Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1348

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1328 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Snss, III. Ch. 127. 1921. N¤*>¤~=¤·N¢b*· Nebraska National Forest, Nebraska, $1,165; and to extend the {’.g,’§°-mes to md work to the Niobrara division thereof, $5,000: Promded, That from landresidents. the nurseries on said forest the Secretary of Agriculture, nmder such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, may furnish young trees free, so far as they may be spared, to residents of the territory covered by "An Act increasing the area of homesteads m a portion of Nebraska," approved April 28, 1904, $6,165; N¤vm,N¢v. Nevada National Forest, Nevada, $2,249; Nezperce, roam- Nezperce National Forest Idaho, $25,690; ocmm, omg. Oeheeo National Forest, Oregon, $6,451; olympic, wash- ()]ympie National Forest, Washington, $16,598; oregon, Oreg. Oregon National Forest, Oregon, $20,409; °¤¤k» Mk- Ozark National Forest, Arkansas, $9,030; Perm, mam. Payette National Forest, Idaho, $17,887; Peud Oreille, mane. Pend Oreille National Forest, Idaho, $20,074; Pike, cme. Pike National Forest, Colorado, $13,373; rxumr, cam. Plumas National Forest, California, $24,203; rowen, van. Powell National Forest, Utah, $1,010; Prescott, Ariz. Prescott National Forest, Arizona, $6,255; Rama-, wm. Rainier N ational Forest, Washington, $13,035; me Grande, com. Rio Grande National Forest, Colorado, $7,157; noaa, wo. Routt National Forest, Colorado, $6,585; Salmon, mano. Salmon National Forest, Idaho, $6,177; san Isabel,C0l0- San Isabel National Forest, Colorado, $3,924; san rm, com San Juan National Forest, Colorado, $9,257; sa¤¤=·B¤rbm,¤¤¤if- Santa Barbara National Forest, California, $10,774; sam rr, N. uu. Santa Fe National Forest, New Mexico, $17,040; sanaam, ore;. Santiam National Forest, Oregon, $7,852; sawmoth, one Sawtooth National Forest, Idaho, $4,953; saway, mana Selway National Forest, Idaho, $47 ,367; sequaa, cam. Sequoia National Forest, California, $13,744; 8hssta,Ca1if. Shasta National Forest, California, $17,425; Sl"°“h°°°·l"’°· Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming, $7,381; S{°¤‘°· Cm- Sierra National Forest, California, $15,750* C,;‘{§,’T°"°“· °'°”· ‘“" Siskiyou National Forest, Oregon and Caliiomia, $16,360; g;;§rlxe?, Ark- Srtgreaves ational Forest, Arizona, $8,341; Snmuémmgvwh Siuslaw National Forest, Ore%<én, $6,042; Mmmm éau, ‘ Snoqualmie National Forest, pshington, $13,566; Sm,,0e,;dBh°_ Stanislaus National Forest, Califomia, $14,697; Sumo; mm Saint {loo National Forest, Idaho, $32,026; ,,,,0,, ’C,,,,,_ and Suplenor National Forest, Minnesota, $9 809; Ngéww imo md Ta oe National Forest, California and Nevada, $16,337; wire Targhee National Forest, Idaho and Wyoming, $9,558; °‘°”· ww Teton National Forest, W oming, $4,404; T°*Y°b°· N°"· Toiyabe National Forest, Nevada, $3,694; T°“¤“s» ““‘°· Tongass National Forest Alaska, $21,566; '*`°f‘{°» M'; Tonto National Forest, Arizona, $7,685; '*`“‘”‘Y· °°**{· Trinity National Forest, California, $19,484; Tf‘“°Y"“· Am Tusayan National Forest, Arizona, $8,819; cum; U'“*‘· Uinta National Forest, Utah, $4,555; U"°°°“°· 0***- Umatilla National Forest, Oregon, $10,627; gm¥"1““· Omg- Umpqua National orest, Oregon, $13,509; “°°¤‘P°**¤°» °°'°· Uneompahgre National Forest Colorado $6 690· wauowe oreg W · ’ ’ ’ ’ · · allowa National Forest, Or on, $9,617; w“‘“‘°*f· Utah Wasatch National Forest, Utiili, $5,000; WeS*=i=~*¤¤·» W>·<·· Waqiralne National Forest, W oming, $6,726; groshinztuu. Wlsb- washing-fn National Forest, Flisbington, $7,642; °’“'· I‘*"’°· Weiser ational Forest, Idaho, $6,493; "°"*°°h°¤· W“**· Wenatchee National Forest, Washington, $14,075; “'“°’“"·¤°'° White River National Forest, Colorado, $6,272; ‘““”'“¤· °*'°¤· Whitman National Forest, Oregon, $25,201;