Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/923

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902 SIXTY—SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 235. 1920. such other expenditures as can not properly be included under other Subsmm heads of expenditures, $62,000; ' Subsistence: For pay of commissary se eants, commissary clerks, porters, laborers, bakers, cooks, dis wagiers, waiters, and others employed in the subsistence department; food supplies, except articles of special diet for the sick, purchased for the subsistence of the members of the home and civilian employees regularly employed and residing at the branch, their freight, dpreparation, and serving; aprons, caps, and jackets for kitchen an dining-room employees; tobacco; dining-room and kitchen furniture and utensils, bakers and butche1s’ tools and appliances, and their repair not done by the H0 mh 01 d home, $325,000; ' Household: For furniture for officers’ quarters; bedsteads, bed-

 bedding material, and all other articles required in the quarters

of the members and of civilian employees permanently employed and residing at the branch, and their repair, if not repaired by the home; fuel, including fuel for cooking, heat, and light; engineers and firemen, bathhouse keepers, 'anitors, laundiy em loyees, and for all labor, materials, an appliances require for lhousehold use, and H , re;}-siirs, if not repaired by the home, $182,000; me ospital: For praiy of assistant surgeons, matrons, druggists, hos ital clerks and stewa s, ward masters, nurses, cooks, waiters, readers, drivers, funeral escort, janitors, and for such other services as may be necessary for the care of the sick; burial of the dead; surgical instruments and appliances, medical books, medicine, liquors, fruits, and other necessaries for the sick not purchased under subsistence; bedsteads, bedding; and bedding materials, and all other special articles necessaY for the wards; hospital furniture, including special articles and aplp `ances for hospital kitchen and dining room; carriage, hearse, stretc ers, collins; and for all repairs to hospital furniture and ap- Tms ml pliances not done by the home, $115,000; wm Transportation: or transportation of members of the home, . $1,000; R°p°“ Repairs: For pay of chief engineer, builders, blacksmiths, carpenters, painters, gas fitters, electrical workers, plumbers tinsmiths, steam fittcrs, stone and brick masons, and laborers, and for all appliances P _ and materials used under this head; and repairs of roads and other r_;Z·;iilZi1¤¤ on new improvements of a permanent character, $90,000: 1’ro·v·ided, That no btnmmgs. part of the approlpriation for repairs for any of the branch homes Fm shall be used or the construction of any new building; ' Farm: For pay of farmer, chief gardener, harness makers, farm hands, gardeners, horseshoers, stablemen, teamsters, dairyrnen, herders, and, laborers; tools, appliances, and materials recgiired for farm, garden, and dairy work; grain, and grain roducts, ay, straw, fertilizers, seed, carriages, wa ons, carts, and other conveyances; animals purchased for stock or work (including animals in the park); gasoline; materials, tools, and labor for flower garden, lawn, park, and cemetery; and construction of roads and walks, and repairs not done by the home, $31,000; ,_mW‘k“ Wk In all, $806,000. C*;ri·er1¤expe¤sgs. Northwestern Branch, Milwaukee, Wisconsin: For current exenses, including the same objects specified under this head for the g.;;rSjSw¤(·€_ g8I1tI`8.l. Branch, For subsistence, including the same objects specified under this H,,5,,,,G,d_ head for the Central Branch, $170,000; For household, including the same objects specified under this Hmim head for the Central Branc , $90,000; For hospital, including the same objects specified under this head T for the Central Branch, $56,000; mwmm For transportation of members of the home, $500;