Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 1.djvu/956

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 235. 1920. 935 ninety-one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five square feet; second parcel, starting at the intersection of the north line of ·Tilden Street with the sont line of said Bureau of Standards site, and rruming thence easterlgralong the south line of said site a distance of one thousand one hun ed and twenty-nine feet, more or less, to the southeast corner of the bureau site; thence southerly following the prolongation of the east line of the site of the bureau a. distance of one hundred and seventy-two feet, more or less, to the center line of Tilden Street; thence in a general westerlyl direction along the center line of Tilden Street a distance of one thousand one hundred feet, more or less, to the point of intersection of said center line of Tilden Street with the west line of assessors’ parcel 43/8; thence northwesterly along the said west line of said Sparcel 43/8 to the pomt of intersection with the north line of Tilden treet a distance of seventy- gve feet, more or less; thence in és. wgsterly direction to the point pf eginnin a distance of thirty- ve eet containing approximatey one hundred and ninety-seven thousa.nd,two hundred and forty-six square feet. The site now owned by the United States Government and referredii to herein iscltha? assessed and carried on the books of the assessor’so ceas arc 4425. The Bureau of Standards is authorized and directed to make an §,“$·D·°· 0,,,,,,,,, investigation as to the standard, gigality, and cost of production and qualirag distribution of gas furnished the vernment and private consumers in the District of Columbia and report the result of such investigation to Congress on or before the first Monday in December, 1920. DEPARTLEENT OF LABOR. L,§,§}§”’*'“°"* °* nnnoiwrrou srxrrous. 1m¤1m¤¢¤¤=¤¤¤¤- Ellis Island, New York: _ E*““I°’“‘d•N· Y- For a. feed·water heater, including installation and incidental work, $12,000* For si boiler-feed pump, including installation and connections, S5,500· For ia. new salt-gvater suction line and traveling screen, with completee uipment 12,000· _ For dredging channel approaches to Elhs Island, $10,000; For a fresh—water storage tank, with necessary foundations and connections, $15 000· For new service pumps for water supply, including installation, $11,000; _ Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: The uneirpended balance in the alp- iiehii$»°ii°2zi¤hi°’i1)Z`£¤- propriation for the c011stru¢tl0H_0f_an immigration station for the “°,§’·',;;”j.?;“,hmc_ port of Philadelplhia, Pennsylvania, is hereby made available for the v¤L=¤.v-M remodeling of the detention_house and administration building at sagd stlaltion, under the direction of the Secretary of Labor; n a , $65,500. _ mmrenxrrox smnvrcn. Imml°m°°°°"`°°' For enforcement of the laws regulating ' ation of aliens into Eming Qdml£m.” mw, the United States, including the contract—labor iaws; cost of reports 3% p_ 6% of of decisions of the Federal courts, and digests thereof, for the use P~¢.'p. 1008- of the Commissioner General of Immigration; salaries and egripenses of all officers, clerks, and emploges appointed to enforce said laws, Pe,d,mmbs,S,€u°e_ including per diem 1D lleu of su istence when allowed pllrsuant to V¤!-38,1>·680- section 13 of the sundry civil appropriation Act aplproved August 1, WL 39 W W. 1914; enforcement of the revisions of the Act of ebrumjy 5, 1917, 4e,p.m3 p` ' entitled "An Act to_regul¥dte the immigration of aliens to and the residence of aliens m the United States," and Acts amendatory