Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1531

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INDEX. lxm Diplmvwtig and Consular Ser·vice—-Contd. Page. Diplomatwk: and Consular Service-Contd. Page. appropnauon for Passport Control; fees for exchange of legation premises at Bangkok, application and visé of alien pass- Siam, authorized . . ... 352 _ P91'tS_ -··-·--. . . T .. 751 Diplomatic Officers, Limitation of passports or ... 751 appropriation for instruction and mmsit return of fees to citizen if visé_ of pay ,_,__,_,,,_____,____________ 740, 1205 passport refused by officer of foreign for transportation to and from posts. . 742, 1208 _ ¢0¤¤¢1’Y ··--------·--------··· _ ·--·· 751 for paying heirs of, dying abroad. . . . 743, 1209 issue of passports under declaration of for ringing home from abroad, remains mtentwp, etc., repealed . 751 of .,,,, 743, 1209 for Intematxonal Congrem Against Alc0— for post allowances to meet living holism . ... t . .: . 1217 d H _ costs. . .. _ ... .. 749, 1187 no paymen ere om or ren in e cienc a ro nation or transporta· United States . 1217 nel;. - FH . R .. 62, 64, ea, 346, 348, 523, payment for personal expenses, etc., 1021, 1022, 1160, 1186, 1191 at international meetings forbidden. 1217 for post allowances, ,,_,,__,,,,________ 346, deficiency appropriation for contingent 5?A, 1022, 1043, 1187, 1191 &Xp6¤B€S, CODSUIBJQGS ... 43, for bringing home from abroad rgmgiug 62, 66, 346, 348, 524, 1022, 1039, or ... . ... 1021, 1043, 1160, 1187 1043, 1045, 1160, 1187, 1191 for instruction and transit pay . 1042 for contingent expenses, missions". 43, 66, 346, Director General 3 Railroads (see Federal 348, 523, 1022, 1042, 1160, 1187, 1191 Railroad ontrog. for relief, etc., American seamen 43, Director, Investayation ureau, Departmmt 62, 64, 66, 346, 1022, 1160, 1187, 1191 of Justice, for transportation, diplomatic and con- appropriation for, etc .. 207, 921 sular officers .. . 2;:12;. E. B 1032, Director ofFinmw;, War Department, , , , , 1, a. ro riation or tem employees, 1022, 1160, 1186, 1191 pp Poffice of . . . . . . . 893 for consular salaries ... 62, 66,346, Director of Naval Ccrmmunnbatiom, 524, 1022, 1042, 1045, 1160, 1187, 1191 appropriation for expenses, 05ce of ... 149 for clerks at consulates .. 62, Director of the Camular Sermbo, 346, 524, 1022, 1043, 1187 appropriation for .. 643, 1263 for emergencies ... 62, 329, 1043 Director of the Mint, Treasury Department, reimbursement of Peace Commimion appropriation for, examiner, mayer, expenses .. 329 clerks, etc ... . . 651, 1272 for Bureau of Weights and Measures 66 for freight on bullion and coin - . 651, 1272 for salary, ambassador to Belgium .. 329 for contingent expenses .. . . 651, 1272 for Interparliamentary Union, Promo- for examinations, precious metals station of Intemational Arbitration. . . 329 tistics .. 651, 1272 for post allowances ,...,.. . .. . .- . - 346, Directorates, Interlocking, 524, 1022, 1043, 1187, 1191 holding position as officer, etc., in more for secretaries, diplomatic service,. .- -. 348, than one carrier, unless authorized 523, 1039 by Interstate Commerce Commisfor relief, etc., destitute Americans in sion, unlawful . 496 Mexico . . .. 349 Directors of National Banks, for salary, minister to Finland ... 504 residence required, extended to fifty miles for International Railwag Congress .. 505 of location of bank. . .. 1199 for International Prison ommission . 505 stock ownership required .. . . . 1199 for salaries, ambassadors and ministers. . 523, Dinyibles (see Aviation, Navygim 1186 Disabilities, Civil Service Emp eu, for chargés d’affaires ad interim .. 523, 1022 provisions for annuities to employees befor clerks st embassies and legations. . 523, 1187 fore reaching retuemenliye, for 616 for consular assistants. .. 524, 1187 Disability Cozymuatwn, Army Navy (ace for interpreters and guards in Turkish also s.rRisk Insurance Act Amenddominions . .. . . . 524 melltl), _ for consular prisons, etc 524 allowed persons inducted byjlrait board. for International Badiotelegraphic Con- but not enrolled for active service . . 372 vention . .. 524 rates for tot? and temporary . for re esen interests o foreign' partial' an mporary .. Gggzyumgggg __,______,__,,_ 524, 1022, 1043 mm and permanent; double total perfor bringing home from abrom remains gnanent ... 373 of diplomatic and consular officers- - 1021, partial and permanent . . I . 373 1043, 1160, 1187 schedule of ratings: basis of .. 373 for International Geodetic Amociationn . 1021 Disabled Soldurs, Sazlors, etc., _ _ for Sixth International Sanitary Confer- attendant allowed in cases of specific disaguce,,__,,,_,___ ,__,_____,__ _,.__,_ 1022 bi]],ty§;§§(X)gu;q¤thfor]¤5gfbot,h 275 for inte reters etc., at consulates .. 1022, e es, s, or feet .. . . rp ’ 1039, 1043 provisiolzs for Federal to, extended to for instruction and transit pay r. 1042 _ all other war serv1ce,_etc ... 399 for boundary line, Alaska and Canada Dwbarment Rrocudmgs, Intenor Department, and United States and Canada . 1187 appropriation for expenses of testimony,. . 202. for Panama Exposition. . .. 1187 _ _ _ 916, 1405 for consnlarinspectors, expenses . . - - 1191 Dulsbursing Agents, Induzin Sermce, appointment of ambassador to Belgium, may authorize clerk in office to perform authmzized ,,,,, . . . . . ..,.. 291 duties, etc . .,,,,,,,.,. 414