Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/521

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500 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 92. 1920. M¤r¤§1,1920. _C§AP. ez.-Ah Act To regulate the height, and use or buildings in the

 Dmtnct of Columbia and to create s. Zomng Comnuanon, and for other purposes.

. . . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Representatives of the United i)$Ziii§t°Zi»(iZi¤°”s§sii$h States of America in Congress assembledf That to protect the public °'°“"°"· health, secure the public safety, and to protect property in the District of Columbia. there is hereby created a oning Commission, "°"“’°”h"’· which shall consist of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, the officer in charge of public buildings and grounds of the District of Columbia, and the Superintendent of the_United States Caipitol Building and Grounds, which said comm1ssion shall have al the powers and (perform all the duties hereinafter specified and shall serve 1,l;’;§§L{‘m°“‘ °' °“" without ad 'tional compensation. Such employees of the government of the District of Columbia as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act shall be assigned to such duty by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia without additional compensatmn; ’“‘,§§§"““°“ ’°‘ There is hereby authorized for the expenses of said commission °x?¤¢»r$·5¤°· including the employment of expert services and all incidental and contingent expenses, a sum not to exceed $5,000, payable one-half Hm mm Distric, out of any money m the United States Treasury not otherwise apprompgs; 837 ]é;1f1.tBdB.&Hd the other half out of the revenues of the District oi ’ ‘ ‘ um 1a. d§{,‘?§§,*§"m;,°'.§§,’,‘,§$ Sec. 2. That within six months after the passage of this Act and HSM- after public notice and hearing as hereinafter provided, the said com- B ti mission shall divide the District of Columbia into certain districts, to

.,,_"mi°g mgm °°S be known, respectively, as height, area, and use districts, and shall

adopt regplations gpecifying the height and area of buildings therea.fter_to e erecte or altered therem and the Ppurposes for which vsmuens. buildings and prennses therein may be used; mvided, That such Mmmm mgm. regulations may d1ffer in the various distncts: further, von. se, p.ss2; vox. That the permissible height of buildings 1Il any d1str1ct shall not 37,1* “‘· exceed the maximum height of building now authorized upon any street in any part of that d.istrict by the Act of Congress approved Public bea. ba June 1, 1010, andamendments thereto, regulating the height of fore amsisnrdgs as- buildings in the District of Columbia: And pmmkied further, That

  • '*°‘S, °‘°· no such districts shall be established, nor shall any regplations therefor be adopted, nor shall the he` ht, area, or use of uildin to be

erected therein be prescribed unti§ said commission has affordsed per- Mcessom mmm, sons_ interested an opportunity to be heard at a public hearing as tee in residence as- hereinafter provided: And provided further, That in residence dis- “*°°’· tricts the usual accessories of a residence located on the same lot including the office of a physician, dentiit, or other perppn, apd including a pnvate gar e contain s ace or not more an our auto- M . I mobiles, shall notiie prohibii-Ed. P ¤.,.,;§g,. °”° ° Sec. 3. That wherever, under the provision of this Act, it is required that a public hearing shall be held, notice of the time and place of such_hearing shall be published for not less than ten consecutive days in one or more news a ers of general circulation rinted pmt,. and ublished in the District of Eolhmbia; and such public lieari cr Ad1<>¤¤¤¤<1¤¤¤<¢¤¤c¤· may lie adjpurned from time to time: Provided, That il? the time aiiil place of the adjourned meeting is publicly announced when the adjournment is had, no further notice of such adjourned meeting need Estzabushmm of bespubhshed. _ _ _ _ drum. h ncl; 4. Thatlalflteg thedpublic heannisuggegglprowded for shall ave een cone u e , sei commissions e 'tel determine the _ rieiuslngbeégécfbigxigg- number and boundaries of the districts which it is heiieby authorized "‘g° " "°° and directed to establish, and shall specif the height and area of the buildings which may thereafter be erectedy therein, and shall prescribe Changes the urposes for which such buildings thereafter erected may or may ' not be used. Said districts so established shall not be changed except on order of said commission after public hearing. Said commission