Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/464

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1882 INDEX. Grow Indnhn Reauvation, l{ont.—·Continued. Page. Cumberland Ri·ver—Continued. Pegs. negro; ‘ f ben lit onstructwn of lock and dam on, above geldriggw 754 C Nashville, Te1m.,·autbor1zl?(.;ldw1ie; former pmvrilon for divisions oi trustfunds 754 have comp wi 1014 55.153.*12% 1..;.11 mee.; 755 ··;.m£,$..%»;oggp&m for ¤s¤l1°Zl§g§?1$HfCYZZZZZQQZZZZZZZZZZZZ was ampmvzngsavsmagnnbor 1014 balances to be distributed prorata. . . : . . 755 Tabitha E. (widow), competent Indians allowed to receive nn- psnsgon- - ._ ...-·...·---... 1541 dividual share of live stock from 755 Oummgm, William. F. (um), 1564 ¤¤ib¤1b¤·d ..-.---.··----.-·..- pension. . : .: ... of and énécinor children .. Cimagirn, Wdlmn, 1536 con o ..,... . . . ... . PGDSIGD IDC! .--·-· · ----·· · ····- , · commipiogsyto complete enrollzent ... Gnmningham, Eugene (sem), 1507 rovmm govgrmng, pay 0 . . . ... PGDFIDD . . - .- - -·····--· · ·—---··- gompledldn within six months -.- 756 Cimnwgglurm, Jew, desngmtionoihommteadallo¤nentoi640 756 . ..·------·---------- - 1599 aug .._,..,,.,. .. . . mug , own ., trust period; extension for incompe- pensim . . ... - -·-·----···---·-- · 1477 tent. ... 5 , . .. 756 Cin-rmey, _ _ _ _ sale of hall on apmoval of Secretary per- proclamation cancehng license requiremitted . . . . 756 ments for exporting 1760 character of, restricted . 756 Owrmq, United Smza, allottees allowed to make changes togroup gold certiiicates payable to bearer on deh01d.\.ll%nB'DC .. - 756 mand made legal tender for all debts. 370 saleoftrust dstoactixalsettlerswho C'wria,Lizz1b.L(widow), 1 servgd in th;] World War, etc .- 756 pension - ... 1592 Ymn allow -..--·-·---.--------- 756 Gw·ne·’ , S ' $01 ssctiims granted to Montana .-·. 756 paymenjizltlfi for injuries . 1450 lien selections lor allotted landsé etc 756 Curry, Goorgimma (widow), nxgpwpuation for lands granted to tate 757 pension . ... 1567 mineral nghis reserved to Indians . -·;- 757 Gratis; Aeroplam and Mawr Corpomzion, Indian children to be admitted to public payment to, authorized in full for Curtis- ¤<=h<>¤|¤ of Stow -·-.---------------· 757 Elmwood lant, Buffalo, N. Y .. 455 tracts tt: beptg aside for public uses at Curtiss-Elmw0odP1:1nt, N. K, W¤¤ ·...-.·-----.--·------·-- 757 ti, th'edfro ArmAiipar}; at Crow Agency not included . I .·.- 757 paymagervgge ;upro)ri·ziations?1 . 455 receipts for lou to be credited to Indians- 757 Ou3hm,m; Agency , °PP¥’°P¤¤¤0¤ for g¤¤¢1‘¤1 ¢0¤¤¢i1 ¢XP•3¤¤¤¤» appropriation for support, etc., of Indians from tribal fund ... 757 at _______________ _ ________________ 31 Ivlsit of to Washington . 757 Cualmum [nd€anfSd•ooI, Tacoma, Wash., • ·' " · . . a ti 1 ·1 f--·-••-· “""‘°""°‘“°“ ‘“’ *‘““"“‘* “°·°°· ‘*·*’=-50 1;;% ¤¤$'°1$¤1·»q·`?·$` FZ¢Z3’é’”i7£¤7‘$o°s. oo., 27 survey, suomng etc', of lands tm _ · · O - - , 751 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of"';67 O’°”°Z'» C°"’*¢1*¤ ¢l¢ C¤mP(w1d0w), Gamer Scaze Park Game Sanctuary S Dal; ' pension .. 1619 areas in Hame Nati nal F est · t Crum Jem E. Y ° °' °° ° · . » as breeding place for e .. 986 p°nm°¤ ·•···•·•·· · ·······---·-·· · -··•·•·· 1541 unauthorized hun kil gun t ' mm, Lucrmh ,4. (www), m,·,d,,mm§”g· l“’g· ° °·· “‘· “ 986 P€¤¤10¤ ·-·-······ . . . . 1490 f,“m‘¤bment for ``````'````°````°° ° ` 986 Oryvlvf, Emma L- (widvw), ocal game laws·;·tb".rival.e-oil p°°“'°” ‘‘··‘············ · ·······--~···~·· 1500 lands not affected P 936 Cuba, ‘ ‘ ‘ 2 ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘•*‘• °PP'°1;"§:*i'$£;?diP'°°°{lVi;1%l¤!¤¤¤¤¤¤¤*¤i85 m¤$:$°¢;°i£eb_i}!r§%t:ct$éd°gt;?g'¢il:(i§&é '``'`` gig .:· °*‘¤W°° m ---···- ,896 exchsngsos ands w~m1soo11>sk6££"} . fm ¤+¤¤¤¤¤ ¢<> ------------ _ ----·----- ns, me mmsws me laliids 5, sai?. Importing; fmm’ wd °xp°m°g °°· wheat tivnsto nationaltoreszs 986 gg uowhwt ¤¤¤¤· vmhibiwd: ¢¤· other rights not restricted. . ff XXIII sev umcelgd _ jjj: ‘‘·‘······· · ···--·····-- C1&'0c1$m8t10H setting aside .,,,,_ _ _,,,_,__ 1365 Gu!. Q¤¢h·¤··u T. (daugliz; `'``' 5, `‘`°°‘‘``‘`‘‘ 8 °’;’· · ti f . Penman. ______ _~;""""·"Nn-RMU 1689 PP Pm 011 0l‘c0l.l9ct1ngrevenuehuméé3 °";.'.°"*‘°".,..1..f·..“"*"..1’?E: . .. no ‘*:.***°*=‘°··°***·¤··*¤··=*¢ -—-··- m·8¤3im¤ Dummy P: I1 ·-·-~· o I 3;:310 appraiser for Baltimore al- 883 “PP'°*{,,“,‘:,g‘(j’_}‘_f‘ff ff ______ 814 ig; ¤¤+om;1§&`§é&5£&§1ig f_f I fi·}·i,'éés, me de6cien&y apgrgry-hqon for mm of hmm, * °°¤¤P¤¤¤¤¤¤n lll lieu of m61eu¤s_,_éé3 gilgé G ml ’ mum *1* -·-···-· · ~~-~- 49 deideggcpkapgzopriadon for port of New y 44 · - acm, ers .

 - -     mz       frm ~ . _ - . _ · · · · - - 6].,

‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘···· · ····· 63. 65, 344, 347, 521, 1022, 1183