Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1555

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INDEX. lxxxvii Food Control Act Amendments-Continued Page. Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau, De- Pegs. former punishments for specified offenses, pqrtment of Commerce-Continued. tigpezlid _ . appro;1r1ationfordp1romot1nganddevelopi1(1,•§9 1298 con ue or prior ac oreign an omes IC commerce-- , provisions under, for licensing, etc., sugar, limit for_branch offices ... 679 sirup, and molasses, continued until for promoting commerce with South and December 31, 1920 . 386 Centra.1 menca 679, 1298 Food Cogrol and District of Columbia Rents for gomoting commerce with the Far ez, ast 679,1298 provisions for food control . .. 297 deficiency appropriation for commercial atreuts, District of Columbia. . . 298 l$8»ChéB . . . . 524 Food Materials. for promoting commerce 524, 1040 appropriation for coogfgtive study of qllowance for expenses of branch offices. . 213 methods of dehy ting 254, 713, 1332 limit for branch offices increased . 516 FoodPfo41w{8, A9"*¥·’¤huTQl, _ Foreign Books, etc., spproPr1¤·§1¤¤ for 1¤Ve¤¤8¤¤¤8 market e°}1}é4 1342 copyright protection oi, modified ..,,, 369 dmons, supply, etc., of . , Foreign Commerce, for diffusing information of mar et1.n%4 1342 common @1,1,181,8 b water, of American etc., nonmanutactured .1... 265,7 , registry to EL schedules of 1111111118 studies to preyent deterioration m dams, ports routes em. 1 497 °°°'°‘g°;,1°`°°?1t* °t° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 724 to give specific rate to rail carrier,. 02.31}; Fwd P"°d?"€°1 m°"¥°°"* · - . phcation of shipper . .. . . 497 ¤PP¥°P¤”·¤°” f°' m"$’mE’*ting ?h‘“m°°r reservation of space, etc., if offer so- °*F·· *°“?’ °PPl%°d m *°‘°‘g” °°“;‘12 1331 cepted 497 mes t°· m’P°ctm8» etc ···· · 253· * modifications, etc. to be Sled. 498 F¤¤dP*e1€1¤>{·% “°·» . . . . . regulations to be prescribed ..., 498 “""’°"§£“‘Z»’2 £‘§¤Z’3‘iL,°g‘¤.¤°°l ""”"‘%“?12 132.1 111*·¤¤1;§g¤ ¤1 ggggg1s» ew-, ¤> ¤1»1i»i»ié ‘· ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ * 3 s pu . - . 498 F°°d—'» D"“9*» dce . . . . torail cnrri appropriation for chemical biological iné53 712 c°g§;.1b111101Y?f_ 1 1 1 Y‘”°8°l‘°'l °f ‘·‘‘····‘‘‘ t ······ {Q1 * regulations, ctc. to be made- .. 498 fe? mvegilgating “‘d“1t°’““°““» °° through bill of for co ‘ gut { 3s¤<1·¤z» sc ------- - ---·--- 334, 712· 1331 which .p..c.,, te. .m;‘.?.?3‘“‘,.,,,,,.2;,' Fo0d—*» ac? D' C" . · to be issued C8!'X'i8l‘, , , , _ s,ppropriation for_ detecting adulterations, 1131 an chmges, 1,11101 to be named se my. 498 F 1 jf:l‘;cb'°“dmg· °t° ····· · ····· 901860* mil carrieir not liable after delivery to 1} -» , , . . . vesse ... . ...,, , _,_____ 498 doiicxeney =11>p¤>p¤11¤¤11f·1r 111v¢33*1s¤¤°¤° provision for limited liability or wm, gf production, manufacture, etc-, of, mma to be made __________ _ _ . 1 1 1 _ 498 _ a¤<lbY-P1’9d11¢*e---; ·-~-·· ···.·· 328 delivery of shipment to vessel by you disposal of t1our m possession of Gram sul; c“.1,1e1__ ________________•__·_'___- 498 1>01j¤¤°¤» ’ml·h°¤z°d *° ’$’h°v° tc 548 issuance of, not "an arrangement for conenng E¤{°Pe¤¤ P°P2I“3?a¤f· G " _ tinuous carriage or shipment" ,.., ., 498 F°°' 'md F. 1 * °t°" n 1m’Es1_111g F°"“9'” C‘?“’}”"”» . . . ¤pp1‘¤P§:¤°¤ °’ em°’8°“°Y “’*’· 269 718 1345 appmpnaucgzofor myestxgating production ~-·~- · -··· ; ··-········· · · ’ eum in , ...,,,, , _,____ P¤Yme¤* fe" =11111111*¤ d°”“°Y°dg69’,?59 1345 article: f<ll·eNevfr not to bggurchased in, ii 1433 z>¤1¤11¤fr3*11<3• ·---··--·- ·· . $(1 -269 obtsinab e in Um som at re,. ¤11€¤Pe¤ded bdmces '°'·Pl”`°P"“t 7;,9 13411 sonabk; prices; excpption .. . 157 ’ exemption 0 BB.lZ\l1'€B 0 merchant ships F C? ’ • · l . _ (:1Tg;¤P¤’¢§;l°¤ mr i‘“"°“ig”i”g .. l . 527 for improvement, etc., of 1. . . 245, 704; 1324 in°;°u?;“m°9 °: ;*:;?ét?§rs11 2611; 527 for investigating insects affecting. 256, 715, 1334 s1‘:f°‘m“t0 enter appearance ctc , 527 H¤¤311111 HY wd chmch b“g: ‘··‘··· 256* 715 arrangement for sureties on creliitoivnited Hessian flcy,grasshopper,chmch bug,. 1334 SmwS1_·""1"_" 11 527 Forage. Marine °'P·" t s‘ d ; 'im·m ```` ‘ ```'` *`l ¤Pg'9Pl’i“ti‘;“ f‘;;·· 1;); ‘ 832 paymeellicgclll. fl? . gr? 527 de Clegg; bgg.11 ¥9.20_ _______ i ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1170 Foreign Financing Operations (eee Federal Fmdbk Emry a,,1dDe1a1;m,,.’ D_ CW Reserve ct Amendments). summons for, oi zmy_real property, to be Foreign Governments, _ _ issued by mumcrpal court .. 555 approprlation {or furmshing Patent Office Fords Island, Hawaii, _ _ _ _ publications,_etc., to ,,,, , ______ :__ 671 o;pen<11itureskautl11onzed for Air Service 450 delicneniy arzproprmtnon for Qepgeeentmg grmcsan rsat .. . ’ m6I'BSSO,g1’0Wmg0u owarin Foreign and Domestic %'ommeroe Bureau, De- Europe, etc . . 524, 1022, 1043 partment ogglommerce, notice to be given, oi termination of treaty appropriationior ector, assistants, clerks; restrictions on imposing d1scrimina.— etc ,,, _ . 6 78, 1298 ting duties, . ,, , , _ _ 1007 for commercial attaches, expenses, surplus Army supplies, etc., may be sold etc., . . . ..,. 679, 1298 to friendly. .. . . 949