Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 2.djvu/987

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2306 INDEX. United States Courts—Continued. P¤¢¤- United States Court·v—Gontinued. Pmgpproprratiou forregularamistants, pay. 157,683 clerk of supreme court, D. G., to be paid for special assistants. . 157, 683 from fees of clerks ...,. 1035 foreign counsel. . . . ._ .. 157, 683 clerks; appointment, salaries, allowances, tor lfoeesdé clerks; suits by seameniw 683 com e;c. . ., 2)% _. . . . . 1182 n ,.._ _ , o Claims, pay judgesincreased, compep)s3tidA;n;es¤¤cted.i E-}.-? 157 C lm etécb A E .5 . 1157 useori nor yrngeesocer, 0 o ustoms peals, udgee supreme court, C . . 683 _ _ increased .. . 1157 for fees, commissioners, etc .. 157, 683 district courts; jurisdiction in actions jurors ... . . 157, 683 under State wor·kmen’s compensawitnemes .. . .. 157, 684 tron laws. , . , , 395 for rent of court rooms ... . 157, 684 _ exclusive of State courts ... 395 for bailiffs, etc . .. . .- 157, 684 dlBl'»TlC§ judges, gay increased includj for expenses, judges, etc -· 158,684 judges in orto Rico, Elawaii, arid for jury commimioners .. . ... 158, 684 _ _ _Alaska ... . 1156 for miscellaneous; Alaska ...· 158, 684 Jurisdiction to assist War Risk Insurance for supplies . ... ... 158, 684 Bureau officrals to obtain evidence, for support of prisoners . . . . .. 158, 684 etc ,,, 399 for pemtentiary, Leavenworth, Kaus. . 158, 684 claims for Army and Na insurance. . 410 · Atlanta, Ga ... . .. 159, 685 enforcing provisions of with the M1c:Neil!;.ls1and, Wash -. .5;). 159, 686 daEnemyfAg: i · .. 42 5 for atio '1‘rauung' or ys, vi tions ct acing common card 6 _ D. C . .. _. . , . . , .&é9160, 686 rjiers control . 457 e crency appro nation _ _ ju new gran rn ury cases; merely Texas nortllern distnct._._..»._...- 21 _ , , _ ed. . ._.·._. . 1181 for judge and clerk, Porto Rrcodrsbsctu 21 — judga; proviirms _ ‘ to..-,.. . 1157 for marshals- ..· . . 21,32,841,].040 salarres ofjudges, exemptirmnirrcomstax. . 329 for miscellaneous expenses . 21, subject to income tax . 1065 33, 34, 383,841,1040 search warrants; issue authorized for vio- . for supplies . 21, 33, 383, 494, 842, 843, 1040 _ lations of Federal laws, etc . 228 for support of prisoners. . 21, 842, 1040 suits against amociations for export trade for pemtentiarres, maintenance .-.. 21, solely, not complying with regula- 494, 834, 1035, 1040 tions, etc., to be brought in . 518 for Thomas W. Morgan . ... 21 terms of court, Abmgdon, Va- · 605 for judgments of . . 29, 378, 836 Alexandria Va - . 605 for ees, jurors . . 32, 834, 841, 1035 Amarillo, ‘1lex . ... 1270 ger fees, witnesges ... . - - 32, 381, 841, 1040 lrgrdlértpore, ... - - 604 or paymg' 'u gmmrt, rg ne a , a ... 605 portatrori Company . . . 837 Charlottesvillg Va . . . 605 for special amistant attorneys 32, 833, 1040 Cl11CkBBh%0l(18. .. 604 for fees, clerks .. . . 32, Danville, a .. 605 34, 381, 383, 834, 841, 843, 1035, 1040 Enid, Okla . . 604 for fees, commissioners ... . 32, Guthrie, Okla .. . .. 604 34, 381, 383, 494, 834, 841, 1040 Hamsonville, Va . 605 for inspection of grisons and prisoners. . 383 Hugo, Okla .. . 1184 for penitentiary, cNeil Island, Wash. . 383 Lawton, Okla . 604 for district attorneys and assistants . 493, grdynchburg, Va. ... 605 842, 1040 uskcgee Okla ... 604 for National Training School for Boys, Norfol , Va. . . ... 605 D, C ,,,,,.. . ... . . 494 Oklahoma City, Okla . 604 for ba.iliEs, etc .. - .. 841, 1040 Richmond Va. ... 605 Connecticut district, pay of district at- Roanoke, 'ifa .. 606 tomey increased .. . .. 1183 South McAlester, Okla. ... . 604 District of Columbia court of appeals Okla. - . 604 judges, pay increased 1157 Vmita, Okla .. . .. 604 supreme court judges, pay increased. . . 1157 Woodward, Okla .. 604 Michigan western district; marshal’s pay United State: Employee! Compensation Comincreased . ... 605 mission, Oklahoma districts .. 604 appropriation for salaries and expenses- - 125, 647 Virginia districts .. . ..-. 605 for payments from compensation fund. 125, 647 Texas northern district, additional judge deficiency appropriation for salaries and authoiized ---.. - ..--.-... 1183 U wdsexperéses . . 461 actions in, an enemy to en ni tutes gicers, the wal not allowedzueliceptions. . 417 desuignated, exempted from selective draft. 78 permitted if arising under license for Uni States Reports, _ domestic business ...- 417 appropriation for Gooperauve amnesty and ardon granted persons rmder Edition, Volume 1. .. _ ...- 1 56 suspended sentences, etc., d ...-.. 1672 for Lawyers’ Cooperative Edition, Volrupitemdesigrratedcases,prinrtoDe- ume62 .. . ... 682 cembe: 4 1916 1672 United Scam Securidu _ intent or application of ... , 1690 appropriation for reiunding two per cent circuit courts of appeals, pay of circuit bonds ... . .. -.. 119, 642 jugfes increased, ,,_,,..,-. ._ .. _. 1157 fordistinctive paperfor . - , . Z. . - , 119, 643 civil rel' anorded in, to tpersons in milr- deiicrency atppropnatron for distinctive tary service during e war 440 paper or .·.-.. L ..··. 4