Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/778

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mnmx. 2097 Immigrant Stalio»ns—Coutinued. P¤z¤· Imports of Merchand12se—Continued. Psse. deficiency appropriation for Ellis Island, licenses required for, of explosives in time _ _ buildings .. :.. ._ 24 _ ofwar . _ 3 87 privileges at, not to be mamtamsd by Gov· 1 0 of mtox1cat1nl$01`l11t¢}uors for beverage puremméllt .. 7 P08$ ited durin the war, etc. 1047 Immigration purcau, Department of Labor, prohibition gn, of wheat, etcg, authorized. 1350 appropriation for Commissioner General, rates of duty on, of minerals etc. for war Assistant, clerks, etc . . .. 810, 1263 , may be dxed by the for Division of Infomation .. . . . 810, 1263 ..,,.,, , .,,,.,,... 1009 for blgilgings, etc., Ellis Island station,69 unlawful lpresent war, of articles . ...- 1 695 ro `bi the President , . . 422 for Philadelphia, Pa., station. . ’ 170 reguliitions, etcqliillowing ,_,_,_________ 422 for expenses of enforcing laws 170, 695 no preference to ports ,,,_,_______ _ _____ 423 station privileges not allowed by Gov- 0 Improvements in Manufactuire, etc., Navy, ernment .. 17 rewards to civilian em o ees for suggesr for Montreal office, rental of quarters 696 tions of valuable}; . .1 .. 718 expenses, custody of German crews to Inauguration of the President, tbie charged against 1917 appropria- 696 appropvréatioii) for g1dbsistence(;sxpenses of Ou ...·...·... est oint ets atten in .. . 51 deficiency appropriation for immigration for transportation expenses ... 54 expenses .. T _ . . 24, 32, 381, 1040 Income Tqx, ]917, _ I for Ellis Island station, reparrs, etc. . . .. 24 appropriation for Deputy Commissioner, for enforcing Chinese exclusion Act . 32 clerks, etc., on returns of . . 775 {0* Wa? °XP‘°`““€s» d°*°“i·i°” of iummed for expenses of asseming and collecting., 778 , %h°°”· · · : ·-··~·-···----········-· 216 amount for expenses in District of Imm=w¤¢=<z~ s>fAM¤·¤· , commba .. ws 3PP?0Pm¤°¤ F-)? all €XP€¤¤@ 1’€€u]$tm%hi170: 695 de£c.isncy appro riation for expenses, asf°¥' Pl’€V°¤tm8 ¤}¤1¤wf¤i °¤u'Y °f ‘ sessingandlbollecting former 4 Dm? 5i°P°”m8» etc -·-····-·-·-—· 170, 695 additional two r cent., on citizens or {01* mhmding head tax ··-·-·· - ·-·-··-· 17*% 695 residents diiiriug present war. 300 d£;i¤;1<->c<;¢:1 wma? gg;  ;&g12r 644 mmm, on séwes ot ma1vm¤£1é`é&Z , PP*'° · ceedmg' , ; rates ... 301 _ u1¤`m¤B ---··-·~·· --~· ?4»?>2»381» 841, 1040 amesment, payment, etc. . 301 alien anarchists excluded admxmion ... 1012 persona] exemptiom reduced _____ ____ 301 deportation after entry if found to be mmmsmqujmd _______________ __ ____ 301 member of excluded classes 1012 withh ld- 0 interest t t irrespective of time of entry ..,.,,__,,, 1012 ° hinggl H tu I 8 D0 301 punishment for returning after deporta- Jpp ca te lm muairy * I ¤¤¤» rfc —-—--·---¤—--:——·-—=-~—- M2 ° tKe£'§?m"° ""' °°“ “° " 302 demgpn on termination of rmpris- 1012 my r. I] er;8 ‘‘‘° I ‘ · 2 . . ‘‘' · ‘‘‘‘ · ‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘ rec 1p1ent ... . . 30 uhm r:ni1ii°g?t;’Bs°]n¥;§£u8?tg?¥L5i;3r; (ig additional four per cent, on corpomtionsn 302 Omemse subject to exciusiou .. . . 1014 ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤;<-mt, peymergttetc ·-..-.. Z .. 302 enlisting in Czecho—Slovak, etc., forces Credit Ewen for d}V1d°¤dB fm mcomc I against euemy· ..,, , : ,,.,.. : _.,,, I , 1014 t%¥6db§0YP°ri’·)t‘°¤Bii; ---·····---·- ; - 302 1f mentally or physicallyincapacitatedm not 8PP 199 6 to Om) 1c° 0* *}*9 Phil' service, not subject to head tax . 1014 1PP*P6 I¤1==¤d¤ ··-· ; ····-···-···-~~ 302 readmission after the war of otherwise ex- P°Ym€¤'€€ m sdvanpe by 1¤¤¥¤·um€¤t¤ P6" eluded aliens who have served in the United Of estimated mx, ··-·--·-·--· 326 Amy of the United sam, etc em ¤11¤¤¤¤¤¢¤ required; www ¤11¤w<=<i, nwsuiiy resident in me Umm sate.; .. 634 ew ---·---------·--------· - -----·--- 326 aliens having declared intention, and en- penalties for failure, etc .,...,,,,,.,.,., 327 listed for service in Czecb¢rSl0vak, y certificates of indebtedness and un- ' Polish, etc., forces attached to Amer- certified check, permitted . . . . . 327 ican or allied army . 634 cancellation of, assessed against gift of if having acquired physical or mental Charles L. Freer to the Smithsonian defect in such service . . 634 Institution ...,..,.,,,.,, , , , 181 exempted from head tax 634 proceeds from payment of, may be de- Impmkzl and Royal Austro-Hungarian Gov- in banks, etc.; conditions., 504 ernment (see Austria-Hungary). Incanuz aa: Amendments, 1917, Importers, _ _ _ _ sources of net xncome stated. . I . . 2 . 329 proclamation ordering licenses for, of desig- exempt from tax; proceeds of life msurance I nated food necessaries ... 1701 f pobgcies . . , 329 mpartr, ts, quests, etc. ... . ,.. 329 proclamation prohibiting, of designated iiberest on State, Federal, etc., obligaarticles; limitations, etc 1721 tions‘ exceptions ...,, . ,,.. 329 extended to all nonenumerated articles 1747 salary of present President, Federal requiring licenses; for, of sugar, etc .. S ]udf§es.ié ,... , _,,._.,...,.,... . restricting, o ma t iquor ... tate 0 cia ; exceptions ... ~. Imdzilgrits of Merchandise, deductions allowed ciitizens or residents, . 330 Ile;} spirits produced hereafter forbid- 308 interest paid on debts; exceptiond . . . 330 en entry .. gener taxes, except income an exproducts of Virgin Islands to States pro- cess profits 330 hibiting sale, etc ... . ... 308 i gifts for religious, charitable, etc., purnot applicable if for otherthan beverages. 308 I poses; amount allowed; verification. 330