Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/269

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248 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Srzss. I. Crr. 26. 1919. tigate and test American timber and timber trees and their uses, and methods for the reservative treatment of timber; to seek, through P,,,,,_,,,_ investigations and the planting of native and foreign species, suitable gsi ;§1b¤¤,fi¤sg; trees for the treeless regions; to erect necessary buildings: Provided, nreffrsam m `°°` That the cost of any building erected shall not exceed $800; to pay all expenses necess to protect, administer, and improve the national forests, incliigng the payment of rewards under regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture for information leading to the arrest and conviction for violation of the laws and iggulations relating to fires in or near national forests, or for the wful taking of, or san or umm. injury tod Gomirgmxplent propipty; to ascergaip tlécg natural ciogclgiltliolpls u nan u"etenation crests; an the creta 0 `c - tri); may, in his discretion, permit timber and other fdiyest products cut or removed from the national forests to be exported rom the g,§,,°§? °' ssh ‘“‘° State or Territory in which said forests are respectivel situated; to transport and care for Esh and game supplied to stocg the national forests or the waters therein; to employ agents, clerks, assistants, and other labor required in practical orestry and in the administration of national forests in the city of Washiplgton and elsewhere; to _ collate, digest, report, and illustrate the res ts of experiments and S°PP"“·°*°· investigations made by the Forest Service; to purchase necessary supplies, apparatus, office fixtures, law books, and technical books and techmcal ]ournals for omcers of the Forest Service stationed outside of Washington, and for medical sup lies and services and other assistance necessary for immediate relief of artisans, laborers, and other employees engaged in any hazardous work under the Forest Service; to pay freight, express, telephone, and telegraph charges‘ for electric light and power, fuel, gas, ice, washing towels, and official travelngg an other necessary expenses, including traveling expenses for leg and fiscal officers while performing Forest Service work; gegzmnomm and for rent outside of the District of Columbia, as follows: M§,,,,.,,,,,,,c,,,,,c_ For salaries field and station expenses, including the maintenance of nurseries, collecting seed, an planting necessary for the pse, trgiainteeniapgp, improvement, and protection of the national ores nam ow: tbS":°k“éa°;‘;“t‘ Absaroka National Forest Montana, $6,703; ‘\“gi;S’ m ‘ Angeles National Forest, California, $11,926; ‘\’“` ‘ Z; Apache National Forest, Arizona, $8,079; j\‘,§‘f;‘,$Q§; gf; Tkrrgpahoe Ilgationsal Elforest, gpllgrado, $5,736 ; Agway, Utah and ansas ationa orest, nsas, $10,730; l‘g;m,mm,' Cm Ashley National Forest, Utah and Wyoming, $3,865; Bcmmm Mm, Battlement National Forest Colorado, $4,916; ,,;.3,.,.,,,,;,,,, 3,,,,,, Beartooth National Forest, Montana, $5,437; ¤*;;tgI,;fj;;:·._,.m Beaverhead National Forest, Montana and Idaho, $5,296; ummm nom, Bgghom N atnonal Forest, Wyoming, $6,937; nxseme, nm. gittelpfroot§_*lation8jil}5I•`orest,L%/Iontana, $17,189 ; nnr·_r’nxm, s. Dar. ac ’ eet ation orest, ontana, $19 888;

$,3,,,, Black Hills National Forest, South Dakota and Wyoming, $12,668;

Br,_,gQ,Y ,_,.y,)_ Boise National Forest, Idaho, $5,247 ; C3,,,m,,, ,,0,, Bridger National Forest, Wyoming, $3,159; gms, [aah and Cabinet National Forest, Montana, $16,806; ’dgQg;,,,m’ Can, Cache National Forest, Utah and Idaho, $2,207; pmaw, ms, my Calrfornia`_National Forest, California, $15,028; “g;m N- Mm Caribou National Forest, Idaho and Wyoming, $6,403; C Omg- Carson National Forest, New Mexico, $9,302; Cm,,$_,d3h0_ Cascadelqational Forest Oregon, $7 ,835 ; Chmn; Wm Challis National Forest, Idaho, $3,668; Cmgmv u,gk& Chelan National Forest, Washington, $6,260; C,m_m,_,,r,d,,m_ Chugach National Forest, Alaska, $7,938; C,m,md’ Cam Clearwater l\ational Forest, Idaho, $38,201; Cleveland National Forest, Calnforma, 88,433;