Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/1654

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clxxxvi INDEX. Postal Serw1ice—(%ontinue1<1é‘S _ 1 d d_ _ Page Po3talSe2*121be—(%}0¤tin1i1§'éi(; mm 581 1;;; 3 ro riation or purc mg an 3 goin- appropriation or pos s . . pp IingMa.i1 Equipment Shops, D. C. . . 575 gr stamped envelopes any newspaper ’ for travel and miscellaneous .. 575, 1150 wrappers- . . ... 581, 1153 Oiiice of First Assistant Postmaster Gen- for distribution . ... 581, 1153 eral 575, 1151 for postal cards . 581, 1153 appropriation for postmasters .. 575, 1151 for shi , steamboat, and way letters . . 581, 1154 filling temporary vacancies; regular for incijemnity, lost registered, insured, appointmentstobepromptlymsde 575,1151 and collect on delivery matter- . 581, 1154 for assistant postmasters, first and second payment by postmasters of insured and class offices . 575, 1151 collect on delivery claims .. 581 for superintendents, clerks, etc., first for indemnity, lost international reand second class offices .. 576, 1151 gistered matter . 581, 1154 appointments and assignments re- for travel and miscellaneous . ... 581, 1154 stricetgd; increase in grades per Postal Savings System , 581,115-1 Quit ··--—----·--····--·-·--·---- 577 fFurthAs‘ Ptmas G - forprmters,mechs.nics, wa.tchmen,etc. 578, 1151 Omce oem]? ______ ;g§t?gt_ _ ____ _ e§g1, 1154 for contract ammo!} ,¤1€rk¤ -·-····-- , · 578» 1151 appropriation for stationery, etc.; supplies f<>r ¢¤¤11;>r¤·ry» ¤¤¤¤h==¤v» and subsmutg _ for Postal savings System ... 581,1154 cle? S-; ·----·· _ ---··- , ·-··-·-··-- 5 ’ 8» 11¤1 for miscellaneous oiHce supplies, etc. 581,1154 for “€,P“‘:)l&*(§esm“uS» thud and i°‘u'g1,;8 11,1 post route and rural delivery maps; --·------···..···..-- , 0 _ _____ _ _______________ · 1* f<>r ¤¤¤¤¤31 <=¤¤<1i¤=i¤¤¤ --·-------·---- 578, 1151 for gli tying devices. . . . 11541 °’dY°n°mg grade °i °m°°S: ctc? md“c‘ for shipment of supplies . . . 582; 1154 $109 °n d°°¥"*“*’ °l mcalpts ······-- · 578 for canceling machines, etc . . ... 582, 1155 for clerical services, tlurd class offices 578, 1151 {01. labor Saving devices etc 582 1155 for rent, light, and fuer leases not ex— · · - ````````` ’ . · . traveling mechamcmns. .. 582, 1155 ceeding twenty years permitted. 578, 1151 { mm-] b 1 cks k - · - f°“”°’ "j;,*'i°“°°¤ °¤ md °l“° °m°°¤» or mm Bglgii) 5;p5£.s5:yiibgic`étgqm5)s2, 1155 repeal ..., , .,..,,,,,,,_,,_____ 578 · · ’ ’ my miécsummm, nm and second sim “l’°,°*“l,,,k,°‘§;‘,Pm°“““· d°l’“'“‘“°“"·582, 1155 0 ces - 578,1151 ’ ``' ¥ '''''`'` for city delivery; carriers ... 578, 1151 $3; ,.,BtM,m1r(3;t§$,’ Bxggwilg, Alaska `‘ ‘ gg? increased pay, Detroit River carriers- 1151 for vm degli; ’ forsubstitute carriers- . ...,...,,,_,, 578, 1151 cla;g§mceS_ · _ _ _ _ _ · O · _ _ _ • _ _ _ _ . 582 £°;flj"§‘,f;Se1€g“j,,1:*S‘;jj,V€f,“l,*;l°S,- · Q- ·é,f78· 1151 for mvei and miscellaneous .- -. 583,1155 dpui-ing worm war, to have krsdii ’”,,,°’,,"““°d®,fp“,Y,,,,f,°',{,%i%,, Q6; 583 therefor, as m Postal Service .. 1152 la as etc Y ’ 583 ‘°‘ ‘é‘,§f,g,j’,H‘,f§Y‘f'Y· °°°°“d °“*d **1**** ,,5,, iegrqlrétmé ALM iéiééréj Z [ Z [ I I I IZ 583 for vehicle allowance; garage leases. 578, 1152 ummmped prepaid amt class 583 ormml messen rservice. ..._., 579,1152 . ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘•‘•‘‘‘·· : ········ :·:"‘ for car fare and lgcycle allowance. . . 579, 1152 fosrimou of §°sCml,¤,,SFw}c° Commmmom x for street car collections .. . .., 579 1152 ° P°°°°° ° °“· · ·········· for Detroit giger sezvice . 579; 1152 I0a£g§;,a%;Stgr,?§€’;:)r; to States gg,1 1155 or ¤Kemal_ e very ees -.., 579,1152 . . ··‘········ ’ de _ very without receiptauthorized. 579,1152 PO€,0t;1d§1(;$i‘ ‘ ‘ `. ’‘‘‘° of ' 1155 delivery first by messenger required. . 1152 to Ju G 302923 mswn mn mu 1155 for travel and miscellaneous 579,1152 ,0,, Bu lite,) 1 ,9,, fiz ···· . ········ 5 é4 11., OiHce of Second Assistant Postmaster Gen- . pp ym° pos. . 6 menmem '.` ’ DO gm; ____________________ _ _______ 579,1152 deticiency appropriation for power, hght, gppfgpfiatjgu fg]- star route transportation etc., forequipmentshops, in Alaska _________ _ ____________ 579, 1152 for POS'&H19.S‘t&1‘S . ..-- . 53, 63, 65, 6% emgrggngy Ben-ice, ctc ____________ 579, 1152 _ 347, 525 1040, 1043, 1045,1189, 1192 for steamboat, em, mums _,__ _ ______ 579, 11,59, fo1' Speclvl dehveryiees. .-.-.. 53, 514. for E-rgqtgs ___________ _ _______ 5797 1152 f 525, 1031, 1045, 1].74, 1189, 1193 specxa eig t train arrangements or temporary, auxiliary, and substitute _<1irected . ... 579,1152 clerks, etc. .. 53,514 1031 1045,117*},1193 aircraft contract service provisions. 579, 1152 for P0¤t ofH¤€ i¤5P€¢t01'¤--1 -.-- , .·----·· ~ 1174 for freight on postal cards, etc ..,, , 579, 1152 {Of expenses, division headquarters . 1174 for aeroplsne service New Ymk to San for unusual conditions 53, 349, 514, 525, 1189

  ., ., 579, 1153 for Railway Mail Servicsu, 53, 63, 65, 67, 347.

{0f Railway Mm! Service. ... 579, 1153 349, 525, 1040, 1043, 1189, 1193 for travel allowzmces, etc, ,,,,.,,,, 580, 1153 for postage stamps ,_________ _ __,_,__ 54 for rent, etc., space at terminals, etc.; for indemnity, lost domestic registered, leases for twenty years authorized 580, 1153 etc., matter. ., 54, 62, 67, 336, for electric and cable car service 580.1153 347, 514, 525, 1031, 1040, 1043, 1045, 1174, 1189 f lite Qi €0mR€¤$¤U·°¤ ··-- _ ···---·--- ; 5§0 for increased cost of envelopes, money ¤r ormgn mm1 transpcrtquom .. 981,1193 order blanks, sm., 1919 . ,. 54, 1031 amount for aircraft service . . . , 581, 1153 for my mums _ ____ _ _______________ 54 63 65, . . ! 7 for balances dueforeign countries,. . . 581, 1153 347, 349, 525, 1031, 1175, 1189, 1192 for tra,ve1_and miscellaneous 581, 1153 for twine, etc. .. . . ,- 54, 336, 514, 1175 Office of Third Assistant Postmaster Gen- for indemnities, international mail 62,65, eral 581, 1153 347, 349, 525, 1040, 1043, 1189,1192