Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1344

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1324 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. C11. 127. 1921. elngeriments with reference to their introduction and cultivation in t country, $125,000 ; ,0§;§c§§1§;’@{§_S°°dS» For the purchase, propagation, testing, and distribution of new and ’ rare seeds; for the investigation and improvement of grasses, alfalfa, V clover, and otherforaige crops, including the investigation of _ the Frggljgéc and my utilization of cacti an other dry—land plants, $125,000: Promded, u-muon. That of this amount not to exceed $56,600 may be used for the purchase and distribution of such new and rare seeds; §»°,{’,°$,,‘§§‘ mn for Purchase and distribution of valuable seeds: For purchase, propagg;g'°S$*°¤¤ldiS"*b¤· gation, testingguand congressional distribution of valuable seeds, ` ulbs, trees, s bs, vines, cuttings, and plants; all necessary office - fixtures and supplies, fuel, transportation, paper, twine, m, postal cards, gas, electric current, rent outside of the District 0§uC0ll1II1bl8., oflicial travelin expenses, and all necessary material and repairs for putting up and distributing the same; for repairs and the employ- Sms atc adapted ment of local and_ special agents, clerks, assistants, and other abor mmuQm_" required, in the city of Washmgfon and elsewhere, $360,000. And the Secretary of Agriculture is ereby directed to expend the said sum, as nearly as practicable, in the purchase, testing, and distributtilpnbof niiph valuobggigeeols, btglibs, shrnbs, vinos, cutfingsil and plnlngs, e es ecano a u cor r1vatesae,an suc assa e suitable for the respectivld localitieg to which the same are to be apportioned, and in which same are to be distributed as hereinafter stated, and such seeds so purchased shall include a variety of vegetable · mmm. and_flower seeds smtab e for planting and culture in the various mgsutrsets pack. SGGUODS of the United States: r , That the- Secretary of Agri- ·m’“““¤· · culture, after due advertisement and on competitive bids, is authorized to award the contract for the supplying of printed packets and envelopes and the packetmg, assemb ing, and mailing of the seeds, bulbs, shrubs, vines, cuttings, and plants, or any part thereof, for a C_mgmSSiOua1diStri_ period of not more than fivedyears nor less than one year, if by such beam., acgpln he carnbest iprintect dp; mnenints (sigh?) United 3t&geS_ AD eq _ propor ion 0 ve—six 0 se , ulbs, shrubs, vines, cuttmgs, and plants shall, upon their reqluest, after due notification by the Secretarly of Agriculture that the a lotment to their res ective districts IS rea y);or distribution, be supplied to Senators, lite resentatives, and legates in Congress for distribution among their constituents, or mailed bi the department ugon the receipt of their addressed franks, m pac ages o such weig t as the Secretary of comms to be Agriculture and the Postmaster General may jointly determine: m,k,,d,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_ Provtded, however, That upon each envelo e or wrapper containin packages of seeds the contents thereof shalllbe plainly indicated, an§ Salmon Bm. the Secretary not distribute to any Senator, Representative, or ’ Delegtnte entirely unfit for the climate and locality he represents, but s all distribute the same so that each Member may have seeds of may mam, ais. equal V8—l“°, as mmij as may lm, and the best adapted to the locality maxim. he represents: Prmnded,_That the seeds allotted to Senators and Representatives for_ distribution in the districts embraced within the Distribution of my twenty-fifth and thirty-fol11'th hgarallels of latitude shall be read fol' ansi-zo: uitzmaas. delivery not later than the 10 day of January; Provided also, That any portion of the allotments to Senators, Re resentatives, and Delegatesm I1-rmalning uncalled for on tge lst day of April shall be dastributed by the Secretary of Agriculture, giving preference atagnrstrtazaaa ?.?‘}>§S§%“§iE°§£ "““i§‘i?.§}§;i§ 1 d the same season been sup `ed b the de siigxiilelntz And .,e,_°m mp also, That the Secretary shag report; as proviged in this Act

, quantity, and Since of seeds Eurchased, and the date of

p ; but no _ in is beccmstrued to prevent the Secretary of Agriculture rom sending seeds to those who apply