Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/649

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1968 mbmx. . Y. . . Artnklcs of Food; [ _ _ _ _‘ Pam. Ashbaugh, Daniel, _ Pssvproclamatziou requiring licenses for trafic, pension increased .. , . 1402 ets; in designated. . , , . 1700 Ashbrook, Wzlcomc, 1457 cance ‘ mequuements in spec1£ed° pension in . . .. cas; . . ... 1919 Ashes, D. C., _ . _ Arhkles of War Amendments, de Heier? appropriation for collecting  ; 1162 Ain. 50. MYHGAHON on mmmssxou 01* Ashland, y., _ _. _ , szmmucms .. . .. 1211 appro riation for public building . ... 106 authority ordering, given power for . 1211 Ashland? Wis., . , . . of unexecutedtgortion; exception 1211 appropriation for improvement of hardelegation of au oritv to commanding bor 257, 909, 1282 general in the field, etc . . . . 1212 Ashley Coumy, Ark., extended to uncollected forfeitures. 1212 time extended for bridging Bayou Bar- Amu 52. SUSPENSION or smvrmucms 882 tholomew at Wilmot, by ... 592 competeutauthodfiy may suagend execu— Ashley Natabnal Forest, Utah and Wyo., tion, except eath, an restore to appropriation for maintenance, ctc., of 985 duty .. 882 proclamation diminishing ... 1718 successor in office, if not in Disci— excluded lands restored to settlement,- 1719 pliuaxy Barracks . . 882 Ashley River, S. C., vacate suspension, etc 882 appropriation for improvement of ... . 254 death or honorable discharge s. complete preliminary examination, etc., of, to be remission ...,..,.,,_._,,,,,,.,..., . 882 mgde ,___,,.,,,_,,,,,,_____,_,,,,. 263 Am-. 53. Exzcuuou 0n_umuss10¤-C0N- Ashmead, Elizabeth A. (widow), 1=mmmm· m mscummnw nn- pension _,,_, , ,,,. , ..,.. 1524 b_x:c;s£é£i . . - gg; Ashtabula, Ohio, { f h su jec on 0 ar appropriation or im ovement 0 ar- Airr. 57. Fuss ms: ss10N T0 pp Pbqy ,,_,__,,,,,. ,.,,..,,,. 257, 909, 1234 xnrrnmx mrmnus . 883 Ashton, Alfred, commander to render monthly returns, . 883 pension increascd ...,.,...,,. . ... 1534 dismimed, etc., for false retxmm .. 883 Ashton, John, punishment for omitting returns . 883 pension ...,. . .. . .-. 1473 Ama 112. E1-rmzcrs or m:cmAsm>1>zus0Ns— Am}: Minor, D1sr0sm0N pr 883 Christians and Jews in, undet Turkish legal mpresepmuve or widow to have jurisdiction, to participate in relief pomoxmn; .. : ... 883 to European populations . . 1161 summary court 1f no W1dOW, etc ... 883 Agphalt Deposits, Okla., duty of; tnmsmittal at public expense sale oghcn segregated mineral area of to mdow, etc .. - . . 883 octaws and Chickassws .. 433 conversion into cash, if no heir, etc., Acquith, Lwruzrd A., found; exception ____,,_,,__ , .,,,,_, 883 pension __,___, , _____,_________________ , 1572 proceeds, enc., po War Department for Assassination, {mal d1BP08}¥10l1 ..-.-.. 883 aliens advocating, of public officials, exprovgmcns apflgcable to Scldierq’ Home cludedadmission . . ... 1012 mmates yu;g at Army hogpxttl out- A.we.mnem: and Permit Work, D. C'., _ mde of District of Columbia 883 appropriation for streets, etc . . . . . 925 Awww 1ir<rnd;&¤BvgL Bd I tc 397 Aemmu 0jm,{>. 0., HQW}`8UDgS· pr, e . r ...-·· up opriation or salaries . 919 Ar¢¤Jiv¤¤l Lmbs, ew-, for Dwbkd Svldwn, E3 assistant sssessprs, ew, · .--·-···--·· 919 A;¤¢%r£g¤}~k?,·?;a§¤%, -----··--··-··~--·-··- 136. 661 d %>r_f¤r¤i¤hi¤s copwp ¤ffv¤11¤,_¤¢¤-, tv-- - - 924 ¢ » e cmu a 0 non orasmstautamesinternal revenue tax cu bottled, sold by Boer; _____________________ 6 , , v¤>si¤¤¤r· ¢¤= ·--·--—---——--- - ·-·---- 1116 A¤·im¤¤¢4<»~ Hmm we Pr¤¤ti¤¤¤i¤¤>- Artzjiqurl Wmes, _ Assistant Azzorne General in Custom: Cases, Sddluoual War TGVGDUG tax 0]]..- . . appropriation gy, sttol-nays, smcial coun,. internal revenue tax on .. ,,__ 1110 sg] gm __ _ _ _ 155 681 • • ~ I """ ' " """"°' I AK'W~'*°”;! C“"b°”““d mm: Assistant Attanwiya General, moe revenue tax on . Z . ... 1110 appropriation or ______________________ 801, 1254 Arcqllery. Army Ow; (we Conn Amllerw- Amzm .4¢mm?», Umm sem cum, . Ama"!/» fi"'{”V M°bd€» _ appropriation or, inspecial cases .. 157, 683 ¤PP'°P¤*m°¤ f°*’ °-h€m‘8· etc ···-······-· 817 foreign counsel .. . . . . . 157, 683 c°mm·°“ ¤¤¢h¤¤%¤<i --····-··-···· -· 817 deficiency appropriation for, in special deficiency appropriation for altering, etc., casa, __________________________ 833, 1040 yv¤r_¤ ¤p<¤¤¤<==¤ ·------·--..- : -.---- 200. 367 Aniston: Custodian and Jmwmgm quo authorization repealed for altermg, etc., Foroo' public Bmmiogo), 1918- ··-···—·· ; - ·, ~·-··-· - ···-· ;· - · 1172 appmpnatiou for . . . 115, 639 balances of agproprmuons for nltenng, Mmmm go the Attgyywy Gmmrr, etc., 191 , 1919, covered iu. 1171 appropriation for _____ _ ________________ 801, 1254 Artillery Board, Army, Amhtant Treasurers, appropxiamion for computer . . ... 49, 854 internal revenue stamps to be sold by; Artzlliery Parks, ctc., Army, bond, etc . 1135 to be raised during emergency 77 war revenue tax stamps to be sold by.--. . 321 Asbury, Francis, ‘ Auociqtc Nations, _ memorial may be erected tc, in public pum¤hme11tior0bstruct1ng,etc.,0fUnifA>d grounds, D. C .. .. .,., 1213 States in war prepamtions .. 534