Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/313

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1662 PROCLAMATIONS, 1917. ` and Receiver on or before May 5, 1917, and all applications for these ‘ lands filed at the Glasgow land office on or after ovember 20, 1916 and rejected by the Register and Receiver because of the coal classification, shall be treated_a.s filed simultaneously, and where there is Im no conflict such applications and statements, if in proper form and "m°‘ accompanied by the required payment be a owed: If such applications or statements conflict in whole or in part, the right of the respective applicants will be determined by a public drawing to be conducted by or under the supervision of the Superintendent 0 O n- ings and Sa es of Indian Reservations, at the Glasgow land og-ice, beginning at 10 o’clock a. m., on May 8, 1917. The names of the pgrsons who presented the conflicting applications and statements will hlwgttlpn on cardsdand these carcés shf be placid m rleqdvelopes ppon w c there are no istmctive ori enti ying mar . ese enve opes shall be thoroughly and impartically mixed, and, after being mixed, shall be drawn one at a time bg some disinterested person. As the envelopes are drawn the cards s all be removed, num ered beginning

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. ca ions an s a - mliium °° °°°h°°` ments shall be acted upon and dispgsed of. If lllomestead a plication or declaratory statement cannot allowed for any art oi) the land applied for, it shall be rejected. If it may be_ allowedp for part of, but not for all, the land applied for, the applicant, or the declarant through agent, shall e allowed thirtyldays from receipt of notice within which to notify the Register and eceiver what disposition to

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n re ec e as to the land in conflict, or that it be rejected as to all the land applied for_; or he may alpply to have the application or statement amended to include other an which is subgect to entry and to inclusion in his application or statement, provide he is the prior applicant. If it is determmed by the drawing that a declaratory statement shall be acted {1a`[;l051 and liiisposed of be_ore a homestead application for the same _ , tlde omestead applicant shall be allowed thirty days from_ re- $11%.2, 5$°$駒§a"£'£L“§‘p,Yi}2,fti0§° 0°1?i2‘Z‘i1§h°·tI§°i,‘“"’€t”‘1‘i I§°°‘i“'°’ , w 1 u ec o e c ratoigyfstzglemletntt tif an gpplicant, or it deddarant oi his agent, Fail; to noiy e egis ran eceivrw t `t° t k fth application or statement withinothe tilme eillbogiadljlit viiillllliie (idiected as to all the land applied for. Homestead ipplications and declara- 22::.;*:azrsssszntlztrsdssztmaxi; sm-1i9%,7» WS? » , wi e ac , u on and disposed of in the usual manner afterllmll such applicatibns End stajedients gredented on or before that date have been acted upon _ _ _ an ( is_pose_ o . D mQ,;;gf°"""" °‘ 4. Dmposttwn of Moneys. Moneys tendered with applications and Statements presented on or before May 5, 1917, except fees for filing ec aratory statements, be deposited by the Receiver of the Glasgow land office, to his official credit and properly accounted for. The ee for filing a declaratory statement must be paid even though the the application is rejected, and such fee will be properly applied when th; dtaternent is dlled. When a liomtfjstead application is allowed in w o e or in art the sums require as ees, commissions, nd 11 money will be pioperly applied, and_ any sum in excess ofathelildgiiiipgd amount will be returned to the applicant. When a declaratory statement is allowed in whole orin part, the sum which will be required aslpurchase money if entry IS made under the declaratory statement

Gb; lheld    hadlbtgeii allowed uldder tlée statpment or the

r s ei » in w ic entr mav ., ‘ excess of the recidired amount will bdrreturne?;lI1ii>atlie dgcla:i‘I2iiitlumThud moneys held wi not be returned until the time has expired within