Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/616

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2034 INDEX. Pgmqbm Gmn¢gd—Cgmjpugd_ Page. Pensions G"N.m¢¢d—C0uijnued. Page. McGinnis, Thom; _____________,,,,,___,. 1618 Miller, Mamie K .. 1536 Mccowm, smh . 1577 Miller, Margaret! 1492 McGregor, Richgyd L _________________ , _ _ , 1601 Miller, Walter J .. . .. 1599 Magnum, Mary ________________________ 1607 Miller, William M ... 1610 McKgg, Lorgttg __________ _ _______________ 1511 Millington, Catherine 1544 McKQOW]]’ Millie A ____________,,___ _ __,,, 1592 Mills J 11118 E ... . .. . . 1513 l[cLa.ughli_u, Mary Am; ___,__,,,,,,,. 1562 Mimilan, JOIID ... 1500 McMahon, Jane ...,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,.,... 1505 Millkler Emily T 1595 McMgi¤g, Julia ___,,,__,,_______,_____,,,, 1622 Mitchell, Bridget . 1589 ][cM3m;, Flora ,.,,,,_,,,__,,,,,.___,,... 1587 Mitchel], Cora ... 1483 ][cNgg1g , John F ,_,,__,____ ; ______,___, 1602 Mitchell, James W 1539 MQNQCL, {Bw _.,,,,,,,,,___,_____________, IH)5 Mitchell, Margaret W ... . . 1491 McNulty, Mmguet ,,,,,_,,,,_,______,_,. 1590 Mitchell, Nammie Jackson 1620 McPike, Oscar ,,..,.,,,,,,,,,.___,_... 1498 Mockabec, John T 1612 McVickm·¤, Angeline ,,,,.,,,,,,,._,_,,,., 1493 Monroe, Luke ... 1602 Mackenzie, Alexandra ..,,.,,,,,,..._,.,,. 1607 Moody Eva. J ._ ... . .. 1596 Hmcombcr, Eliza ,,.. 1585 M0011, {Mary R1ta ... . . 1618 Maher, Mgry Watson Smith ,,_____,______, 1598 Moore, Laura A ... 1495 Mshoue , Clara, .,.,,,,,_,_,__,,, _ ,,__,____ 1581 Moore, Sallie A ... 1591 Main, ,.,,,,,_,_,,,,__________ 1569 Moore, Joseph T . 1619 Mallory, Charlotte I ____,_________________ 1490 Mound, Ehzabeth ... 1490 Manning, Katherine G ,.,,_,_,__,__,_____, 1539 Morxmg, Abbie Davis 1603 Manure, Daisy ..,,,.,,,,_,__,__,___,_ 1487 Morgan, Marion J ... . 1597 Maples, Cena M .,,_,_,__________________ 1584 Morgan, Phebe. , 1497 Markham, Name J .,,,,,,,,______________ 1502 Morris, Isaac . 1603 Markley, John ..,.,,,,,,,_,__,_,______ 1505 Morris, William A , .. 1601 Ma.rksbu%l;nnie L .,.,., , ,,_,,,_,_____,, 1585 Movikr, Sarah .,.. 1509 Marlatt, beth ,,,,,,_.,_,____ 1500 Mu] en, Mo ,.. 1567 Marsh, Annie S ..,,,,,, , ,,_,,__,_____ 1480 Mnmdorf, Kaxerine ... . .. 1609 Martin, Amelia C ,. , .,,,,,__,,,,____, 1574 Murphey, Lucile D ...,...,. 1612 Martin, Eliza M ,..,,,,,___ _ __________ 1481 Murphy, Eliza. .,_,______,,___,,,.,,.. 1487 Mnrtgu, Isabella ,.,,,,,__,_ _ ______ 1498 Murphy, Elizabeth A .._., 1481 Martgn, Mary E .,,, , ,..,,_,__, 1487 Murphy, Johanna ..,. 1550 Martyn, Mary J ,,,,,.,, , _____ 1492 Murphy, Lil D ..,.,, 1475 lhrtm, Richard . .,.,..,.,_,,_ 1478 Murphy, Bogecca 1496 Marty, Jacob H ...,.,,___.,,,,_ , _ _ 1495 Murray, Alberto .. , ,.,,,,,,,,,,.,. 1575 Marvm, Lillie C ..,_,__,_,________ 1487 Myers, Annie .,,,,,_,_,___ _ _,,___,,,,. 1481 Mason; Betsy Palmer ___________,________ 1510 Myers, Dom _____,,_______________________ 1510 MMDB, Henry . ...,,,, 1605 Myers, Emanuel ..,,.,,.. - 1534 Mnmey, Eleanor W ,,_,_____,_____ _ _ _ 1614 Myers, Rebecca E ,,,_,_________________, 1570 Msttes, Thomas . , .,,,,__, 1598 Napier, John A ...,,,,,,,,,,,,,_.___... 1616 %8::?`B0!1, Jgngieilg ... ‘ ,.,,,,,, 1 499 §8V8, Martha ...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,... 15; B Gws, e .,,. , , , , 1617 ease, Mary ...,,..,, , ,,,,,...,,,. 15 Mstwx, Sang O ,,,,___ _ __________ 1583 Neill, Aung M __,_,,_____________________ 1541 Hillier, Strah E . ..,.,_,,, 1508 Nelson, Flora A .,,,,_,_ , _,,,,,,.,,.. 1518 Msxeg Florence . . ..,,,.. 1504 Netson, Emily A ..,.,,,__,,,,,.,.,... 1516 Mny. lizsbeth ... . .. 1496 Netz, Peter W . 1500 Mw, Louise P . . .. 1595 Nevils, Geo S .. 1608 Maynard, Marinda ... 1579 Npwtou, Paz? ... 1542 Mayo. Joselyh H . . ... 1610 Ngchols, Julia W .. 1481 MUKYGU, utlg - . . 1579 Nlckerson, Josephine ,,..,,,.,.,,,,.. 1566 Mvumger, Mans .. 1491 Nilan, Fred . 1590 Mellmgor Mary R ... 1548 Noe James w . . .,,,,,,,,,,_,,,__,,,. 1597 Melver Tizeodore A ., 1546 Noei, Harry ..,.,,,,,_,__ _ __________ _ ___, 1539 Meudvjson, Hyman ..,. . . 1621 Norman, Cassie ...,___,___ _ _________,. 1515 Mercer], Bose _ .. . .. 1 520 Norton, William J ..,.,___,,_,_________,_. 1611 Meredxth, Angeha . ___ 1503 Noyes, Susettg __,,,,,__________________, 1517 Merlg, Anton ... . , 1624 Nuiph, Mmuda _,,,,,_____,____________,. 1558 Merrgck, Ella., . ._ 1579 Oberer, Callie _._..,,,,__,_,_____,_____,, 1508 M¤mm¤¤,_Ab¤gml r... 1513 0’Brieu, Anna ...,,.,,,,_,,,,,,,_... 1540 Mgrz, Mm-ze.._ 1543 0’Brien, James _,,,,,_________ _ ___________ 1541 Mgchael, Damel .. 1595 Olcott, H. medeuca ..,,,______._.,... 1622 Mgchel, Liar; . ... 1541 Olsen, Emil ,1 _._.,..,,_,,______________,. 1538 Mgchener, 0 arlqs P . . 1538 Olson, Jose hine _,,____,__,_,__,,__,. 1568 M¤dd1ebr¤<>k¤, Hmm L .. 1611 0’Ne11, Nege T ..,... 1603 Mikie, Adam ..,. 1500 Openshaw, Esther M _____________________ 1599 Mmm, George -·---...1.. . ... 1538 Orr, Daniel W ..,.,,,,___________________, 1589 lhiiagc, Jaqert -.-.-.. . ... 1499 0n, Mary E _.,..,,___,,__,_,_____,,. 1573 Mellen Mme S ···--·...~. - .. 1590 0n, Susan H ..,,._...,...,.. ; 1511 Mellen €¤¤>b¤;<> »-.·.-·... . 1502 Ol'SbOl'El,J0h11 ...,_,_,,,_,_,_,,,_____. 1522 kielier, <`y¤th¤¤ A ...». 1570 osbom, Amway. A _____,________,_______, 1493 MQUBY, P;!'3¤<‘€$_I’ -~.~. . .. 1519 Osborn, Catherine ________________________ 1482 miler. iran? i -» . .. 1620 [ osbom, Ewen v ..,,,___________,_ _ ______, 15% Mine', HMUG ·—··—-·-—·--··-·-·--. . .. 1592 Osgood, Cynthia Radley .._,,_,_,,,,,,.,.. 1577