Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/91

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1436 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sus. 11. Ch. 124. 1918. Hm D- ‘·?"°'°°*’· The name of Henry D. Loveland, late of Company E, Seventh . Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension I t at the rate of $36Jper month in lieu of that he is now receiving. ””°’K""h The name of ames Knight, late of Company K, Forty-third E.i‘;“J}°£§oI§‘.‘.}L“;73..lZ‘1¥“.L?‘f;2f. ‘¥‘°.§“·?'»a§*"' P? ’“"‘·"·"°°°‘°“ “° “‘° o a is no rece; . D°“°°° www The name of Denton Williams, late of Company B:q'I`]Eirty-seventh ?.°g‘“1°;“°fI£`od3““‘ V°'“i‘i."*°'1.I”f“‘}”’K; **1*2** my him “P"“i°" "° erao rmonm'u tt ‘ wr' . ,,§`s%;a‘§lI§$$’•,,g'¥_§ The name of Starlirig,0now hmzv: {sig W§;1`i1m§o kins late of Compan`y B, One hundred and eighteenth Regiment States Colored olunteer Infantr_E and pay him a pension at the rate mu www of $30 per month in lieu of that e is now receiving. ’ The Bzllib of {amos (hralhzgher, {elite of Comipany I, Eighty—first Regimen ennsy vania o teer him ' T wm at the rate of $50 per montlililn lieu ofailhtalryhznis gd; recegigglmou ‘ The name of Michael _T. Wertz, late of Company B, One hundred and seventy-seoond_Reg1ment Peunsfylvania Drafted Militia Infantry,

n1d0pvaIyeh;h1_a pension at the rate 0 $30 per month in lieu of that he

"“’“°‘“°‘ °"° ..3.*6 ¤·¤.§`$i?.:¤i:m*¤ °·.‘i»~*·*· hr ··* °°o..f"""t2?i e.,°¤·* hmm seven_ —e1g _ egnnen enns vania `t' Inf and pay l11ID._8 pension at the rate ofy$32 per month in lieiisof tlgizltlrlie is new reeei . - A‘H°°' The nam;1i>`§Thomas A. Pine, late of Compan B, One hundred and forty-fourth Regiment New York Volunteer Tnfantry, and pay him_:kpgeusion at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of that he is now Pugh- The RADIO of P h, of ° . . . . y D Fourth Regiment Missouri State Cavgglry, and pay him a pension at the rate of mgm $3r(H>er month m lieu of that he is now reeei . Mary eminem Comleaggrrig <g;i;‘yyE, %<&1tz§ll, yvido:vI<§dh»li·|§1us Boitzou, late of Pmimiummt and pay hex: a nsiorieali the rate ofl;25 perurlnzrfrthimwer Infantry, ima noo. Thenriitlmp Altic, late of Company K Thi!-ty,thi1.d R,,gi_ men ons o unteer Inf d him , ' v.-.;,1;.,,,, •>f,I$%g x:;·m¤¤;¤¤;hv§7¤a{§i¤¤ ogiurg oi;'Z¥O£eee;$;,};”‘°“ “" “h° '°*° . 9 611 c , te _ · Regiment Ohio Volunteer_Inf{nt1?y, ahd pd;Pli·iIi15i Etpeahngihlifxhzlihg CWB E mm rate of $30 per month m lieu of that he is now receivm . The name of Charles F. Deivert late of Com an B Im h d d and twenty-ninth Re ent P , 1 lp y ’ B un m pay him e pemion a%‘2 e °?‘é’6 ""“‘° V° “““’°‘” I""”“”'*’· *“"’ _ ra o per month in lieu of that he is Mmmm cm new receiving. . The nam f A1 d eighth Regaioéie officminirmiirrkidzilo °f C°mP°°y -H’ S°'°°?y' atm to f . . I'.Y»¤¤dP•1yhimapension Alvqmgg p, Hman-_ 6 m 0 $4g1P€r month in IIB!} of that he is now rgcgiv-in d The name of vanes P; Hen , late of Com any E Onglhunred and nmety-third Regimentmghio Volunteergnfant , and a mn D 1 hnecrrgieilpgnsion at the rate of $30 per month in lieu of thh{,he is gov}; Wg 838. ' ee'§.*‘;..£%1.13*»%E';te]Z¥ig.LE2.§»“ti¤3f ‘§"’“»£L"’ A, "Y°""‘“*""’ William A_m,.,,.,,,,_ ’“Efh‘jf§gg>$§ ¤$¤@h ingeu pr that he ispngw ,,.c,,{‘v,P,,°€‘}“‘°" “‘ “h° Regiment Kentucky Volnmhtgletdllilm, Iam of Company ’ Fm Tfifth t h 1- ounted Infant and a hum a Eglgicgérk pelrieiennznlsa e01£aIteeg1$?)(; rierhmonth in lieu of thatze is nov§rZ.ceiv111g` . om, as of com my 1§’F§§’l?i°n.“3dRd°P°°d°“° thm °’ @*****8 Iufrmtry, and paylher penhiou all the rate $$1;; mom; Ohmtwr on