Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1547

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INDEX. lub; Farm McmagerrwntandFar1n Economics Ojfice, Page. Federal Board for lbcateional Education- Page. llcpqrtmenc of Agriculture, Continued. appropriauon for salaries .. 236, 695,1315 appropriation for; pav restriction 1379 for general expenses _ . 236, 695, 1316 deficiency_ eppropriation for expenses, refor farm rnanagement and pracnce ha,l51l1tation of discharged disabled 5, sol iers, et 328, 1020 deéeienoy g,ppropri3.t,ion for general ex- pay reotriotio(i1s_ , . . . 328 p€¤S€S -.---··--- - - . - ; --... 1187 for vocapmnal rehabilitation expenses. . , 504 Farm Pgdzgts (see also Agricultural Food for salaries and expenses ... 1187, 1191 ro uz:t.s, etc.) _ a<ld.itiona.l hospital racilities rovidod for appropriation for inyiestigating utility of, patients of Rehabilitation Division for food, c;loth1ng, et,c . . 262. 7 2], 1339 who served in World \V:1r . . 1365 for diffusing informauon of marketinz, additional pay allowed trainees for support, C . . . 264, 723. eg., under exceptional circum- 1021 11 o er genc s . . e. , s nces. .. 724 1342 limitations 1021 studies to prevent deterioration in ’ extension of vocational rehabilitation of, transit, em . 72-1, 1342 disabled discharged persons who for investigating and certifying condition served in military or naval forces of permlmble, etc . . . 265, 724, 1342 during the war 159 for coogeratzve employment of agents to appropriation for expenses . 159 di use information as to marketing, persons notified of eligibility for training, F S etch, of .. . . . 266, 724, 1342 io forfeit bsfiefits if not commencing 3 arm upp ws, mreasona etime . ... 1 79 appropriation for dJlE\1Bi1lg information as maximum time permitted, except cases to purchasing, etc ... 264, ’Z 23, 1341 _ of phfymcal mcapamty . 1379 Farmer! Bullezim, _ provisione or promoting vocational reliaappropriation for printing and binding 229, bihtatiou of persons disablerl in in- 942, 1430 dustry. etc . . .. _ . . . 735 Farmers, Qooperation Anymg, _ _ appropriation for expenses, investigaappropnnuon for studies cf, and d1Husing 266 I hops, etc.; pgrnrestnguone ..6. 737 injormatiouasm ... surp us J rmy mac e too s, etc. 0 e Farmers’ Cooperative Demonstration Work, transferred to, without cornpeneuappropriauon for, outside cotton belt . 261, {mn .-- 504 . 720, 1338 itemized statement of, etc., to be made. 504 for meeting ravages of cotton boll weevil, Federal Control of Telegraph and Telephone {lm-tary ````` 13'ié ````` v§g1’720' Lisig (1 sa · Sy$zm’ · ea 1 rating aevo un con u one accep . - .., e ciency appropria. on or ope " ,1 3 · .,.. 1021 Farmer! Institutes, *20 3 S Federal C€d12;·t‘g21;1;drts and Digests, Fappropgtrion for reports, etc .. 261, 721, 1339 appropgation for continuation of Freégeréilq lin armer.s’ anizatakms, etc. eporter . . . - . 1.- · use of an%itrust appropriations for prose- for two sets, Volumes 229-264 .. I , 208 cutting, forbidden ... 208, 336, 922, 1411 for two copies, Federal Reporter Digest, Farming Implemenzs, etc., Yolo. 10 and 11, for district attorney provisions for securing adequate supply, New York southern district. ... 922 preventing injurious speculation, Federal Farm Loan Act Ammdvnents, etc of duri v the war . . . 297 Board to appoint. farm loan registers to re- F punishnienl, for xgglations oi . . . 297 d ceiye uppl{¢2at,io§ahot,<· . . .. unniingmn N. Mex., cpu y mus ers; in es . Z ... . oi upproprialzion for reconstructing approach land bank arpprmpers and oxanuncrs pill to Indian bridge at, across Sun Juan 0 other employment resmvtml . .· ,. .».0 River, _ ,,,,,,,, , .,,..,,,,..,...,, 1,.39 not g,pph<~3hlg no tempcmty oniploy- 5-0 Frzrmv 09** .. .._..: . . . 4 " · ~ · · · · farm loam associations: np licntions for sppm?l;1u;2@(;:i\g;€i1od;T1 ?;1. fi 1340 to beinvestiguteg by loam 570 for 12,;_eSt:§3t1ug domestic WMM $$21%;% 1341 favomble unanimous report required for 5 0 Fam H¤~>~bk Nm R·» mifiigliee ieiiiek Leek wml applicae deiciency appropriation for c0ut€6t€d €l9<‘· 1180 . don ______________ _ ____________ , _ , , 570 HOU EXPBDBGS · ················‘·‘‘ authorized to fix charges for loans; Farrar, Robert W, _ nuns. . , ... . .. sfo deficiency appropriation for services .. 1180 gqqmre gud dispose of property . . in 0 Fayette, M0., loans by land bpnks; amomzauon 9·g1'€¢· __ ¤m¤¤pri=¤¤i¤¤ for public building .·.-- - - - 164 ment required- . Z A e . 1 Federal Board for Vocaziorzql Education, advancetgpisymente mter ove yesirs not 511 gppropnatiou for add1t10D3l 8¤10U¤t fo!' _ ---· ; ; ··---····-·· · --·· · ‘ ‘ ‘ ,,;,1 expenses _____ _ _____________ _ ____ 178, 887 dgteymmapon or gurgrggt r3tg_ _ ,,_. . . . . E3; PSV r&.triCtion_ _ _____ _ _ ________ _ _ _ 178, $87 103;],5 gpthegzgd; pmphgge ]3¤d_ _ . {ji]. for additional amount for rehabilitation, _ g!'QV`1§l€ f¤{I¤ €q¤‘lpm9¤¥». Gigi} —-—-- — · · 9;% etc., oi discharged soldiers, etc . l3·9 ¤1-ld1!}€'S, 1mPTQ\ 1¤§ff·¤’¤% *5 -·-·--·· °· serxices to trainees not provided by W9 pay prmr debtgtznvurred M as-*¤¤¤¤¤¤¤\ 5_1 ra? it-Rmk Bm°°°"i ```' {5 ````'`` A farm · ¢1ée{eh§{¤leo2»¤e .. 571.1362 ° mg ‘“““ *9* ?d“‘“""° p°”°“S - · · ’ 1 · me ten · em was undergoinggummng; repayment 13·9 1 minimum term not onger n ye .