Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/522

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1940 INDEX. Homestead Entries, Public Lands—Contd. Page. Hoopa Valley Indkm Hospital, Cali, Page. leave of absence allowed discharTd, BPPIOPHEUOD for mamtenance, etc., of. . 5, soldiers, etc., for yocational reha il- _ _ _ 410, 1227 1tat1011, after lIl8k1Dg:...: .. 288 Hoopa Indum Ruervatson, Cal;/Z, patmts allowed both partres mtersnanX~ approprratmn for road, Ho0pat0We1tchpec mg, of each has been a born li e _ on; repxyment . . 12, 418, 1234 settler, etc., oneyearpreceding such 1193 Hoomck YZ, bu hui] _ 165 - . appropna or pu c ding preference riglitofdischargedsoldiers, etc., Hoover, Annie (daughter), servrgg mbilate war, to make, on 434 Hpensmrg .. 1501 open c lands ... cover amer ron , settlers World War, and p11ysi· Hpensiogxl ,,..,,. . ,,,...,, 1436 una e to return may cover . , final, proof and iieceive patent with- 1202 2 . . .,,,. Q ,.. 1572 out &II'§`i QDCB . . , gpgq p Qgigny _ _, prior mmrgéey required before imue of 1202 appropriaiion for care of women andgchil- P9 -------·-··---...--...·...-- dren 7, 868, 11 time extended for payments for on aban- ¤····»·¤ no A·¤i¤m1»·¤¤é Mmm ”°"¤.1a"“€a 1608 . R~*"·%¤°¤· Mm ---··-··----····· 1*6 11% rnaaa zzeeaasaa, v‘hd“md· C'°um“· Mbm N ········-····· 1456 apegropriation for irrigation projects on 3,408, 1226 Hvmmwd Sdlkfr, _ d cieucy appropriation forwater supply 348, 523 allowed leaves of absence during drought Hopi Indians, Anz., _ of 1919, to obtam food, etc. . 271 appropriation for water supply for, on rssxdeuce construed during absence . 271 ‘ rpmwpgi0m_ __________ ;_ ____ IQ, 416, 1232 Homesteadg, _ _ deficiency appropriation forwater supply appropriation for classiEcatmn, etc., lands for, on reservations 348, 1042,1172 mthm national forests, etc ior..H0 Hgpkiyeg, Bridge; (,,,,310,,), 1 pension increased ..,...,. 1587

t£:1¤;gr¤·1, _ _ _ _ apuna, Julia Ana (aaaque),
 lands enirable img., . 1%:, 9i0,r100 Holpbim, iiaairiai '.i.` (Min;) '`'`'``'`' 1581

H°”'“”“d?» .S‘°°" Bmw, peusxb n increased ..., { ... .. 1514 noncontngmus lands for, opgm, Rum E, ' h0mh¤m¤¤;;~dh8¤¤$1ym¤¤;_$_•;d ¤¤¤¤ { 287 Hpennan.: ..,.,,,, _ ,,,___________________ 1473 etc., condition . ..,..,,,,,_,, I 287 awa} Elizabeth ( )’ H·>*=dw¤·· Hgem? l lf.}- °`°°·'` - °`'````'` ``°`°°` 1581 ’. . . . anr -1 ` appropr1ationform1mster ... 740,1206 usioge? __________ _ ___________________ 1474 ¤¤p¤m¤gfr¤m,¤¤d¤¤p¤y¢1¤g¢¤,wh¤¤ta¤d Hagan, Kate B. (widow) Whm flour. 1>r¤1ub¤¢<¤1: exceptions 1759 pension increased I ... 1540 Homcmigeled . A2;) . 1773 Hard, Wilhhm B., ·. . · `° forpayingwidowoffor peuswn increased ... I ..,,____ appmpmmon · · ’ Honey Grove, Tex., 1480 Horim Greek hmmm- . U. 1249 Hnpxawpnagon for public building., ..,,_,_. 165 pension _ _ __________ ’ _ 1508 0]wuu’. ’ · . H ’ • · I °°-.°°°°'°°°°°°°°° ¤1>}>¤<>1:i¤1·¢¤<>¤ fo} public bugldxngg. ..:165,134;;; _______________________ Im ¤r C<;¤s¤¢¤¤ xc Px\·P¤€15€ rennfic 745 gone Aga: (ue Equine Moa:).

! ') ••·•—·-·•-••••..•.- mu, my,

'b““‘°h ° °°°» °*·"·» ¤¤*¤bh¤h¤d ¤f POB? appropriation for purchase of ,...,,,,_, 117 962 OECGSLU .. ... ..,,,_,_,_ 323 limit-contracts. ’ ¤¤1»ry or nepme .. . aaa mean nqanaS`"Y“““ ““ "°°"°" {{2* 323 ¤¤¤¤¤¤··;;:i¤z 1¤gh¤h<>¤¤¤ depot at, ¤¤¢h¤r— mg no polo ponies éioépi ka? ’ - ‘‘‘‘ · ·*········· · ···-···----- Academy ...,._ , ,,____ _ __ 11g 962 granted nght of way for sewer s acrom allowan f breeding 'di · ’ I FW? dB Rum; M1l1f8f§a 0¤ 1438 domtioi; excepted of ani; 962 P‘°° "}1'“*’°“ V; ww light- mals prizes exe 962 Ousemm A --’··-.·~··---· f N _ 7 J ··-••·••·--•••.•.• amamipgdn af nan may a, no 821 {Z5 {;.2fi;%'?2‘aE““'..."..;::::;‘.‘::;3:.; 1; : :1: {32 Honolulu, H¤wa;};`0,-,;,1,,,, ````` `,,` ''‘‘ fg; e 1: P {OY ww, etc., . .: ..., :._ ,___ 125 ap riationf been 4 ’ · _ *"’“·‘“"“‘° “’ "'°°dm8· *°* ¤¤h*¤*Y %$§°£dnea.Ji'mp {SZ denepl’.“"°”°“ ···=·· = ···············-· 2*** 69** Hood, cruz? s., _ H ,. L °>}*Pcl;cr¤Pr;:1¢}¤r1for; .. . . . . 1184,1190 H0‘§§’“€’““$,Gw,g, °‘“”” °*· ‘°*‘ ¤°¤*i<=¤¤ dirwwd 25 appmpnasion fdr S .. I. . . 245, 703,1323 ’ -0n · studies of gondition of vegetables in Penn m ···-·· - -···-·-·- . ·.. 1596 tm. Hook Jmrwa 11, (fadgq) °*°¤8¤a etc --·-····--· 1323 pésionnlvmh , 1545 Homm,J1d1a(»o1dow), H00p¢l Val Agana;.Eqil-’-_;""uu"--H pension ' '‘‘' ·· ·········~- · ·-··-• 1593 appmprialzilon for supportgetc., of Indiansat 1247 H(;•;{§ig: htm’ ' 0f wusfructing trail on Klamath Ri · '· ‘‘‘‘‘‘· • ············ ·- - 1509 R do fm , Ver Horner, Rebecca E. (widow), nw ‘ 418 p€!miDnincY®SBd.. ,,, ,_,_ _,_____