Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/827

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2146 nmmx. Mine Eaxplorums, P¤8¤· Mines, _ Pmappropriation for investigating causes of, excise tax on goroducts of, using prohibited etc L 145, 670 child la 1- ... . . 1138 deficiency appropriation for investigating may be taken, operated, etc., for public use 279 causes, etc ... 31, 670, 840, 1039 Mine: Bureau, Director of the, Mine Leasing Conference Report, provisions revulating manufacture, sales, afilxin mgnature of Senator James D. etc., 0F explosives in time of war, ihelan to, authorized .. 1589 subject to .. 385 Him Planter Sermbe, Army (see Army Mine M ines Bureau, Imerior Department, Planter Service). appropriation for salaries and general ex- Mim Rescue Cars, penses .. 145, 670 appropriation for purchase, equipment, for investigating mine explosions, methetc., additional 146 ods of mining, etc 145, 670 for operating; personal services etc.-- 146, 672 for investigating mineral fuels and unfor purchase of land for hemlquarters; finished products 145, 670 acceptance of donations .. 147, 672 for investigating treatment of ores, etc. 145, 670 deficiency appropriation for equipment, for petroleum and natural gas inquiries, etc ..,... . 840 etc , 146, 671 Him Scales, ctc., amount for lpersonal services in Disapgropristion tm- testing, etc . . 1260 trict of C0 umbis. ... . ... 146 de ciency appropriation for testing, etc"- 495 detail of Public Health officers for Miner, Edwin H, cooperative work with . 146 eusiou increased ... . 1404 for enforcing exzalosives regulations, etc. 671 Jlgwr, Elcazar L., , caucelation o licenses for viqlations". 671 mion increased ... - _ 1506 plgtinum, iridium, palladium, etc., lllgirul Fuel.: and Products, be] 1DC}11;<}Od...é . .E 671 a l'i3ti0!1fol‘t8Bt1]l8• , etc., ongmg° to perso servi esiu ' o umppmptiuiwd sum ,.. 145, 670 big. authorized . 671 mmm; Indmtnks, detail of publ1c henlth officeru for coappropriation for investigating economic °P°"*t“’° V°"k mth; ······—···--·· 671 amnopmm, e1>c.,0f . 14s,s·m ;g;¤;=q¤¤£=<;;sv¤¤{}};»:¤¤ ¤¢e¢z<;;¤%-·.--én{46» 671 ° ° 7 ’7 ”‘“°’“' L°"d E"‘""· · . suulzmtngicubumh, Pa ... 146, 671 allowed persons under age of 21 who are ru , fm, experimental mine Bmcem Pa 146 672

    • ·¤A¤¤v dmgmm -·-~··--. · -· **57 forcare to new buimg. “’ `Mé 672

suspension of residence, etc., requ1re· , for ming resale can °:‘: ’‘'‘ 146* 672 ·mma1m°nw"‘;££‘;B}i£‘ 2); *;:1* ‘. ‘‘‘' E1; 957 for 12;;; mspector, Alaska; per d1emf47 672 2;*;;.%*** ‘°' M7 md lm °°·=*“· ,4, so mmzs1‘ ;a;::.‘.‘.;;;; : ; : : :3 147, 672 0 --...- · not applicable to oil placer com so *0* *·;_;·g *<;;,_{·;{;·_$*¤gg?¤;_c;*¤;_n*gg·; not to affect oct relieving claimants in 343 lands ’ ° ’ P M7 672 . “’“”d °°"”°° -·-·-·- . ·-···- . ·-·--···· . rem `` rleta1”:1s"ol·liel¢:l- i3` ees ’ m mm mm u1m1Apnl 1, 1919. 1055 P°““'Y- · · P continued L 1917, 1918, ma 1919 1213 m° m W°‘h“‘g"’“· °1E""{4, 6,2 Mvwral Pew, Wu., _ _ _ sor comment Fuel Yau., nam-ice or oppropnatrou for public building . 109 (jolumbja __________ _ ______________ 612 Mmcral Prvdgwts (ue qlw Wpr G9¤¤¤<:¢¤. Bw-). oueldfth from District revenues .. 673 ¤PP¤°P¤¤·t{°¤ f°1‘ ¤§V¤¤*·*8¤·*·¤¤8» ¢·>*·¤-» b¢· for experiments, etc., of lignite coals and l¤¤8¤;$ ¥·¢>_U¤1¤¤d $¤¢¢¤ -·--- ; ---· 1**5. 670 post for commercial use . 1154 settlemenfi 0 clauyw fvf l¤¤¤6¤, Gm, 111 WP- plant, etc., to be sold on completiom- 1154 Rl$:§ d°'*g¤“t°d; ¤°°d°d f°' ¤°·' report of results to Congress. .. 1154 tw <i¤f¤¤¤¤ <1¤¤{¤z tim wv ------· 1274 aommy appropriation sor mbomemy Mineral Resources of the United States, equigmont, etc., quarters in new approlpriation for preparing report on 145, 670 buil ing ,., 17 Hinera Subslancu, for investigating mine accidents. . 31, 840, 1039 appropriation for investigating safety in for war materials investigations . 490 treatment of, etc., restrictions 145, 670 for mine rescue cars, equipment, etc 840 deficiency appropriation for investigations for mine inspection, Alaska. .,. 1039 of mimng, etc., for war materials. . . 491 for testing fuel 1039 1lina·al§ub:tanca andOru, printing done by private [parties allowed . provision for increasing supply, produc- from appropriation or explosives; tion, etc., of certain, for national $u1.¤tions . 490 security and defense 1009 Mines, C , Lfineral Waters, zones may be established about, to premternal revenue tax on sales by producer, vent sale, etc., of intoxicating etc., of bottled artificial 1116 liquors .. 958, 1047 natural Qt 1116 Mines, etc., { w:u· revenue tax on , not carbon- appropriation or iDV®$1g2.' , etc., use of ated, sold by producer, etc .. 312 P Pexplosives at ... .,. 670 natural, bottled, etc . .. 312 daiuctions allowed for degletion, etc., of, Minerals, in computing taxab e income of inprovisiou for increasing supply, produc- dividuals .. 1067 tion, etc., of certain, for national corporations ... 1078 security and defense 1009 regulations for use of explosives at . 386