Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/845

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824 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 228. 1920. m%u;<;ggug£s§uppliw BUREAU OF SUPPLIES AND ACCOUNTS- g§c§{S"§€c¥°”" PAY OF THE NAVY: Pa and allowances prescribed by law of ' officers on sea duty and other duty, and officers on waiting orders, $33,655,372; officers on the retired list, $3,157,700; commutation of quarters for officers, including boatswains, gimners, carpenters, sailmakers, machinists, pharmacists, pay clerks, and mates, naval constructor, and assistant naval constructors, $3,895,776, and also members of Nurse Corps (female), $1,000; for hire of quarters for officers serving with troops where there are no publicilzparters belonging to the Government, and where there are not s cient quarters q,,i§,‘,§‘,§}§§_°“°" °' possessed by the United States to accommodate them or commutation of quarters not to exceed the amount which an officer would reipieive wipe Ihlpsnpit serving witlé troops, arid h1re of tguarters flpr 0 cers an e te men on sea uty at suc times as ey may e Enumdmm deprived of their quarters on board ship due to repairs or other ' conditions which may render them u abitable, $25,000; pay of enlisted men on the retired list, $1,067,950; extra pay to men reenlisting under honorable discharge, $1,175,000; interest on deposit by men, $30,000; pay of petty officers, seamen, landsmen, and apprentice seamen, including men rn the engineersf force and men detailed for duty with the Fish Commission, enlisted men, men in trade schools, and pay of enlisted men of the Hospital Corps, _ $61 ,603,059; (pay of enlisted men undergoinglppntence of court-martial, ,,§‘§;°€§“{,"B§,*f;,§?P'°“' §43t1,280& an as many ngachiniststas the esidept may from tilrine 0 ime eem necessary 0 a om ; an ap ren ice seamen im er training at training stations aliild on board training ships, at the pay _ prescribed by law, $1,357,200; pay of the Nurse Corps, $628,200; I"“"°1R“°"`° F°’°°· rent of quarters for members of the Nurse Corps, $39,000; retainer _ _ pay and active—service pay of members of the Naval Reserve Force, ,0§§'§§‘Q§,§§‘§€“‘ '°' $12,000,000; payment of $60 discharge gratuity, $1,800,000; reim- V¤¤·4<Lp~3$9· bursement for osses of property under Act of October 6, 1917, _ $10,000; in all, $120,876,537; and the money herein slpeciiically appro- ’*°°°“’**“°‘g· riated for "Pay of the Navy" shall be disburse and accounted ibr in accordance with existing law as “Pay of the Navy," and for P"’Ft°°·, S, that urpose shall constitute one fund: Provided, That retainer pay ¢i<§¤l¤m www do- provided by existing law shall not be paid to any member of the faval R$serveh1Fp1rp1e pvhg fails to train as provided by law during the ear or w 'c e ai to train. ,¤·{§’{‘;i},‘f°° '°’ d°°"‘ Tllat hereafter, immediately upon official notification of the death €_;‘<>¤·¥$Y,i>-P»2=>»=¤r¤·=¤<¤· from wounds or disease, not the result of his or her own misconduct, _ Nurses unl mares of any officer, enlisted man, or nurse on the active list of the Regular l§§l,effT‘ °°""° duty Navy or Regular Marino Cor s, or on the retired list when on active duty, the Paymaster General) of the Navy shall cause to be paid to the widow, and if there be no widow to the child or children, and if there be no widow or child, to any other dependent relative of such officer, enlisted man, or nurse previously designated by him or her, an amount equal to six months’ ay at the rate received by such d9g;;;Qgg>¤’r ¤¤ be giiicer, enligtfid rlzian, oilkpuursi altheile datp of his or her deatllii. fghe ` ·creta o e `avys es a r ationsr uiring eac officer and enlligted man or nurse having noB§surife or child to designate the proper dependent relative to whom this amoimt shall be (paid in case ,—.,m,,.,a,,,,,,,,,_ ogehiisfor hgr death} ?1a1%amountishal1 bp paidbfrom fran s appropri- 1‘·‘»¢·-»·»—~- a or the a o the avy an a o the Iarine o s, respec- Applicable my to tivelv: Provigedi That nothing in lihig section or in otligr existing ’““**“ N ""Y 'md le 'slation shall be construed as making the revisions of this section Mmmwpsl agilicable to officers, enlisted men, or nurges of any forces of the Navy of the United States other than_those of the regular Navy and Marine Corps, and nothing in this section shall be construed to apply in commissioned grades to any officers except those holding permanent