Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/518

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1918. 1841 tion or any such other public, notice as aforesaid given by the President or by his direction; and any person who shall willfully fail or refuse to present himself for registration or to submit thereto as herein provided shall be of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction in a district court 0 the United States having jurisdiction thereof, be punished by imprisonment for not more than one ear and shall thereupon be duly registered: Provided, That in the call of the docket precedence shall be given, in courts tryin the same, to the , _ trial of criminal proceedings under this Act: Provided fnrther, That wliwilmms mbim persons shall be subject to registration as herein rovided who shall ave attained their eighteenth birthday and who shall not have attained their forty-sixth birthday on or before the day set for the registration in any such· proclamation by the President or any such other public notice given y him or by his direction, and all persons so registered shall be and remain subject to draft into the forces hereby authorized unless exempted or excused therefrom as in this Act provided: Provided further, That the President ma at such intervals ,i§,‘;l’°°q“°“* '°gi““°‘ as he may desire from time to time require all malle persons who have attained the age of eighteen years since the last preceding date of registration and on or before the next date set for registration by proclamation by the President, except such persons as are exem t from registration hereunder, to register in the same manner and sullject to the same requirements and abilities as those reviousl registered under the terms hereof: Andlprovided further, ll`hat in the case Registration brmeik of temporary absence from actu place of legal residence of any person liable to registration as provided herein, such regstration rlnay (pe made by under regulations to be prescribe by the resident. * * Sec. 6. That the President is hereby authorized to utilize the service mg,‘§f“‘§?,’g§f,‘}°P?m'f,‘ of any or all departments and any or all officers or agents of the S¤¤¤ ¤¤'i¤i=¤¤-•¤¢¤- United States and of the several States, Territories, and the District M"' p' 8°‘ of Columbia, and sub-divisions thereof, in the execution of this Act, and all officers and agents of the United States and of the several States, Territories, and sub-divisions thereof, and of the District of Columbia, and all persons designated or appointed under regulations Duty °°m¤¤*¤<>*Y- prescribed by the President whether such appointments are made by the President himself or by the governor or other officer of any State or Territory, to perform any duty in the execution of this Act are hereby required to perform such duty as the President shall order or direct, and all such officers and agents and persons so desig- A“°h°"°" °°‘"°""°' nated or appointed shall hereby have full authority for all acts done by them in the execution of this Act by the direction of the President. Correspondence in the execution of this Act may be carried in penalty cnvelo s bearing the frank of the War Department. Any OEM"' d°°l‘°°*°d‘ person char edic as herein provided with the duty of carrying into effect any of the provisions of this Act or the regulations made or directions given thereunder who shall fail or neglect to perform such duty, and any person charged with such duty or having and exercising any authority under said Act, regulations, or directions who shall knowingly make or be a party to the making of any_false or incorrect registration, physical examination, exemption, enlistment, enrollment, or muster; and any person who shall make or be a party to the making of any false statement or certificate as to the fitness or liability of himself or any other person for service under the provisions of this Act, or regulations made by the President thereunder, or otherwise evades or aids another to evade the requirements of this Act or of said regulations, or who, in any manner, shall fail or neglect fully to perform any duty required of him in the execution of this Act, shall, if not subject to military law, be guilty of a _ misdemeanor, and upon conviction in the district court of the ’°““‘“"“‘°“'•