Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/976

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INDEX. 2295 Tickner, Agsgustuseg., Time, gtagdard, pgs, nsionincreas .. ,. 431 esta is edi f tal U `tgd t,g,t,w_ _ Zhxdeal Bonn Bathing Beach, D. C., advanced (dlxgolalotlrreliom 1:21; Suiday in 450 Tappropriation for establishing, etc .. 133, 659 March to last Sunday in Ocfgbeg in each ..,, , _,_________ _ _____ ¤1lp1‘0p1'istionf;:>`1;li•;u¢§yo£ procemgs, gt4;;,,§?é _; q¤;mm,m,,,•S€g,:; Eq *151 ¤¤¤¤\1f¤¢ 0 ·---.-. . .-··-···· 1260 P€¤¤1¤11 mvressed . ... Tiiahmw !#15¤M. Mgt. ’ Tmmqm, pwammh 0. (—»»oum;,, .1 1380 appropnatron for improvement of 253, TEEIISIOD Increased .. » .— . . . ; . t ·. . . 1. . 1527 _ unex nded balance reapptopriatei. 1277 provisions for increasing { produce T¤1l¤»¤><>k_1?;1, Orca., tion, etc., of., for mmmi seem-ny appropriation for improvement of. . 260, 910, 1285 and dgfgugg ____________ _ ______ _ _ _ _ 1000 prelimmary examination, etc., of, and T•°nc¢ures,_ - _ B-IVQQ, to be made. 265 war excise tax on mgdiciym], 0tc_ dd by Tdlman, Benjamin It., late a Senator, _ _ producer, etc ...,._ ,' ..,,,,__ 317 deiicxegcy sppropnatxon for pay to vudow 1037 Tmglqg, Mlluzm R.,

··········-- e ---·--····~~···- 61161011 mcr used . . ., 1

Tillman, Col. S. E., U. S. Army, retired, Tap tt, H GN. 422 S . M. . PM _ fm`!} » upermtendent, tl•tary Amdemy, penmou mqggggd ____ _ ________ _ _____ _ ____ 1498 may be promoted bngad1er general, retired 1348 Tnppse, M. T'¤1¤w¤Q. G{¤¢>t9¢ W. pensnon increased ... . ...,..., 1423 pensxon rncreased  : ... 1559 Tbh, Fred, TMM (M Mw Forest Servwel. pension .. 1471 cut from national forests may be exported Tmnium, from Smm °' T°mt°'Y ··········‘ 985 provisions for increasing su ply produc- · deduchons allowed for depletion of, etc., tion etc of for natgmaf security 1:; c3§uting taxable income of in- 1067 md'defé,;°_ _’ ________ 1000 V1 .¤ ·--·-------—-···------·--- mzennasa 0 woysa 6 ````` sf" of corporatmns . . .. 1078 · ’· ng 9 ’ ’ member Dqmgdawm, Public Lana, _ T§‘,,*’,*"°hF‘,,,,,,,,,"'°",,, ·· M-’°1 apgroprmtron for expenses, preventing. . 142, 667 pension ,],,,,,88,,0 ________________________ 1576 T' f"' G€'”‘"‘"“"‘ ·U“’· - nam (ne leo wu Re and Re condemnation authorized of t1mber,Nssw- Actzj 1918) V‘m“°· V¤¤¤¤ m1lls,` tc. f Arm , . . » . . . Smppggwgg, Em{;8;g’ appropriation for securing mformatron for Fleet Corporation , . ... 888 f .°°”“€ r°P°m*.°n ······ · ····------~ 803 oiiimals authorized to institute proceed- or mveqhpting mpmvcd m°th°d*’ of ,,,,,pi“,,,i§,;,,g,,g,;,,,· ·,,,,;,;,g ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ $ for ig»°e¤¤g¤mpgkii1t§:ihééé£éisM5gff I Z I jj 332 gursacoon or a1sa1L¤e°m1§i$}ZZZQ§{ZZ as ·¤1d1*i¤·2¤¤ ~v¢¤¤¤ °*¤mP*¤¤¤¤¢¤s¤*¤¤¤d me of nods, products em., mrmrizea. sas ;_*8?’°“**° ----·-·- . —-·-··-··--—-- 31101116 purchasers restricted ... Z . 888 ra Qxggggesgw Gmmtm ---·-·---- 312 return of proceedstoappropnations pro- mtggmogal silk mug'  : ‘ ·‘·· 313v 1118 ducing __________,_________ _ ______ gag _ P sw au nz .; - 313 for war purposes may be taken b depart- °° tu pmd mck °“ h¤¤<1$¤¤¤¤¤P¤¤¤¤- · 313 ments, etc., from national llxests. . . 990 Tobaw? Manu/¤¢¢u'¤`¤. sale, etc., of su lus not used ... 990 ¤;i€c1“l 19* 1mP°¤€d 011 $109 1>Yi1‘¤1¢¤ -·--- 1128 Timber Lands, C;4tf8rer, { mc] To K" »_ -,1*%* An d 1538 appropriation or investi tions or a» P€’¤¤1°¤ m¢1`(‘$B€‘ ---·-···--·---··-··- · · - - _ mat§ou of in any §tlnte 676 Togus, Me., Tzmber, ll/'ilgigtpnalfjllwesk, ti tmaun t npprgpgiggipu {gr gxpgngqt Volunteer approp non or reserva ve en __________________ testing, etc-? . 989 deficieno m;;>,pm(;>I:iE.tion for Volunteel·38’ 663 for appraismg, etc., for sale . 989 soclliiem Home _______________ _ ____ 484 Timber, public Lands, Toilet Preparations, permimion to citizens of Malheur County, excise tax on sales of, for use . 1125 Oreiié to cut, etc., m Idaho .. ;. 1321 wjarexcisetax on, sslesof, by producer,etc. 317 Modoc unty, Calif., to cut, etc., m To·tlet_Cases, T_ lagevggiai. .6 2. Y ... 1322 Tegcisge tax oxgbjigted, gought for use 1123 1 e eu. 0. . ., metoa allowance in Military Academy accoxmts. . 632 excise td: gn, soldlzlny proddcer, etc ... 1123 detail as quartermsster, etc., Military vrar excise tax on, sold by producer, etc- 317 Academ$ may be contmued ... 1347 Tmlet Waters, Time Measunng ences, _ _ wjar excise tax on, sold by producer, etc. . 317 no part of Army approprmtnonsktoipay oth- Tmyabe National Forest, Nev., cir? etc., usmg, on wor 0 an em-70 894 Tagipropriation for maintenance, etc., of.-. 988 ,P° ?° --—-·-·-·-- ···~···--~·-·- » O?/0, G fortifications appr-qprumons to {ay oili- appropnzggldn for ground rent of embasy 522, 1328 gnrgloetc., using, on wor of $0 1308 Tolaml, George VK, 1499 yee .. . pension increased naval appropriations to pay oiicezs, etc., ’ Toledo, Ohio, usmg, on work of an employee . 739 appropriation for improvement of harbor- . 257, sundry c1v11 approprxatmns to pay ofli- _ 909, 1283 cers, etc., using, on work 0 an em- Tolwer, John, P10Y€€ . . . . . 180 pensron increased ... . 1403