Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/983

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_ SIXTY-FIF TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 1.75, 176. 1918. 965 CHAP. 175.-An Act Authorizing the resurvey or retmcement of lands heretofore Sevwmbw 21, 1918· returned as surveyed public lands of the United States under certain conditions. [H- R- mi [Public, No. 216.] · Be it emzcted by the Senate and House céf Representatives of tbe United Publi hm States of America in Congress assemble , That upon the ap lication neeurizeyehur pn. of the owners of three-fourths of the privately owned landg in any §,fg§'g,°;Q“gdm‘;';,f““ township covered by public-land surveys, more than fifty per centum of the area of whic townships is privately owned, accom anied by a deposit with the United States surveyor general for the proper State, or if there be no surveyor general of such State, then with the Commissioner of the General Land Office, of the proportionate estimated cost, inclusive of the necessary work, of the resurve or retracement of all the rivatel owned lands in said township, the Commissioner of the (£neral lgand Office, subject to the supervisory authority of the Secretary of the Interior, shall be authorized in his discretion to cause to be made a resurvey or retracement. of the lines of said townshipl and to set permanent corners and monuments in accordance with the laws and regulations oveming surveys and . resurveys of public lands; that the sum so iiposited shall beheld .D°1’°¤**‘°*°°•*·°*°~ by the smveyor general or commissioner when ex officio surveyor general and may be expended in payment of the cost of suchisurvey, " including field and office work, and any excess over the cost of such survey and the expenses incident thereto shall be repaid pro rata, to the person making said deposits or their legal repgesentatives; that I"““*¤<}°**¤°*¤*· the proportionate cost of the field and office wor for the resurvey ’ or retracement of any public lands in such township shall be from the current appropriation for the survey and res1u·vey of public lands, in addition to the portion of such appropriation otherwise ' allowed by law for resm·vey; and retracernents; that similar resur- on svrnsumr of veys and retracements may made on the application, accompanied °°°"' by the uisite deposit,_of any court of competent jgirrsdiction, the ‘ returnsrg? such°resm·vey or `retracement to be su mitted to the court; that the Secret of the Interior is authorized to make all necessary rules and regrlrations to carry this Act into full force and effect. S Approved, September 21, 1918. OHAP. 176.-—An Act To supplement the Second Liberty Bond Act, as amended, kllfxlgiilu and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House dqf Represerstatioec of the United States of America in Congress assemble , That rmtil the expiration of °¤§,¤m*:"·¤•¤1; gi 2::- two years after the date of the termination of the war between the 4»ue,p.ics.° ‘ United States and the Imperial German Government, as fixed by proclamation of the President- (1) The interest on an amount of bonds of the Fourth Liberty Loan gy g*tj;g§·>g;· mt the principal of which does not exceed $30,000, owned by any indi- g_¤c¤¤d_i¤s nemo vidual, partnership, association, or corporation, shall be exempt from ‘_§“',,§gI,;f$’ B°’“’“· graduated additional income taxes, commonly known as surtaxes and excess profits and war-proiits_taxes, now or hereafter imposed by the United States, upon the mcome or profits of individuals, partnerships, associations, or corporations; (2) The interest received after Janlut:21 1, 1918, on an amount of ,m?1*,;_*¤,£'g¤*ex*;,L_1{*",,“;‘f bonds of the First Liberty Loan Conve dated either November 15, :45,ow. 1917, or May 9, 1918, the Second Liberty Loan, converted and 1mcon· ‘"'"’pp‘35’”°’5°°‘ verted, and the _Third Liberty Loan, the lprincipal of which dow not exceed $45,000 111 the aggregate, owned y any individual, artnet- . ship,_ association, or corporation, shall be exempt from such taxes: P,,,,,,,_ Provzded, lzmcever, That no owner of such bonds shall be entitled to Fjugtg=Ij:‘P**¤9¤ such exemption in respect to the interest on an aggregate principal '°°°”°°`