Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/553

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532 SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 101. 1920. £°'—”·P·““°·*°°¤‘*· entitled "An Act to codify, revise, and amend the laws relating to von ss, p- m the j§gcit;ry," appirolyed March 3, 1911, as amended, is hereby _ amen read as 0 ows: ...’f*;;:.,%‘““* ’“°* isegles. The time of North1Carolina tslgivadte tg; ganglia, to e ownas eeasternan western 'trictso o aro`a. E"°'"’“ The eastern district shall include the territor§ embraced on the Ist day of July 1910, in the counties of Beaufort, ertie, Bladen, Brunswick, Camden, Chatham, Cumberland, Currituck, Craven, Columbus, Chowan, Carteret, Dare, Dlufplin, Durham, Edegcombe, Franklin, Gates, Granville, Greene, H ax, Hamett, Hertford, Hyile, Johnston, Jones, Lenoir, Lee, Martin, Moore Nash, New Hanover, orthamliton, Onslow, Pamlico, , lPender, P uimans, Person, itt, T Robeson, Richmond, pson, Scotland,d-Tyrrell, Vance,. Wake, °'“'“‘ Warren, Washmgton, _Wayne, and Wilson. erms of the district court for the eastern district be held at Laurinburg on the Monday before the last _Mond;.5s m March and  ; at Wikon on the iirst Mondays m Ap and October; at hgabeth City on the second Mondays_m Aipril and October; at Washington on the third Mondays m April an October; at N ewbern on the fourth Monda inAp and October; at Wilmington on the second Monday after th: mm] fourth Mondays in April and October; and at Raleigh on the fourth R$§§‘,L ‘°'““ °‘ Monday aftertritlhle f?urfhuMondays in anlg Ogto er an]; inhaddié tionor e oc1 casesonte t ona in arcan ?{mB•·gs¤·at www? September: Provided, That the city of Washington, tlirg city of Laurinmndsorammburg, me b1u·g, and the city of Wilson shall each provide and finnish at its W · own expense a suitable and convenient place for holding the district court at Washington, at Laur1nbuI13g,_ and at Wilson until a courtcme;. house shall be constructed_by the mted States. The clerk of the court for the eastern district shall maintain an office in charge of himself or a depug at Raleigh, at Wilmington, at Newbem, at Elizabeth City, at ashmgton, at Laurinburg, and at Wilson, which stgall be kept open at all tunes for the transaction of the business of e cour . W°"°“‘· "The western district shall include the territory embraced on the 1st day of July, 1910, in the counties of Alamance, Alexander, Ashe, élleghanfy, .é:ls&>nguBui1}i;omb€5hBu1l;ke, (ggsgwell, Cabgrrus, Catawba, eye an , w , ay, ero ee, ° n, avie, Fors , Guilford, Gaston, Graham, Henderson, Haywood, Iredell, Jackzidii, Lmcoln, Montgomery, Mecklenburg, Mitchell, McDowell, Madison, gdacon, Strings, Polk, RandolFrh, Rockrngham, Rowan, Rutherford, Tam tan y, to es, Surry, Swam, anstIvlvania,_Umon, Wilkes, Watauga, · Ytadlgm, and Yancey: Terms of e district court for the western district shall be hel in Greensboro on the first Mondays in Jime and December; at Statesville on the thu;d Mondays m April and October; at Salisbury on the fourth Mondays m April and October; at Asheville on the first Mondays m Magagnd November; at Charlotte on the iirst Umm Mondays m April and Octo ;and at Wilkesboro on the fourth Mon. · days_m M3 and_ Noyember. The clerk of the court for the western district sh maintain an office in charge of himself or a deput at Greensboro, at Asheville, at Statesville, and at Wilkesboro, which 2%:11: Cblgilrept open at all times for the transaction of the business of §§l,§§l§;,,; m,,,,,,, Sec. 2. That the Act entitled "An Act providing for the establish-

   ¤· 5** *·- EEE? °{ §?§§-’t§“é"“‘°ii‘§’ “i’”r'2” Fl ii‘°§}‘“$‘°%‘;°°‘i',.F °’ “‘° °“°°"“ dit

. o aro aa ae , or aro` ," ° 27, 1916, is hereby repealed. lg 8, approved Ap"] Approved, March 17, 1920.