Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/421

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INDEX. 1839 Army——Continued. P¤!¤· Army Appropriation Act, 1920, Amend- Page. prosecution of officers, etc., soliciting ·ments——Continued. claims for su lies, etc., incontracts specific expenditures authorized, for Enfor which ptgey were associated gineerCorps, Camp Hum hre s, Va. 454 in procuring ,..,.,... . ...,,,__, 131 for Signal Corps, Caglp A1fredpVail; N. I . 454 all inconsistent laws repealed 131 for Watervliet Arse 455 approprriation for employees, etc., 974 §or §a;lp1§; tract, 1§[awau ... gg Sgrvme ___,___,____,__..,..., or o vere, ass . for Taiilli Corpspchools . . 974 ;or (21iemgcal_WariiiariedSSe1l;vi§e .. 1; . -1. . 455 "‘¥‘*i°m‘§ iziitm .,¤id$..¤°§e’§··K’T.?T 975 °' e2..$Y`T{?‘?- .? . .1 . .?-f’f’? E? Fi as charges to ropna' tions .. 975 for urchase of Curtiss-Elmwood p ant,

  975 lliuflalo, N. Y . , .-· 455

transfer of prwent balances to new 975 for mtratemplant, 9,110. ..a.. 456 account ___,_ _ __,_,_,,,__,,, -.- no construc on con 9 6 UD GI °d ti { de t manufac- cost-plusplans . .-·. 456 c0l:!:re?¤;t;? gt govwnt owned repair work excepted _ .. 45 6 establishments . 975 completion of present work permitted. . 456 transportation of wounded, etc., sol- payment for lands acquired for Raritan diers, milors, and marines on fur- Arsenal, N. I., from balances for hugh ... 2 .. 975 termma1' storage. cw ---··--------·· 456 certificate for reduced railroad fare. - . 976 condemnation of title, etc ... _. , 456 payment for difference from the 'l‘rea¤· 976 prohibitloél @11, l%>§l:§P11<>¤l>1§ 456 ury . ., - .. . an s or _ rReed , . . 0fii ordermg° social Arm A tum Bill, 1920, noinptgxlzoiiise oiuofficers andngnlisted C0;’I!6C¥{’)1l:€1!l‘a0hfollmGHt ofydirected . 1631 men not on military duty; excep- Army Emergency Increase, 1917, _ · tion __,_,_,__ _ ___________,_______ , _ 976 alloungut; from xgiégt for ·p{1gee-gvahopi of sal fArm,tc.,stores,t.odis- d1’8ff!'8C0_·f\KmS10fm&0D ccliaxged sdldigrs under Public from demobilized army records . 509 fu Health Servxgtreatment. .. 976 from ten;pto:a:`ry£_e:n;,.p1lco(y,ees rVZ1a;g§ip;rt· 509 mpajying damages ennil , men u ene _ . . N. I . . . ’ 976 d0P0f%1QD;|it§1nIg¢;£IQbl9 aliens cgnvicteg loan of rifles, etc., to war veteran or- vio a provmionso ,an amen · 8,.,,;,;; ____,,_____,_,_ _ _____,,,, 977 menu .. - ...-. 594 emergenc (mgommissioued‘]ifipersonnel, readinimion prohibited. . .. 594 excep Army cen, may Army CMU, be rv , etc., ull not later than appropriation for pay . ..- 955 — December 31, 1920 . 977 for€1g11 ¤6¤f1€6 -·----·-·--- - ----·---—- 955 nxedaplv oil honor to be presented to city 977 for alriommutatiopc oi quarters, etc .. 111, o erun,Fran .. owances,e Z ... , . 'i'°“ {3* °§"“°’“ ‘}‘j¤.?‘§%m¤‘“ E‘k'°"°.§"?’ i“‘i§°“§3 °‘ W f°’ ‘°'°"“ °°"”°° “1` ui t , w ... . . i1:m n iund·;--??}.. . if 1026 { temporary additional, tobe employedhz Army Account of Advances, 0¥_¤¤ 888*% ···~· _ · - ; ··--··· ; --··--··· » advances to disbursing officers under, of d€l1$¤9¤¢Y*PP'°¥7n*¤°¤ f°"m1l°*K°-·,~·;-· 1026 total Army appropriations . ; 975 ¤ddm°¤*1 PW ° $240 °· YW wr !'°°°*Ym8 payment from, on proper vouchers, of $2500 °" ·-·· mz amounts from respective appropna- W lh°¤9 l'°€°iV'm8 999 an » » dom ______________________ _ _______ 975 equal that amount . 602 chmd gg vw *·¤¤"·¤·*¤*°¤ M *6* 9 5 ,,0°§‘°§$&;€;§$1L£¥“§,3£;iii2· · ········· $2% turn 7 . · ······‘··‘•‘· adjustment of accounts by Auditor .. 975 Amy §¤¢I;g;1}Z*9¤¤¢¢'$¢'w°'» F°"t L""’”"”"°’°”‘» balances of’8¥.lSlZi]1g available Army ap- . ·’ - - 106 v~vg;gg¤;;gugg¤¤¤¤*¤¤¤d*¤¤¤d ,,5 A£§"§%?3'§2?»§2{§;‘3‘2“§$‘£§§»2K22°°§at;2 Army Appropriation Act, 1920, Amendments, appro fgrdgu for gmmjghou cx-Peme,_ _ 106, 950 allowance for Infantry School Fort Sill, Amy Agdwzl Sdwo; D_ g_ gilfdghgzransferred to (lamp Ben- 453 wpmpmabr eww at wana- 964 expenditures for real estate or camp can- Mmy MM pzastsglséénll `'````-`'-'`' ¤;¤`ll;95i§¤ frvm Army 9·PP!'°P¤¤lFi°¤¤ 453 appropriation for pay of 0§C?l'S-- 110 0I' 1 GD - Army Rearganizutivn gu ado g QHSQ exceptions; for camps in use prior to A ;Am dm ts , _ §0V€1I1b€T 11, 1918 .. . .. 453 A1-my Sghgol of $2; Lat, )Fpr¢ Letzvgnwgrth, industrial plants taken over for war Kam_, · PUIPOBBE-· ·-·-·--··-·- I --··-··.---·- 45 3 appropriation for instruction expenses, _ 106, 950 speufic expenditures authorized, for Camp Army Signal School, _Fort Leavenworth, Kano., Benning Iniant&§lchool, Ga .. 453 appropriation for instruction expenses. . 106, 950 8b::1ld0l';Il'18lS:; Zim p Gordon, Ga.; Army éz;uCol§ege (see also General Staff o lan , dings° , etc .. 453 ege , ior Motgr Transport schools . 454 appropriation for expenses ... . . - . 105 for Coast Artillery, Cainp Eustis, Va... . 454 or_maintenance._. . 2 ... 120 for Field Artillery training centers . 454 deficiency agaropriatton for - 1184 abandonment of Camp Taylor, Ky.; Arnold, Edith . (widow), Camp Eustis, Va ... 454 pension . .. . ·... 1555