Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/793

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 130. 1918. 775 For repairs to cancelin and cutting machines in the office of the pggting “‘°°h“‘° '°‘ Treasurer of the United States, $200. ` Orman or Rnersrnn or run TREASURY: Register, $4,000; assistant °”*°° °‘ R°¤$°°'· register, $2,500; two chiefs of division, at $2,000 each; clerks——two of class four, one of class three, six of class two, eight of class one, hft at $1,000 each, three at $900 each; messenger; three laborers; in all? $89,220. Orrron or COMPTROLLEB or rm: Cumumcr: Congptroller, $5,000; °,?,§'_§°gu*;{§¤*g,*P*'°“¤’ deputy comptrollers——one $3,500, one $3,000; chi clerk, $2,500; ` cluefs of divisions—one $2,500, two at $2,200 each, one $2,000; general bookkeeper, $2,000; assistant bookkeeper, $2,000; clerks— eleven of class four, additional to bond clerk $200, seventeen of class three, nineteen of class two, twenty-eight of class one, thirteen at $1,000 each, seven at $900 each; stenographer, $1,600; six counters, at $840 each; messenger; five assistant messengers; three laborers; messenger boys——one $480, one $420; in all, $167,560. · For ex enses of the national currency (to be reimbursed by the p.,ii§,?,{’°“l°“"°”°Y°" national banks): Superintendent, $2,500; teller, $2,000; clerks——one of class four, one of class three, four of class two,.five of class one, four at $1,000 each, five at $900 each; engineer, $1,000; counters-— twelve at $840 each, three at $700 each; assistant messenger; fireman; messenger be , $420; two charwomen; in all, $43,520. S _ Flor specialyexaminations of national banks and bank plates, of °°°m°“"‘"'°”‘ keeping macerator in Treas Building in repair, and or other incidental ex enses attendingiuthe working of the macerator and for procuring infiirmation relative to banks other than national, $5,000. Om [ C0 Ormcn or Comnssronnn or Iurmman Rnvnrwn: Commissioner, s¤m°$zrEr¤mnmrl’Si$Z $6,500; deputy commksioners—one $4,000, one $3,600; chemists- °““°· chief $3,000, one $2,500; assistant chemists—·two at $1,800 each, one $1,600, one $1,400; heads of divisions-four at $2,500 each, five at $2,250 each; superintendent of stamp vault, $2,000; private secretary, $1,800; clerks—three at $2,000 each, thirty-five of class four, thirty-one of class three, forty-four of class two, forty-three of class one, thirty-two at $1,000 each, iorty-five at $900 each; four mesxngegs; seventeen assistant messengers; sixteen laborers; in all, 81, 10. For the following, on account of the Act imposing income taxes on .,,§`r`},‘£,°.i{’§‘l’l,;l"°l°’°°“ corporations and individuals, namely: Deputy commissioner $4,000; “D,j,;§0°y§;,Q',j;;ggheads of divisions—one $3,500, one $2,500; three assistant heads of ak. ’ divisions, at $2,000 each; attorney, $3,600; law clerk, $2,000; insurance expert, $2,000; railroad expert, $2,000; clerks—one $2,000, seventeen of class four, twenty-nine of class three fifty-four of class two, forti of class one, forty-four at $1,000 each, twenty-eight at $900 eac ; seven messengers; four assistant messengers; rn all, $306,160. For stamp agents—one $1,600, one $900; counter, $900; in all, B“""’“‘°““‘ $3,400, to be reimbursed by the stamp manufacturers. _ Orrrcrz or rim Coasr GUARD! Two chiefs of division, at $3,000 each; C°“"t cmd Om°°' two assistant chiefs of division, at $2,200 each; title and contract clerk, $2,000; law and contract clerk, $1,800; topographer and hydrographer, $1,800; civil engineer, $2,250; draftsman, $1,500; private secretary for captain commandant, $1,400; clerks—four of class four, ten of class three six of class two, nine of class one, ten at $1,000 each, giiesagtl {9650 each; two messengers; assistant messenger; laborer; in 7 Y 1 • . . The services of skilled draftsman, and such other technical services T°°hm°°I °°"l°°°' as the Secretary of the Treasury may deem necessary, may be employed only in the omce of the Coast Guard in connection with the A M1 construction and repair of Coast Guard cutters, to be paid from the T p` ` appropriation "Repai1s to Coast Guard cutters": Promded, That the mac. expendrtrues on this account for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and