Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/783

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2102 mmm. Indian Allottcea, Pm- Indian Department-Continue<i. _ P¤s¤ appmpiistion for hearhags, etc., to deter- ap*propr1ationforInd1anServ1cemspoctors. 567 mine heirsof ... 567 or determining heirs of deceased allotemploymeut of additional clerks in bees 567 Indum Oihce ... 567 clerks in Indian 0iHce; ... _ ... 56 7 Osages and Five Civilized Tribes ex- Osages and Five Civihzed Tribes ex- ~ cepteyl.: ,. 567 cepted. ._ .. 567 Indum Cmnmmwnm, Board aj for enco self support among In- Inwarogriation for expenses of ,,.,.. 566 seed, implements, 567 ·n courts, ctc . · .. a. roprintion for judges .. 566 repayment; limitation".; .. :. - . 567 dggciency appropriation for judges 31 amount for passenger velucles; llmlt. . 567 Indian Department, for reimbursing In ians for cattle deapproprmtion for Commimioncr, aaistamts, ¤troyed_ to prevent spread of contaetc., Indian Oiliee ,_,.,________,,.,. 794 gious dmeases, etc- .: _ . : 567 for expenses of the ..,.,. 561 for supgort, etc., of Iudmns m Arizona fw surveying, alloting, etc., at lands in an New Mexico ... 568 sevenlty ,,..,. 562 for schoql, For; Mojave, Ariz ... 568 repagnent from Indian moneys; avail- Phoemx, Anz ... : 568 ab until expended 562 Truyton Canyon, . ._ 568 use Arizona and New Mexico me- forin:1gution_system, G11a.R1verReserv¤.- f ····················· E- H); 562 f FWD- ······ : ···· · 568 or non exgensev amoun orunga onpumping o o

projects-? .. 562 ‘ River Reservation,   ... 568

for admmmtrauon expenmspi . 562 for survelys, etc, for additional water for qocpeughvn stream gsuging . 563 mvp y ... ; . 568 for IXHQBUOD engmeern, etc., uzvelipg for water supply, Papugo Indian v11- 568 expenses, etc ... 563 IT, AH! ~--------·-·~··--··- - · - · amounts avxflagae until expended __,, 563 for ic _00l facilities, N svajo Indians, 568 gygtging exc u ______ , ,_,_____ _ ,,,,, 563 UZ ----·---·--·--· · ·············· payment for floqi umm, ew.; uma: sea for water supply. N¤y¤i<> wd Hopi 1¤· for of ugmc ____ _ _ _ _ _ dmns on r@€rvation•j•· •··· · ···· _ • · · 568 pogession evidence of unlawful intro- f°*' G**%“d° P"°J°ct»liI;Il;’i‘;°]°.R°°°l "“u°n» 569 ugtmu; ut _,,_____,,_ ,,., 563 · ·y ; _ _ ······ ;··_· for mveu1;{0¤ of cou. for etc., Gi1stiR1ver, for un- 569 tagmus diseases, gm ___________ _ ____ 3 reserva 011 lands, e . . . . construction of new hospitals . @3 f°1' gm? rights f‘?1° Salt River Indian use for general treatment, ctc - . . . 563 *u°tm°’}“v ·········· : ‘‘‘‘ 2* ‘ ‘ 569 glkptmenttg hogpimb, c{;c_ _ _ 563 for water d1vertmg_ works, Gila R1ve1·

 °g]_g__________________ 564 R:66€rv“t}0u1Anz· ···· ·•·_ ···· •··_··• 569

am: we dumb ua blind mam 564 f¤r budge ¥»¤¤1¤ 0¤1¤¤<¥<> R~¤v¤r· Wm ugj§0¤ in publig _____ _ _____ _ , , 564 low, Arm ---· _- —·•·· · j ····•····•··· 569 education orchixam of me thm me for revwmz !>¤<¥z¤·, Lmiv 0¤1¤r¤d<> fourth rmum bmi mmm .- sm Rweo A¤¤·· !¤=¤b¤¤¤¤b!¤ f¤>¤¤ not gvgi]g,b]g for dgigngtgd mmm- , , 564 N¤V¤1¤ f¤¤d¤ ··-------------·· - · 569 for cgugtrgctign, atc., gchgql md gggnqy for fence between fspsgo Reservation, bmkppgs _____________ _ ____________ 564 Am., and Manco . 569 gupgrvjmgn gnd  ; gm. {Ot p\11’Ch886 Qi ¢8¥.18 etc., {Ol; $811 Carlos Playas, __________________________ 564 Reservatxou Imiums, Anz. . _ 569 heat and lightto employees .,,.,_.,,, 534 for lsbor, etc., for vqagon road, Kmbab

       pupils, _ , , 564       ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘  

obtaining employment; repay-ment of for birgidges, kujtlc Colorado and Canyon 570 expense, __________________________ 564 vers, nz ... . ... native Pupg, hvom Alaska _______ _ ____ 565 no reservation or additions thereto in per capita cost of pu ilu; dgmymim, New MEXICO and Arizona. hereafter tion or avenge enrogment .. sas exvept by Act of C¤¤g~¤¤ ---------- 570 for timber culture, em _________ _ _______ 555 for supggrt, ctc., of Indians in California. 570 for expenxg of mangas _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 565 for lm for hOm€l$ Indians, for school, etc, farms; mmem gud gmc];- for school, Sherman Institute, Riverside, theggsu; §g]d mgtmpg _____ _ _______ _ 565 Calif ····-···--· - -·~-·-····~-· · · - - 570 er provisions not up 'cable to for ' tion charges, Yuma Reservatio Menominee Reserva,(;i0u,pWis. - . 565 repayment . . . if 570 farmers to have competency C81’d£· for school, Fort Bidwell, Calif . . 570 capes; exceptmns; .. 565 Greenville, Calif . 570 for agmcuitural experiments, ctc . _ . . . 565 for roads, etc., Yuma Reservation, Calif. 570 for svgzphes; purchase, tnmsportauon, 566 for Hoopa. Valley Reservation, e ... _. . Z . 1 .; coun coo eration . 570 warehouses lmuted to three .. 566 for relief of agxcng Seminoles, for mlegraphing andjeleplromng 566 Fla.; construction of buildings, etc- 571 for costs, etc , Indmn smts; no att01·— for sup rt, etc., Fort Hall Reservation nqys’ fees-- .: ... . ... 566 Ingigns, Idaho ... . . 571 for cmqcn congmxssxon . 566 for irrigation, etc., Fort Hall Reservafor indmu pohge ·.. 566 tion, Idaho 571 for yudges, Imimn courts ... 566 for fulfilling treaty with Baxmocks, Idaho 571 for contingencies; specm.1 agents, etc 566 Coeur d’A1enes, Idaho 571