Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/558

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1 976 mnnx. .l{cLam, Honombk Paonkk, Page. Madqwaeka, Mez, _ _ Pege. deiciency appropriations for contested bridge authorized across Saint John River, election gxpgng$_ _ _ _ _ _ _______ _ _ _ b€{;W8$l1 EdlDIlDdBUOH, New Bl`uDB· McLaughlin, Mary Ann.(w1k1ow), wick, and .. . .. 161 'MP6¤$°¤ -~-·-~·-·· · -·····--·-·-·-·-· · · - - 1562 Mqdderi, Ella D_ (daughter), o1fo’eoo»_Gooryo W. pension increased 1482 Afension increased .. 1475 Madden, W,m,hm’ l °M°]}°"• Jam (w°d°w)* 1505 deficiency appropriation for extra services. 59, HP""“$‘°“ ···· . ···· : ······················-· 34 3, 1037, 1182 cjlmm, Jlllld Dunk, Diiou--·-···-····--·----·-·---··-·-·-


Fgfoogi FM <··*·*=1·>·~>· ,58, b"dg°1€“n`I$1`L'“”oo°¤m“°ty'°”oi1’ST'l o{°"’1'i2oi§§ "p°m1.u "‘$ ·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ L ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ - ‘‘‘‘‘ F err·y.. ... 572 penmcu ‘on’i£gensed{]Z . . . ... 1519 Nodiooo JYo¤i¤ono1Foro9¢, Moot., cM11lanParkReaaw>oir, D. 0. (su also Water “PP*`°P¤¤·¤°¤ f°l' m*m1?6mm°°» cme of --·- 249» Service, D. 0.), _ . 7°8· 1327 a ropriation for operation, etc. . . 100, 870, 1141 Madmn D· C-. ycsyghn wm, ,1,%, appropriation for- care, etc., of Treasury gppmprjgijon for @t well fur gd- Department Annex ··-·~-··-··- · - 644, 1265 ditional lands, San Carlos Reserve- 416 Madison, Wis., f bh Budd 165 tion .. . .. appropriati n u 'c ' .. Hcllullen Myron BZ, M°§'?1H,%P“1'?1 or P mg

  • 0,1 ______________________ 1562 deficiency aggmpriatiou for Universal

1},yw-my, j_ Fw Postal ngress, delegates’ expenses 1031 additional claims, etc. between, and the Magazines, etc. Choctaw and Chickasaw Indians, imue of, by departments, etc., restricted. . 945 referred to Court of Claims, . 234 Magee, &7|7'i¢uG('lD‘id010), exclusion of specified claims; limitations ZM Hpensig) ... 1520 Il Nall , M widow , •¤9¢¢»_ Qo » Hgoneagn mrZ?eieea...i ·1565 poomoo worm -----—--·----·----~-·-- 1511 “"““J· ·’°’"‘ F·· ”$“,3§';1.’tKY".1"?;“£T" in pensi .. 1602 0 01111 ¤11"¤ Pay 0 B- ycN,;;?;;gm,{, wa_,},_, _ ceased husband, %illiam C. Magelsappropriation for penitentiary, construe- $6*1: late °°¤¤11I -·-··-········-·-·--- 743 tion _ . .. 207 Moymeite Deposits, forpenitentnary, rnaintenance- - . 212, 926, 1415 leases of, in unallotted lands of Indians, deficiency appropriation for authorized ...,.,,,_.,,,,__, 1231 m¤m“°¤=*¤°° ---·~-··-·-·-·~···——· 1176 Moymtic Observatobm for penitentiary additional , guards. 338 · · · · for vooifootiory; ·-------· 338 appmp$gI; i1ii]?I 1418 1llcNett, Eva (widow), 505 Mahan, Wrgil, P€¤¤10¤ -··--~··--~·-·---·-··-·.· . 1 pension `n ed 1610 1:Nu{ty£ Margaret (wzklow), 1590 aher,_ Haiycgstaon Smith (willow), 598 P¢¤¤1¤ -----·-·-----·---· - -----·----.-... pens: .. . . . . 1 cPh¢rap·n Phroe N W , D. C., a}nin,02manda F. (willow), west udp of McPherson Square, designated pension increased ,,,_,,,.,__________, 1475 Fifteenth Street ... 846 ahomy, Clara (daughter), NoPike, Ow (son), pens1‘ `on ,,,.,. 1581 pension , . , ... 1498 ahoning River, H6 V1¢#gl*, 4*19dfM (iwiow), 1493 bridgeolaluthorized across, Youngstown, 2 Pam ··-·--·-·-····-· · ·~·-·----··... . . . 'o , ,,_,,,___,_______ 57 Modern Took. Army, M *1 nd Fu., 1>·eonw · T amy p - sales at reduced rates to trade schools, etc., at G meni, ’ T cpan _ °f °“*Pl“¤ -·--···-·-·----·—— - ~-·~-· 360 appropriation for chief of division, etc. 646, 1267 use of proqeeds 360 Maul Bags, exc., Postal Service, reversion if offered for sale by schools, appropriation for freight or- expreseage on , without Consent of Secretaxry of War. 360 empty ___________ _ _____________ 579, 1152 ¤\11'pI¤¤, 150 be fnusferred fo ocational deficiency appropriation for height on 63, ?d¤°°¤°¤ Bmyi Without charge. · - 504 347,525,1040,1043,1193 H'“*¢'!21;» -U¢¤¤rd1‘¤ (mdvw). 1607 Mad Bags, Lode, Equipment, etc., Postal lad"` "J Sami jim- rio: - .755:. · . _ - · - · I . · I - · h - · 8ppt0p for purchase manufacture P°¤F1°¤ i¤<¥¤¤¤¤¢d ·_ -·-·-·--.. . 1483 etc ,,,__ ___________ 5éz, 1155 M“h'1*¤¢ 49€”·¢y}0·U¤=7¤-, _ for materials, etc., equipment shops. 582, 1155 ’*PP’°!;';“¤°¤ 1’ ¤“PP0¤» GW-, of hm 1248 fo!&L1g•;‘¥1 equiprnent shops 582, 1155 · · · : ·-·- ; ·-·-·--··-·~-·~- - 1 » c we equi ment or executive M¤v¤m[>¢r, Elm (widow), departments, Xlaska, island posses- P°¤¤°¤ ··-·-··--—-—-------- - -·~-·--·· 1585 sions em .,. . . , , 582 1155 M°°"'¤?1*90¤9» C•¤h¢1‘i¤¢(d¢¤yh¢¢f), deéciency ’ appropriation for purchase, ’ P°¤¤1°¤ 1¤¤1'¤¤¤¢d --------~--· · -.. 1505 manutnoture, etc ,,__ , __,,,_______, 1175