Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/81

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62 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 12. 1917. electricians, mechanics, and laborers; compensation of civilian lecturers and payment of tuition fees of student officers at civil technical T"‘“l°’p°“'°S' institutions; for unforeseen expenses; for travel expenses of officers P __ on journeys approved by the Secretary of War and made for the pur-

,[§Q'§’Z;,mu.,age,m_ pose of instruction
1’frovided,_'l`liat the traveling expenses herein prormbooksaae. vided for shall be in lieu of mileage and other allowances; and to provide means for the theoretical and practical instruction at the Engineer School_by the purchase of textbooks, books of reference, scientific

and professional papers, and for other absolutely necessary expenses, _ 5530.000. • Eq‘“"‘“°'“°“'°°ps‘ Exorxnnn nonrrmmzrdor moors: For pontoon material, tools, instruments supplies, an appliances required for use in the engineer equipment df troops, for military surveys, and for engineer operations in the Held, including the purchase and preparation of engineer man- _ uals and procurement of special paper for same, and for a reserve Pm supply of above equi ment, to be immediately available, $1,17 4,000. M0,$f§,L.,l,s_ Promded, That authority is granted for the purchase, maintenance, repair, and operation from this appropriation of not to exceed seventy- Civma t theight motorcycles, mcluding those on hand. _ “°$"$ °° S- Crvrrux Assrsraxrs TO Exemnnn orrrcnnsz For services of surveyors, survey parties, draftsmen, photographers, master laborers, an cer o n ineero cers ont esta so vision co s an ddlksbtEgdf§1 fffdi",rp,d _ _ epartmen comman ers 75 000. PEEL? °"°”“°“ °" mjl§§c.1xnnR_ oranamois IN irnnhmgrpiz Fei- gxpenies incidqcnt to ary engmeer opera ions in the e including the urc ase o material and a reserve of material for such operations, tll)e construction or rental of storehouses within and outside the District of Columbia, the purchase, operation, mamtenance, and repair of horse—drawn and motogprolpelle pagsizinger-carrying vehicles,_and suc]; expenses

112 arie oru y provide or under apprfoipriatipns fog Engineer

pos, 1 an assistants to engineer 0 cers, and Maps, War ,,,0,,30 D?artrnent," $300,000. he ofprior appro- Twbdéll, That the 8 pwpriations fdr "En °neer o erations in the UBC O SY • gl p P ,·,,§_§§,·p_,m_ Held/’ during the fisc year mneteen hundred and seventeen, may be used for any of the purposes covered by the appropriation "Eng1- Commamm Pm neer operations in the held m this Act. ippineisiands. CONTIXGENCIES, ENGDQEEER DEPARTMENT, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS2 For contingent expenses incident to the operations of the Engineer Department m the Phxl1p‘p1ne Islands, to be expended at the discre- E,,g,nmScM0,_m_, tion of the Secretary of ar, $4,000. D,,‘0·nS tmc mn of BFI!-DIBGS, ENGINEER. SCHOOL AND Posr, WASHINGTON, Drsmror b,md,,,,,_ or Coumnraz For continuing construction of buildings for Engineer Schooland post at Washington Barracks, District of Columbia, to be Mmmysumys and immediately available and remain available until expended, $202,500. miybemwr or¥31.r;‘•i;i;vstnv51Ys AND_MAP?Z Fplr the executionhof topographic e _ eys e securing o suc extra to ogra ic data as m be required, and the preparation and printing of ni)aps required fihi- Rmiml militarg purposes, t_o e Immediately available and remain available tolggggpment offices ecember 'thU°l$y•HYSt, HII'l€l€€H 8.11d Blghtegnj PTO- · vtderl, Tlhat the Secretary of \Var 1s_authorized to secure the assist- _, alpceéw erever gracticable, of the United States Geological Survey, E e oast eodetic Survey, or other mapping agencies of the overnment_m_this work, and to allot funds therefor to them from Perdiemsubsktmw this approgmation, $200,000. outoi tvasilmgm. Where the expenses of persons engaged in field work or traveling on pificiaé busmess outside of the District of Columbia and away from E G1? e<§gI3x%a;dt;I;p(?Its;of);1lpty gy->_ch;1hrgeable to appropriations of tihe Klgm _ am m eArma `f At the iziscalalyear nmeteen hundred and eighteezi, apgiiroliliileirriorlateiiaf gdmay be owed in lieu of subsistence.