Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/914

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INDEX. 2233 Publi: Bufldfnga-Contlnued. P¤8¤· Public BuiZd£ngo—Continued. PmapPr0&·1a,t.1on for Twm Falls, Idaho .. 111 deficiency up ropriation for Moultrie, Gu, 466 ¤1‘ 1’¤¤B,_P9· ---·----··-·-·-·.- . ..-.. 111 for Mount (Eemens, Mich ...,,,_,___, _ _ 5 for Valparmso, Ind . . 111, 636 for Musk 011, Mich., rent ... 348 for Vancouver, Wash ... 111 for New ggavcn, Conn .. - 5 for Vernal, Utah 111 for New Orleans La., customhousc .. 1164 fo1' V?1’¤0¤, TGX ·---·-----·--.-·.. 111, 636 for New York Y., customhouse ..,... 348 for Vmeland, N. J . 111 forN rt, 1%. I . . . 1024 for Vinton, Nebr. . 111 my Nigga Am., bridge ,,,,__,_,,__,__ 466 for Wahoo, Nebr ,,,,,,__,,,,,,,,,. , ,,,,, 111 for Pans, T’ex ... 466, 838 fo1’ Waldw, N· Y .·...-.·-. 111 for Tam Bay, Fla., quarantine station, 5 for Warrenwn, Va. . . ... 112 for W gton, D. C., buildings for use for Wualunfmn, D. C.; central heating, of Treasury Department 348 etc., p . ._ .. for zzbington, Ding., temporary quar- 'T'¥¢¤¤¤1g dmgs .----- Treasury ces, repau·s' etc. . . 466 'Butler uilding  : - .: . . 636 for Washington D. C., Bu:ea.u,¤t Eu- Trensuyy Annex Buxlding 636 and Printing ... 466 for Waahgngton, Ga ... 112, 636 for aahiugtzon, D. C., T1-emu;-y Departfor Waslungmn, Ind 112 ment Amex ,,,,,.,.,,,_,,__,,,,___ 466 for Washington, Iowa ... 112 for Woodstock, Ill .,,,...,., 5 for Washington, Mo . 112 for operating supplies ,,,, , ,_,,,,___ 5, for Wasl1i1¥t0n Court House, Ohio .. 112 30, 33, 379, 467, 825, 1039 for Water alley Miss ... . . 112 for fuel, lights, and water ,,,,,,,,,, 30, 838 for Waynesboro, ZVa 112 for iumiture, etc 30, 379, 838, 842, 1039 for Waynesbprg, Pa . 112 for general expenses . ; . . . 30, 379, 838, 1039 for Waynesville N. C .. 112 for constructing qnmmntine stations xmfcr Wenatchee, Wash ... 112 der Supervising Architect ,. 350 for West Point, Ga ..,... 112 for repairs and preservation ,. 379, 839 for Wilmington, N. C .. 112 for mechanical evxipment ... 379, 838 rent ... ‘ . 636 fo1·Gapo Charles, a., qmmminestntion. 467 for Wilmington, Ohio ... 112 for c0nstructln51man:nc hospitals, atc. . . 467 for Winchester, Mass ... 112 contracts an orized, or construction for Winnemucca Nev .. 112 by employees, etc .. 467 for Woodbury, K. J . 112 for vaulgs and safes 468 for Woodward, Okla 112 fol’P`foV1dGl1C¢, R. I., <¥uannt:inest;ntion. 838 for Wyandotte Mich .. 112 Bozeman, Mont., part 0 site conveyed to for Yoakum, '1{ex .. 112 mfg for alloy .. 957 for marine hospitals, improvements, eu:. 112, Durant, kh., usa, extended . . .. 391 636 Eatlouton, Ga., exclvmgo of, me authorized 1015 for construction, ctc., quarantine sta.- Eldorado, Kms., hmit of cost increased- . . 1158 pious ,,,,. . .. 113, 636 Eureka, Utqh, scgeptauce of title to site for repairs and preservqtiou. .: . ._ . 113, 636 emls, ores, etc 1154 for altering, etc., 0CC’l1¥1€d bmldmgs out- Nogales, Anz., post. 0Hicc, side the District o Columbia . . . 637 _ etc., to be 111 one bmlding  : . 1044 for mechanical equipment 113, 637 Prmcown, Ind., transfer of part of mw for for vaults and safes, etc ... .-. . 114, 67 RUBY ·..-... Z . - . 1156 for general expenses, skilled employees, Sacramento, Cal:; ccprt accommodamons etc., Office of Supervising Archi- to be provxgled m.: ._ ... , ... 1271 tech ,__,,,, , ,,.,,.,,,,..,,,,,.,. 114, 638 Steubcuvxllc, 01110; addmon to sites, aufor additional pay to Supervising Archi— th0nzed .. . 1271 tlect ,,_, . ,.,.,,,,.,,,,..,.,,,.,. 114, 638 Washmgton, D. C., for Tregzsuryi) Departfor superintendents, inspectors, etc. , on ment at corner ofMad1s0n lace and bmldulgg ,.,._,,,_,,,,,_,,_,, 114, 638 Peunsylvanna. Avenue . 295 . for mcchzmcal labor force ... 114, 638 conuucm authonzed; limit of cost ... 295 for contingent expenses, materials, etc. 114, 638 employment of eyppm, etc ... _. . . 2 . . 296 for Q0mXniBSi0¤B to . . . . . . . Z 638 Yonkers, N. Y., of cost of SIW ]B· for operating force; employees spam creased . , . Z ... 1155 ged _____,____,,_,,,,,.____,,_,. 115, 639 use offogmer up ropnauons, etc 1155 for furniture and repairs .. 115, 639 Public Buyldgngs am; D, C., _ for operating supplies, fuel, lights, wawiw 639 appropnstxon Eur add1tiona.l pay, officer 11148 854 ev: ...·.··.. , charge 0 ...·...-.. , available for furnishing steam for for supermtendent, ofice of . 786, 1240 operating pneumatic tubes, Postal for foreman, gardeners, etc .. 786, 1240 Se;-vine; pa. ment, for ,.., 116, 640 fo! W¤·UCh¤1GI\, GTA!- . . . . ._. .. _. 786, 1240 for Salamanca, E. Y., ground rent . 116, 640 for watchman, Waahmgtoxfs buthdejciency appmpriation, Caruthersvijle, plsgc . Z . 786, 1240 M0 ______________ , ,_,.,,,,_,,.,,.. 466 for contmgent expenses, umforms, etc 786, 1240 for Charlotte, N, (3,, peut ,,,_,,_ . ,, 347 amount from Dmtngt geveuues 786, 1240 for Chicago, Ill., post office, ctx: 1024 i0rtzmp0rax·y0iHcgbu11dmg¤,HenryPuk, for East St,. Louis, Ill . . 1024 _ for War and hu? Deparunents 787 for Evansville, Ind .. 348, 1024 for nmprovements an care of puks, etc 132, 658 for Fort; Stanton N , Mex ...,..,. 466 for Monument Gmunds, etc ,,,... 132, 658 for Hm-isbmg, 153 ,,,,,,. . ... 466, 1024 for P0tpm§c_Pm·k. . -_ ..·.·--·---...--- 133, 658 for Huntington, W, Va ,,.,. 1024 for mmntmmng pomons of parks for out-

0;- mumbmg, om .., 348 door sports ...-...-------·------- 133. 658