Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/749

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728 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 217. 1920. opment of the Govemment reclamation projects; to assist, through demonstrations, advice, and in other ways, settlers on the progects; and for the employment of persons and means necessary m the city of Figmmgf tm Wgsihington and elsewhere, $30,000. F Egh _ d °'°“ °* orrrmo arm imnvnrrrme ronnsr rrnms: or ting an preventing forest iires, $250,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, _ but not to exceed_ $150,000 of this fimd shall be expended except m

 $.*1: r*::°¤“m.¢m¢sway;a¤d s,s:.:2;¤.:h:.S.6;;6;.¤:.2..zf

c ure cooperaewi- e ar e e _ nance of an air patrol for fire prevention and su§pression on_ the National Forests of the Pacific coast and the Rocky ountam regions, §f,‘g'Q·§'g;,,m on use O, $50,000: Provided, That no plxrt of this aplpropriatnonshall be for frmd- thelpurchase of land or airp es or for the construction of bmldmgs; in $300,000. p‘§,‘{ °'g,g{“““‘ Coormnarrvm rms rnormction _ or ronnsrmn warmzsimns or Cwmmmgl ,,,,1 NAVIGABLE sramaxs: For cooperation with any State or group of gwwsformmgagww States in the protection from iire_of the forested watersheds of °xi1¤°i.:Yp.rie1. s' navi able streams under the provisions of section 2 of the Act of Manga 1, 1911, entitled "An ct to enable any_State to co<;perate with any other State or States, or with the United States, or the protection of the watersheds of navigable streams, and to appoint a

ight th? acqursiltionpf land; for the purpose of conserving

e naviga 'ty o naviga e rivers " 125 000. ,§,“§‘,§'..,?‘*§€§ °“d °°‘° Exrnnnmrrrs ann nmuonsrmrrdns nw riivm-srocx monucrron in m§u°§s¤°g¤,;iv°,;¤gQ,f rim cum-susan. ann oorrmn nrsrmcrs on mn Unrrnn Srarns: To swck i>r¤¤¤ii¤¤¤¤ m. enable the Secret culture,_in cooperation with the authorities of the States co , or with individuals, to_make such investigations and demonstrations as may be necessary m connection with the development of live-stock production in the cane-sugar and cotton districts o the United States, including the employment of persons _ and means in the city of Washington and elsewhere, $46,500. aZ°"i§§5° i"'g”°d’ Exrnmmnsrs nw namrmo ann 1.1vn-srocx rnonucrron m St§§jg§‘g§,,&*g*ju”,;? smuanm ann mmearnnnrsrmors or mm wnsrnnn UNITED_STATESZ To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to conduct investigations and ggerixzireiiuts rtnppilgbletmsumnpwmd with the establishimenés of an ea uc o _ en erpr1ses_on e semrari an uriga_e lands of the western United States, including the purchase o hve stock, and employment of necessary persons and means in the

.. ¤·g:,;>*tW~g*g¤¤*¤gBg1¤g6g*3·g)¤ghe·¤i)$·g¤,¤0¤- . t. h .
 m.d6“r0€°tt§Bi%mt¤z of ‘i,.§a§a‘£?i}‘§“`i"ii“£§’°$§`i?.ti$0f'$i‘S3.

s a a mm` maintenance, repair, and operation of motor-propelled and horsedrawn passenger·carry1ng vehicles necessary in the conduct of the Pmim field worlr of the Department of Agriculture outside the Drstrict of sraamring mean; Colurnbra . Prmnded, t not more than $10,000 may be used for the

  • “*'*S"°"' "°"”· _ eradication of the blowiiy and screw worm in live stock and poultry:

,,,f;‘;P°“ °’ °‘P°”‘·" §rov(¢;§ed That the Secgegaiy of Agriculture shalé,tonCthe first ay _ eac re ar session o ongress mak_e_a repor _ o ongress sihowingkthe amount expended under the provisions of this paragraph 1 W uring e preceding Escal year. paii£s$li;a£I$i$°¤z°i;e¤i&i;;i That hereafter the Secretary of Agriculture may exch e used "“"‘°'“"’*· parts, accessories, tires, or eqiupment of motonpropelled siiiild horsedrawn vehicles m part payment for new arts, accessories, tires, or equipment of such vehic es authorized to lilo urchased by him, to be

   ER§‘§.Ei$.%“~?%£“§?.%Z°?§J£3“€¤£"2’N°§°d;)“ *’“ °X°‘“"g°d‘

Eumezcy 8 ppm 1 _ In f inns oomraorous nis- ,,,,3,,0,, ,0, ,m,§c,,,. misms OF ANIMALS. case Q 8H emergency &I'1S1Hg out of the exist-

  • ¤%~ ence of foot-and—m0uth d1S€8S€, rmderpest, contagious pleuro—

pneumonia, or other contagious or infectious disease of animals which, in the opinion of the Secretary of Agriculture, threatens the