Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/267

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PARCEL 1>osT coNvnNT10N—PARAeUAY. 1707 Done in duplicate and signed Hecho por duplicado yjirmado B*¤¤**“'•*· at Washington on the 8th day of en Washington cl dia 8 de Junio Jnme, 1920, and at Asuncién on de 1920, y en la Asuncion el dia the 15 day of December, 1919. 15 de Diciembre de 1919. ALBERT SIDNEY Brmnmsoiv, J. B. Nacmusmro, [smut.] Postmaster General of Director Gerteml of Posts and the United States of Ameriea. Telegraphs of araguay. The forego` Parcel Post Convention between the United States **PP""•*· of America, aft? Paraguay has been negotiated and concluded with my advice and consent and is hereby apgroved and ratified. n testimony whereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto amxed. [snan.] Woomzow Wmsos By the President: Bnmmzmcn Coun Secretary of State. Wasumorou, Jane 12, 1920. _