Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/928

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910 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 155. 1918. mag take immediate possession thereof, to the extent of the interest to e acquired, and use the same in the prosecution of the authorized work of improvement. Bg§,°2§°{$§§3¤Ig.$§§ Waterway connecting Long Beach and Los Angeles Harbors, California: Cornpletingoimprovement in accordance with the report submitted in House cument Numbered Four hundred and sixty, Sixt -fourth Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set fortli, in said document, $130,350. m§,,‘j‘,,t*,Qf“’(§‘,§‘,’§°°· °“k' San Francisco, Oakland, Richmond, Monterey, ·and Humboldt ' Harbors, Redwood and Petaluma Creeks, Napa River, San Pablo Bay, Mare Island Strait, and Suisun Channel, alifornraz For maintenance, $4,000; continuing improvement of Oakland Harbor, $100,000; for improvement of Petaluma Creek in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Eight hundred and forgymine, Sixty-fifth Congress, second session, an subject to C Cn H the con 'tions set forth in said —document, $20,000; in all, $124,000,

,,,{§`Yf.'?t Y "` Crescent City;] Harbor, California
The improvement of Crescent

,hgg;,°'°¤’°°* "“‘ City Harbor is ereby authorized in accordance with the report subpm, 5. ma. mitted in House Document Numbered Four hundred and thirty-four, Sixt -fourth Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set §',§§,,,'"°,;,,,,;,,,,,,,;,,,,,; fortli, in said document: Provided That before entering u n the ¤¤=¤=· prosecution of the work herein authorized the Secretarly o Viifr shall rechuire the contribution of the sum of $200,000 from ocal interests an the said Secretary is hereby authorized to prosecute the work of _ im rovement with such funds when so furnished. ,,§'f°§§,‘{‘“"°° R‘“’°"· Sacramento, Feather, San Joaquin, and Mokelumne Rivers, and Stockton and Mormon Channels (diverting canal), California: For maintenance, $10,500. °°°° B°’·°‘°·· °"" C uille, Coos, Siuslaw, and Yaquina Rivers, and Coos, Tillamook, and0Neha.lem Bays, Oregon: For maintenance and continuing im- _ provement of channel over the bar at Coos Bay, $40,000. m°,‘},,‘“’“,-g‘;‘°,,,,‘Q,j" Columbia and lower Willamette Rivers below Vancouver, Washand Orc:. ington, and Portland, Oregon, and mouth of Columbia River, Oregon and Washington: Continuing impgovernent and for maintenance of Columbia and lower Willamette ivers below Vancouver, Washington, and Portland, Oregon $250,000. `¤z¢YZmai$°riE°oreig'i:•ii{ Willamette River above Portland and at Willamette Falls, Yamhill W¤¤¤· River and Clatskanie River from the mouth to Clatskanie, Oregon; Cowlitz, Lewis, and Grays Rivers, For maintenance, $12,000; continuing improvement of Lewis iver, including North and East Forks, $13,500; in all, $25,500. wlQ’,,“f’* S°“°d* °‘°‘* Puget Sound and its tributary waters, Ol pia, Tacoma, and Bellingham Harbors, Lake Waslungton Ship (Zfiial, Snohomish and Ska `t Rivers, Swinomish Slough, waterwag) connecting Port Townsen<§1Ba and Oak Bay, Columbia River etween Wenatchee and Kettle Elills, Washington: For maintenance, $10,000. ,,,,‘§2d“,§'§,“,§°‘°°°S°1’ Sec. 2. Where separate works or items are consolidated herein and an aggregate amount is appropriated therefor, the amount so appropriated s all, unless otherwise expressed, be expended in securing the maintenance and improvement according to the respective projects adopted by Congress after giving due regard to the respective needs of traffic. The allotments to the respective works so consolidated shall be made by the Chief .of Engineers as authorized b the Secretary of War. In case such works or items are consolidated and separate amounts are given to individual ·projects, the amounts so named shall be Rended upon such separate projects unless, in the B . 1 { discretion of the 'ef of En eers and he Secretary of War, another mmaéiswau. ° allotment or division shoulglmbe made of the same. Any balances remaining to the credit of the consolidated items shall be carried to the credit of the respective aggregate amounts appropriated for the consolidated items.