Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/946

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928 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 164. 1918. motor at not exceeding $2,000, and including maintenance of _ motor ve c es $200 000. ...;Ei‘i‘.$.’,$°,§,‘1‘ZYme,{t1‘T°”S Emergency iepairs and improvements on account of the existing P¤*S°¤¤*¤¤¤*°°¤· war:_For ternporag personal services not otherwise s ecifically provided for m this ct, when such services are required for dire timely and effective prosecution of any work of improvement, maintenance, or reparr, op forbthe opripation of alpy service or plant, such work, _ service or p ant einv otherwise authorized in this Act or by existing §QQ,‘f,§m,,,,_ law, $25,000: Pmvidlid, That the employment of such services shall __ _ be authorized by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia ,,,§f"‘°“"’”S “““’°"" upon the recommendation of the engineer commissioner: And pmmded further, That such employment shall be made only when, in the judgment of said commissioners, it shall be necessary for the public health, safety, comfort, or welfare, to correct or improve adverse conditions which may arise in the District of Columbia due to the BX1St»1Dg war, to prevent the occurrence of such conditions, or to create <;ond};tions favorable to the eflicrent conduct of business pertaming 0 the existing war· H£,§,?;§,f,f;',§,‘_§,‘Q;{p“b‘ _ T0 effect any work oz; works of permanent_or temporary public improvement in the District of Co umbia which may be urgently required m connection the conduct of business pertaining to thebexisting wpr, aiiddwhrch is not otlilerilvise authorized) in this Act or y existing aw 1 0 000 or so muc thereof asmay e necessary _ to_ be expended i1nder’the’ direction of the Commissioners of the _{_°'§'Q’·’,§·o,,,,,,,,0¤ District of Columbia; Provided, That expenditures from this approrequirec priation shall be recommended bg the,Comm1ssioners of the District _ of Columbia and authorized by the.Pres1dent of the United States. §,§*u‘_Q§§,gt,0u and ,e_ _ Bmioons: For construction and repairs, $25,000. This pippropriapcgiéet bridges Om tron shall be available for repairing when necessary any bri ge carry- names, mg a public street over the riglht of way or property of any railway company, and the amounts t us expended shall be collected from V¤1.20,p.105· such railway company 111 the manner provided in Section five of an gc? prlpyiding a pegrnyanentlform of govermnent for the District of to um ia a prove une e eventh, eighteen hundred and seventy- ipghpdarépll gilhdegosiltedtiri (this Trgeasury toll the credit of the _ _ ‘n1_e a es an e is ric 0 o um ra in equ parts. H‘%"""°Y B“dg°· Highwayl Bridge across Potomac River: Draw operat0rs—two at $1,020 eac , two at $720 each; four watclnnen, at_ $720 each; labor, $1,500; lighting, power, and miscellaneous supplies, and expenses of every kind necessarily incident to the o eration and maintenance _ of the ridge and sgplproaches, $8,620; in all? $16,480. m§,,f*§i,_”g”‘5r "'°‘°*" For foggygpgght ditronal electric arc lights, at $67 per light per annum , . For izcglgd serlgeanglpfzrssgrlgqvgatchmen, $900; eighteen park watchmen, a eac ;1n , - . liogglevolggg and ammuriition for one sergeant and eighteen park wa c en, . For uniforming one sergeant and eighteen park watchmen, at $50 Wmém Bridge. per annum each, $950. _ _ " Anacostia River Bridge: For employees, miscellaneous supplies, and expenses of every kind necessary to operation and maintenance {_ _ of the ridge, $5,000. ¤}€ {lr Ll`: . Cle€lni.¤" 01.0. • · · - _'=’ _ For cleaning and repairing sewers and basins, $71,000. m“‘p’”g“““°°‘ Fonoperation and maintenance of the sewage pumping service, including repairs to boilers, machinery, and pumprxrég stations, and employment of mechanics, laborers, and two watc en, purchase of coa , oils, waste, and other supplies, and for maintenance of motor trucks, $58,000.