Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1468

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1448 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cus. 176, 177. 1921. .C<>¤¤¤¤M¢¤* i¤“¤d*°# to the concurrent jurisdiction eed to by the States of Minnesota ggdzlxiynuommmd and South Dakota, as evidencgdrby the act of the legislature of the State of Minnesota apgréoved Apiril 20, 1917, and the act of the legislature of the State o uth Da ota approved February 13, 1917. Approved, March 4, 1921.

 CHAP. 177.——Ioint Resolution Relieving and discharging from the ine imposed

[P“l’·R°“·· N°·6°·l by law and authorizing the payment of messengers appointed bgxrthe electors of cer-

 to deliver the electoral vote of such tates for esident and Vice

en . P'°“‘“b'°‘ Whereas certain of the messengers appointed by the electors of certain States failed through incorrect legal advice to deliver to the President of the Senate the certified copy of the electoral vote of such States for President and Vice President; and Whereas certain messengers learning of this erroneous advice delivered such certificates after January 24, and before the passage of this eso ve y thenate a ouse 0 e esentatives o t nite %°°‘zT$°£“f°i‘Z %" i“ ...1 H ,· R ,· M U tz iggmmmdhigw States of America in Oemgress assembled, Tliigt messengsrs who failed §§;°'*,,,1€§,€§°q‘t*L’°?;} to appear should be relieved and discharged from the $1,000 fine P°“*“Y»°t°· for such neglect imposed, and that the President of the Senate be directed to authorize the payment of such messengers as appeared on or before January 31, 1921. Approved, March 4, 1921.