—culturists, at $600 each; in ,6 . Boothbay Harbor (Maine) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; Hsh- u§°°““’°’ H"*’°’• culturist, $900; engineer, $1,100; apprentice fish-cu1turists—one $780, two a1i;$§?g)0eachél{.h;ge0ggemm, at $600 each; custodian of lobster poun , ;1n , , . Bozeman (Montana) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; foreman, B°°°°“°'¤°°°' $1,i00; njremtmst, $900; two apprentice fish-culturists, at $600 eac ;in , $4,800. _ Bryans_Point (Maryland) Station: Custodian, $360. gw if °"‘:’ *1:% Cape Vincent (New York) Statnonz Superintendent, $1,500; hre- °*’° °°"· · · manfl $g20; apprentice ’dsh·culturists—one $720, two at $600 each; in a , 4,140. Clackamas (Oregon) and subsidiary stations: Superintendent, °l“°““‘“·°"°‘· $1,500; foreman, $1,200; fish·culturist, $900; Epprentice fish-culturists——three at $720 each, two at $600 each; in l, $6,960. _ Cold Springs (Georgia) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; fish- °°"’ SP"‘”gS#°°· gglturist, $900; two apprentice Esh—cult1u·ists, at $600 each; in all, ,600. Craigllgrook (Maine) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; iish—culturist, Cm? B'°°"· “°· $900; thee a prentice fish—culturists, at $600 each; in all, $4,200. Duluth (Mlinnesota) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; two fish- D‘°°°"m“"' 911ltH1‘1;1;s52:.)t) $900 each; two apprentice ’1:ish-culturists at $600 each; m a , , . Edenton (North Carolina) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; Hsh- E°°“*°“’N‘°‘ gglgigéist, $900; two apprentice fish-culturists, at $600 each; in all,


Erwin (Tennessee) Station: Superintendent, $1,500; fish-culturist, E"’""’T‘”"‘ $900; three apprentice fish-culturists, at $600 each; in all, $4,200.