Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/802

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784 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. SEss. II. Ch. 130. 1918. www G¤¤¤¤¤'¤ Orrrcn OF INs1>Eo*ron GENERAL: Clerks——one of class four, two of °m°°' class three, three of class two, four of class one, two at $1,000 each; messenger; assistant messenger; messenger, $600; in all, $18,160. Judzeadvocatc can- Orrron OF JUDGE Anv0cArE GENERAL: Chief clerk and sohcitor, °““’S °m°°‘ $2,500; law clerks—one $2,400, one $2,000; c1erks—two of class four, three of class three, four of class two, eight of class one, two at $1,000 each; three messengers; assistant messenger; in all, $35,740. Simi OEM- S1oNAL Orrrcnz Chief clerk, $2,000; clerks—four of class four, three of class three, Eve of class two, eight of class one, nine at $1,000 each; five messengers; three assistant messengers; in all, $45,960. Skimd d¤*“=°m*m» The services of skilled draftsmen and such other services as the °t°' Secretary of War may deem necessary may be employed only in the Signal Omce to carry into effect the various appropriations for forti- A iications and other works of defense, and for the Signal Service of the Army, to be paid from such aippropriations, in addition to the fore- §,’,Q‘{°;,c_ going employees appropriated or in the S1g’113.l Omce: Provided, That ' the entire expenditures for this purpose for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and nineteen shall not exceed $53,280, and the Secretary of War shall each year in the annual estimates report to Congress the number of persons so employed, their duties, and the amount paid to each. R**d‘° °“$‘”°°’·°‘°· The services of one radio engineer and such radio assistants, as the Secretary of War may deem necessary, may be employed only in the ‘°‘”‘· "· 8*7* Signal Omce to carry mto effect the appropriation for the Signal Service of the Army, to be paid from suc appropriation, in a dition to _ the foregoin employees apglrolprrpiated for in the Sggnal Omce: Prof,@‘;’f’;;c_ vided, That tie entire expen `t s for this purpose or the fiscal year nineteen hundred and nineteen shall not exceed $5,000, and the Secretary of War shall each year in the annual estimates report to Congress the number of persons so employed, their duties, and the amount paid to each. ,,§i?‘§B°°¤€£Z’?s"' G°“` Orrrcn or QUARTERMASTEK GENERAL: Chief clerk, $2,750 hprinci al clerks-—five at $2,250 each, three at $2,000 each; clerks- teen ofp class four, twenty-nine of class three, fifty of class two, ninety- three of class one, fifty-nine at $1,000 each, ten at $900 each; advisory architect, $4,000; draftsmen—three at $1,800 each, seven at $1,600 each, five at $1,400 each; supervising engineer, $2,750; hydraulic and sanitary engineer, $2,000; civil engineer, $1,800; electrical engineer, $2,000; electrical and mechanical engineer, $2,250; marine engineer, $3,500; sanitary and heating engineer, $1,800; six messengers; fourteen assistant messengers; twelve laborers; laborer, $600; in all, $410,340. · ,,g{¤’¤¢°*>¤ G°¤¤¤*'¤°’· Orrrcn or Stmonou GENERAL: Chief clerk, $2,250; principal assistant librarian, $2,250; law clerk, $2,000; chemist, $2,100; assistant chemist, $1,600; pathologist, $1,800; microscopist, $1,800; assistant librarian, $1,800;. anatomist, $1,600; entomologist, $1,600; photographer, $1,500; two translators at $1,800 each; clerks—fourteen of class four, thirteen of class three, twenty-six of class two, thirty-six of class one, thirteen at $1 ,000 each; two at $900 each; engineer, $1,400; skilled mechanic, $1,000; two messengers; eleven assistant messeners; three firemen; three watchmen; superintendent of building %Army Medical Museum and Library), $200; six laborers; four charwomen; in all, $185,740. 0*d¤·‘*¤°° Omg- _ Orrrcn or Cmnr or OaoNANcE: Chief clerk, $2,250; chief of division, $2,000; principal clerk, $2,000; clerks·—eight of class four, ten of class three, seventeen of class two, thirty-six of class one, twelve at $1,000 each, five at $900 each; two messengers; assistant messenger; messengers—two at $780 each, two at $720 each; laborer; in all, $126,210.