Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/554

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1972 INDEX. ' · 2;,0,,,,,.00;, ‘ . Lima, P , . _ Pose- Llgifoclamation to Hawaii, rmer— Pm appropgilation for Third Pan American vations at Hono ulu ... 1750 _ Scienuic Congress at .. 747 on Maui Island . . 1742 Lmu, $1aan E. (undow , 1557 Lighthouses Bureau, Department merce, pension ... _ . .. ' f C mmiw , d , Imnutane D nts, _ 8ppml§;l:l?]l..?..? IT 1297 leases of, ¢lI;10_\1l'l8u0l7C8d lands of Indians, for aids to navigation .. . 213 _ authorized. ., . . 1231 for lighthouse vessels, general service. . 1416 Imnestovnq-Mo¥an Bndge Qompany, x ' tstation. . 1416 ma bn ennesee River, Decatur, Ala- 361 for Galveston, Te ., jetty hgh _ ¥ _ , for general expenses . 213, 926, 1416 Lmoo n, _ cnporuzl to Prmdmt Algrahom, lights, etc., on Yukon River and tribu- appropriation for expenses dedrcatmg, etc. 180, ¤¤‘ie¤, Al¤¤k¤ .-.. - --...-.-.--· 927 889 for lighthouses, etc., keeper¤’¤¤1¤rie¤--- 214, for maintenance ... . 188, 000, mo 927, 1416 e uses of dedication continued for for salaries, officers and crews of gm 1417 xgglgal {ego]; 192; .,.,... ..., 1% •··•••••···~-•-·•-·•···—·· s · ’ __ ]_ ,,,,3,,-2,,-,,,, .. 214 £:::.t*.,:*:,,,:,°,;.::tr2?r???__éé_$r€__ 1,,, for superintendents, etc . ... 927, 1417 appointment of John Temple Graves as fmtsnmd pq ·•···--··- - •··- _· - · 2141 9271 1417 ig] rggidgnt gommjgjgugr ______ 537 ¤¤mP¤]¤¤¥Y 1'¤&\'¢!¤¤¤t P¤W!¤i0¤¤ m°dr relief gfegontractom for loses due to iniied so to present 6‘mPl0Y9$· -_ -··-· 1417 creased cost of materials, etc., in _ ¤·f¢:;‘1¤8:3'8¤·!¤ D0 01¤Pl0Y06¤ 00¤`mm9d 1417 constructing retaining wall to . . - 281 - Y° ’°u'°m°“t “g° ············· Lincoln National Fqyug, M M _, P”“l°€°°m°f P'°°°“t °m¥’l°Y°"“· f°" M1., appropriation for mainteuancaz, etc. 249, 708, 1327 ·*·¤<=i¤;gg_,;r@~`,g,‘ egg; g¤·¤e‘ P··· 6, a",..,‘3$,'$1“B‘;;’,$‘.,$,';‘.,?fgi,“}g,,?f°“ °‘ ············ ‘"° mgaem aww a,22,ra;s;a,;s1c,5z4, L,··v¤>~r¤2;·;¤*·¤ new -····—-—·- we °°°, 13* { is for w4:h1043’·lM5’ u88’ n88’ lgg date J1 a I intment as ensign Navy vesse rvi ... » · rg; o1am»¤¤§l·°c`ii,N?°c. .°? ... seo _ eetolggrod ... . . . M1 for Conneaut L?ht Station, 0hio._. .; . . . 339 Lmdm Sb;ee¢_NE., D. 0:, _ for completing epot, sixteenth district. 516 appropnauon for paving, Twelfth to Thufor andlsthto _ navigation, seventh and 516 teenth Streets . 845 618 fs -----··-·--·------·- Lhdna, Emal' C. da Mer , for slaries, officers and crews of vessels Pension _ _____________ 1508 of ... . 517,1035, 1178, 1188 5,1,,39,,,;,;, John R, for retired pay, officers and emp1oyee¤7 lm pension .. 1606 --··---···--... - ... 51 , Lmdm , E L. widow , ger Metropolitan Goal Company 12;; pcnsl6n.Tnf ..,., ,,,_,.,.,.,., 1 507 f1¤¤po¢¤¤¤,e¤‘ -·---···----·----·-··· ndg¢y,A l` .w»dow‘ fg? R- C- Hm ·--·-·· - -··--·------·· ~ - - - 1005 I/Ipension ., , ,,_.,,,...,..., 1489 forsalaries. .. . 1043 _Lg·];d”y’_Du(_•fa·yg’ for superintendent of naval construe- Pension jncrggsgd ________________________ 1544 tion, additional pay. .. 1178 Lmddey, 0_ W, for ards to navigation, Connoaut, Ohio. . 1178 Payment to ___________ _ __________________ 1468 for paylnidamage claims collisions with Lmt, Soplnh A. (widow), V°¤¤€ of --·····--·-··--········· · · · 1178 pension ... . .. 1487

 authorized. . .-..••.--•     Mmj•uf£]' D. C',

PW i¤€¤’¤¤¤€d of ¤¤P¢!`i¤¢¤¤d¤¤¢ of ¤¤V•l standard cubic contents established for 1223 we °fconstrg:)<;:tior;-ii.i’.. . B. - - 1055 Iziqu/m- (se; also Intoxicating Liquois), 0 0 P0 \I’ l' ° - trginmnnia ras.-nvzicn tz °P;”°pn1iZn;li. .°ii.i?l .. *.1 .li'iilig4, :10, 1227 _ eweenaw pun , : ggging · 5 Mask, zingthorxzed, for public uses; condi: 1096 or . 203, 917, 1406 ,,.,..2,, of ana a.n.,, nn., ,,,.,.,,,,n,., “ "‘°2.‘i.’Z,,.‘§"l’,f.‘i¥i.£'i‘f’? P'. ?IlP6mmmg1,64, 64:,1186 lsto (EOIRUIY; of xm- Departénenltii . 357 Liquor, Adulmaud etc W3 0 y, gvy, S ’ ¤ . . 1 •» _ rgepggédmeoe re TJ, by. ii beg 1058 “""'°‘Z,',‘?Ff‘2,‘§I‘ZT R'?I`i'f$‘“§52T'·?’i2, 11 whgnnnrgn 3n¤1i&§1h§,` kiiééitiénéf 1,iéZ I ZZ was mo M' “Ltstofllerchant Vesiolf-‘“"•"""U--H nrZlI,‘$Z.°Q,"?,}·°1“$§’,,'2,€‘f'°"’°““°°‘ ‘‘‘‘‘·‘· ““’“"°·‘”° ·=¤=·¤¤·w eotioo of ~,c·,¤,’_ ago anencan apgroprjgtion :.,2,,:, _____________ 2]3, 921, mg _ B¤¤e¤¤ of Shrppms to noted on- 998 do ciency ypmpmuon for ... 517 D¤‘¤7•,_G¢°'9¢ A- (Wn), Luc, Milam ., pensnon ... : .. . ... 1571 nsiou ,,,, - ,,,.,,_,__________ __ _______ 1472 Calumet l§wcr, Ill., Dilxrd, William M., budge authorized across, at Burnham . 1108 Daxgnsnou increased . ... 1621 Little Chute, Wis,, 0*, F¤d9¢¢ (widvwl, construction of sewers, etc., through Gov- P€¤¤¤¤ -------···--···-·--·----· - -------- 1479 ernment property by, authorized. . . 385