Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/197

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1542 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 126. 1919. Frank waist. Homestead application naught thirty-two thousand and eighty-six, Rapid City series, of Frank Walsh, for the southwest quarter section two, township six south, range one east, Black Hills meridian. r·md1·*.1·*¤11sr. Iélomesteg Hapglicatilcin naught fpuhrteeln tholipslglnd spven hundred an two e e ourc e series o re F. er or northeast quarter section twenty-seven, arid west half of northelast uarter and west half of southeast qgarter section twenty-two, townsliip sixteen north, range eight east, lack Hills meridian. °“° F· S°’”°°d°'· Homestead ap{plication naught thirty-seven thousand seven hundred ang eight, apid Cipy series, of Otto F. Schroeder, for north half 0 nort west quarter o northwest quarter northeast quarter of northwest guartetp, lpcigtlg halfhof southeast Qquarter of northwest quarter an nor a 0 nort east uarter o section two townshi one noxith, range six east, Black Hillsqmeridian. ’ P C*Y‘*° M· G*d‘””¤~ _ Homestead apghoation naught sixteen thousand six hundred and séigzgéy-fgvpi Belleh ourche series, oé (glyde M}1G1i<gilfing£s, for the west o e nort east quarter an e nort 0 the southea t garster ofdsection seven, township nine north, range fo1u· east, Bladk ° men 1an. Pm w‘H°°k°"‘ Additional homestead atpplication, Glasgow, Montana, numbered %$\1§1t£ort;y}nin:l:.ho11sa;1x:l1:i11ifnefh1;.1ndred Jfwenty, filed by Peter . oo er , or e nor o the sout section twenty-iiv S d H township twenty-six north, range thirt -two east, Montana mehdiaiil 1»,,"°°°‘u,,,*§§,l,'Q;,,;’;df* · Sec._ 5. That the Secretary of the fnterior be, and he is hereby, authorized to allow Frederick W. Seidell, of Sedro Woolley, Washington, to make at selection or entry of a tract of one hundred and sixty acres of nonmmeral unreserved public land in any State or Alaska, and to issue patent thereunder without any proof of residence, culti- ,,mm_ vation, or improvement, without payment of any original or final '1`imelimit. fees and commissions: Promded, That the selection or entry be made cmg, E_ Wm, within one year from the appfloval hereof. d°g)°,{;8Smd 8 uw That the Secret of the terior be, and he is hereb , authorized pp _Y _ um ¤11¤wa1,a¤. to allow George E. indecker to make homestead apphcation for the east half, section twentytone, township thirty-four north, range fourteen east, Monttalpla mei·1{l1a3, inthth<{)Sttz;tieé>f Montana, subject to reconve anceo esai an to ` t tesb `dG E. omestwdeu ry · ._ . 8 IIT O G €1‘101‘ , I r»»~»»e». .., S..,.. . Q JZ. · 1. l°w°°‘ gglggglggiigctg alllow 'ghonénaséll. Grszya1<;lifB1éocli;et, algortliillsakdtlg, to ea enryor eeas otesouthet t, iplgiglgwliziltvqutartm of the southeast quarter, southeaslsquzlrltdr elif mn 6 cv es qxtiaitier, section fourteen, township twenty-nme north, _ gd!-s cli; eas , ontana meridian, hereby restored to entry from ' ¥{g;_,l,,;m cm wit_ aw; in connection_with the Saint Mary Canal and Milk River . pv1§i§;:1thin;·<;agz¢g1e;Z`,7éI`;iat;Ismd Graty tpndetr a piroper agiplication therefor _ ro receip o no ice rom the register and re- M, msdn Mich ul ceiver that the land is subject thereto. i0§é§aataatmtq°¤¤. auS11;2;:£i;éd%)xa£:Hgl:vefxS»1?cr(eit§.ry pfughle llnteriorkbefl and he is hereby, re am i c e t — p,,,,.,,,,_ · the northwest quarter southeast quarter, sgcltlidn lenoltlciiziigslliii etlvlrlejiilof T""° “““‘· °‘° One north, range twenty-four west, Montana meridian: Provilded Thiit he file a proper application for the land and pay the appraised rice therefor within sixty days from receipt of notice from the registerpand migraine v. sem. r°°§;€I`Sth,‘i,‘i1t§;*€t%1&¤€g h&$tb€<·>¤ itypelpedhto entry, " S E8. GH TY · -' I a B tl t O •

,,$,,§?° ‘ d ‘· "·‘ authorized to allow Dorotligg Y?. Stillmadrtgriiilskeagdnileztlgailleggltyy

,,m_m_ for the east half of the northwest quarter section thirt -two towiz rim mmem. shép twenty-one north, range nineteen west, Montana mglridiair Pmvz ·ed,_That she tile a proper application for the land and ay the alppraised price therefor within sixty days from receipt of notiice from t e register and receiver that the land has been opened to entry.