Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1155

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 70. 1921. 1135 Frans or JUBORS, SUPREME COURT: For fees of jurors, $60,000. _ ’°'°”· PAY or narnrrrs: For not exceeding one crier in each court, of B“““*¤·°*°- office deputy marshals who act as bailiffs or criers, and for ex enses of meals and lodging for jurors in United States cases and of liilailiffs in attendance upon same when ordered by the court, and per diems _ of jur- commissioners, $28,000: Provided, That the compensation §;',y°“’c'j;,,,,,,,SS,0,,,,,,_ of each jury commissioner for the fiscal year 1922 shall not exceed $250. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES: For such miscellaneous expenses as pmM;';g”“°““’ °" may be authorized by the Attorney General for the Supreme Co1u·t of the District of Columbia and its officers, including the furnishing and collecting of evidence where the United States is or may be a party in interest, including also such expenses other than for personal services as may be authorized by the Attorney General for the court of appeals, District of Columbia, $15,000. orranrrrns AND CORRECTIONS. ,§};i*“°· me °°"* Boarw or Crranrrmsz Secretary, $3,500; assistant secretary and §,,,°‘f,‘},§f§l§?“‘*°" stenographer, $1,600; clerk, $1,400; clerk and stenogcrapher, $1,400; messenger, $600; inspectors—two at_$1,200 each, three at $1,000 each, two at $900 each, one $840; dr1vers—0ue (who shall also act as foreman of stables) $900, three at $720 each; hostler, $540; traveling expenses, including attendance on conventions, $600; in all, 20,740. $ For the maintenance of three motor ambulances, $1,800. nnromraroams AND coimncwrouar. msrrrrrrrons. B°'°”"“°°“°s·°*°‘ WASENGTON ASYLUM AND JAIL: Superintendent of hospital, aulrvilahiigtonilsylum $1,800; visiting physician, $1,200, two resident physicians, at $480 S““"°“‘ each; two assistant resident physicians, at $120 each; clerk, who shall be a stenographer, $1,000; en eer, $900; three assistant engineers, at $600 each; night watcgrl-han, $480; blacksmith and woodworker, $500; driver for dead wagon, $365; hostler and driver for supply and laundry wagon, at $240 each; hos ital cook, $650; assistant cooks——two at $300 each, one $180; trained) nurse, who shall act as superintendent of nursing, $1,200; two graduate nurses, at $480 each; graduate nurse for receiving ward, $480; two nurses for annex wards, at $540 each; nurse for operating room, $540; eight orderlies and two orderlies for annex wards, at $400 each; pupi nurses, not less than twenty-one in number (nurses to be paid not to exceed $200 per annum during first year of service, and not to exceed $225 per annum during second year of service), $4,450; registered pharmacist, who shall act as hospital clerk, $720; gardener, $540; seamstress, $300; housekeeper, $420; laundryman, $720; assistant laundryman, $450; three launclresses, at $360 each; two chambermaids, three waiters, and seven ward maids, at $180 each; tempor labor, not to exceed $1,200; operator of X-ray machine, $600; patlli-in-lbgist, $600; assistant for laboratory, $600; anaesthetist, $300; dentist, $300; m all, $33,855; _ H we nm Hosr>rrAr.: For provisions, fuel, forage, harness and vehicles and °s’” Xp° " repair to same, gas, ice, shoes, clothing, dry goods, tailoring, drugs and medical supplies, furniture and bedding, kitchen utensils, and other necessary items, including an allowance to the sulpierrntendent of not exceeding $360Hper annum for maintenance of ve clas for use in discharge of his o cial duties, $75,000; R _ bum_ For re airs to buildings, plumbing, painf , lumber, hardware, m_°°°"s'° “gS’ cement, iime, oil, tools, cars, tracks, steammieating and cooking apparatus. 83.000: