Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/841

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820 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 228. 1920. except similar expenditures in the Bureau of Yards and Docks, for 1 the cal year ending June 30, 1921, shall not exceed $1,300,000: ,,f""°h°’°’ pmmb ”' Pravidedfurther, That no part of anfy appropriation contained in this Act shall be used for the purchase 0 passenger-carrying automobiles: ergfgjy *’¤hi°'° °P· Provided further, That during the fiscal year ending Jime 30 1921, ` operators of motor vehicles who were carried on the rolls oi other biilreaus prior tc; July 1,81192106 shall (lie contmued to be so carried w ere- employment a e oun necessary. °°““”‘°“‘· Commemrr, BUREAU or YABDS_ AND Docks: For contingent expenses and minor extensmns and improvements of public works at navy yards and stations, $150,000. · Public w¤*¤· ro·m.1c worms, nuamu or rA1z.Ds.ArrD DOCKS. P°'“““°“‘h·N‘H‘ ,NAVY 1·AnD, Ponrsuourn, N mw shop, $15 000. _. N"' Y°'k*N‘Y‘ INUAVY Yum, Naw Yomr, New Yonx: Storage for gasoline and tuxntine, $6,000; additional wood b ock paving,. $50,000; extension, tributing system, $41,000; steel storzgo crane runway ango electric t:ilveg13ng7 cranes, $200,000; two cranes or biulding slips, _ :1 000; in 0 ,000. , ,,£,,‘§,°,‘j,‘Q,,,,§"§‘,fs,,,{,'“E}Z‘ . Tlie expenditure of the agpropriation of $750,000 for water front ¤d,;°,_ 4,, p_9,3_ improvements, navy yard, ew York, New York, contamed in the ' navlalltpllripmpmadon Act for the iiscal year 1919, is hereby suspended unt' y 1 1921. %€§§£,b{?g;c,P°‘ NAVY anim, 1?n1msu.vAN1A: Dry dock, to cem- -plete, and the limit of cost IS increased to $0,300,000, $1,000,000; general dredgmg,. $100,000; two cranes for building slips, $100,000; wml D_C_ mall,$1,200,000. ·— NAVY YfRD3WASHIN’GT0N, Drs·rmo·r or COLUMB1A: Forge shop _ · water supp y 7,500. M"“'A°°d°“" BU1LDmos,AND erzotmns, NAVAL ACADEMY! Install runninliwater in iirst and wings, Bancroft Hall, $69,000; water pur` cation plant60g85,000; improvement of swimming tank, $6,000; 111 all, $160, . N°d°1k’V°` Nav! rum, Nonronx, Vmenvu: Steel storage to complete, $220,000; crane for building shapf $50,000; water iront improve- Charleston S C ments to continue, $250,000; ID , $520,000. ’ ' N Avv YARD, CHARLESTON, Sovm CAnoL1NA: Dredging, to continue $40 000. . ,1;;;§;;Z¤?°I;8_ N-ANAL s·rA·rroN, Kar Wmsr, FLORIDA: Distillinglplant, $75,000. ` $3l(;T6g3L STATION, New Oanmns, LomsrANA: nel-oil plant, b.§?$¤° °°°°° nm! 'llhata special joint committee is hereby created, to composed ,,,§§%§§*il, {,‘{{¥{,§,,f,Tj'§;j of tiv:Me1plb§rs cgi the Senate 510 blgappomtield by the Presidents; the advisability erm. ena e an ve embers o e ouse of epresentatives to appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. The coms,,,, ,t-,,,,,,,,0 Bay, mittee shall investigate the adv1sabilit%_ of establishing, developing, etgstimms ew. wha 2;;% a l¥.g’8.l base gzigcgasxiaumncmco Bay or the waters mpma. ’ ’ u a ere . e ·09IIlII11 prepare comparative esti- P mates dytlie cost of acgflunng, establishing, developing, and maintain- ,,0:, p_mR_ mg such sites and sh report to the Congresso the United States ’ not later than December 31, 1920, the result of its invesl-tggation, together with such other reqommmggtiom, estimates, and ormatxon as it eems roper, mc uding ormation concerning a deeper Marelsland Channel . . m_ · channel to Mare Ysland Navy Yard and a sufficient water basm at Aviation,etc.,bases Marc , , _ _ _ t&u£v£;.;·a•mn¤¤ and That said committee S]1&l].8.lS01HV6SU.QtiB and reportmhke manner as to the advisabihty and cost of esta tion base at Sand Pomt, King County, Washmgton; a ‘ e. base at Los