Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/640

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2058 INDEX. Proclamat·io¢m—Con1:inued. _ Page- Pwrmy ¤k§‘¤f¢>’ N·w¤1_U¤¢·#» 1’¤S°· enluging ares of Shenandoah Natmm.1 appropnatxon for resbonng, etc., to owners, I·`cres1&Vs. ;nldFW. Kaw .. ctc. . .¢ -.. 156 W ommg' atio ores , o ... - Property Tram num, . _ _ extezdai time for paying instayilments for interstate commerce regulation; apphcable c ed lands of Crow Indian Reser- to, by railroad, or by mil and water vation, Mont .. 1793 nmder common control ... . . . . 474 modifying area of Coconiuo National For- except, wholly within one State 474 est, Ariz ____,,,.,... - ..,. . . 1770 hy carrier bg water . . ...- 474 Datil National Forest, N. Mex .. 1816 Protecting Public , _ Gin, National Forest, N. Mex .. . 1815 appropriation for, from fraudulent entries. 194, Humboldt National Forest, Nev 1752 908, 1397 Prescott National Forest, Ariz .. 1770 Protest of Negotiable Imtrummts, D. C., Santa Fc National Forest, N. Mex .. 1806 acceptance of original, by a. notary, adprescribing additioual regulations for pro- mitted as evidence thereof _ . . . : . . 569 tectnon of migratory birds. 1764, 1798, 1817 requirement of notary public of District prohibiting illegal export of arms, etc., to of Columbia omitted ...·· · - · 569 Manco . .., 1762 Providence Hospital, D. C., importation dud exportation of wheat appropriation for isolating ward 90, 861, 1132 and wheat Hour. .. 1759 or repairs . z 1132 canceled . . ... 1773 for care, etc., destitute p&}1cn¢¤· · 95, 866. 1137 recommending December 21, 1920, be ob- for power, etc., plant repo.1rs... .. . . . . 189 served as '1'ercentenary of the 1a¤d· Provincetown, Mass. (see also Landing of the ing of the . . . 1802 Pilgrims), _ observance of Boy Scout week .. :. . . 1747 apptopriatxiou authorized for completing relinquishing Federal control of American Monument, etc., m coopera- Railwzy Expreq Company . 1783 tion with Provincetown '1`erceute- Federal control of railroads, etc . 1782 nary Commimion . . . 599 reserving Ronmdor Gay, Caribbean Sea, Proving Grqmds Army Ordnance, _ for lighthouse purposes 1751 appropriation {or current expenses, testing, 1% lnghthouse land, Honolulu, to etc 609, 1349 wmi ... _ z . . .. 1750 Provisions, Army (see Subsistence, Army). Maui Island, to Hawm}. . . . 1742 Provisions, Manne Corps, _ setting apart, Boone National Forest, N. C- 1784 apgropriation for .. . . ... _ 1=>4. 831 Cherokee National Forest, Ga. and Tenn. 1798 de ciehey appropriation for; respproprm- Monougahela Natxmml Forest, Vs. and tion from 1920. ... . 1170 W. Va .. . 1792 Provisabns, Navy, Nautahala National Forest, Ga., N. C., apgropriation for,. . 147, 825 and S. C ... . .. 1785 de cieucy appropriation for .. . 1185, 1190 Unaka. National Forest, N. C., Term., Provost Marsha? General': Ojioe, _ and ya ..,... . . 1801 appropriation for completing, preserving, setting asnde Custer State Park Game and draft records, from Sanctuagv, S. Dak . 1805 unexpen ed balances ... . ... 109 Scotts BluH atioml Monument, Nebr. 1779 clerical force in Adjutant General’s Yucca_Houso National Monument, Colo. 1781 Office ... . .. 110 tmnsfernng certain pulghc property to statements to Adjutauts General of Temtory of Hawsu . .. 1786 . States, of military service therefrom. 110 reserved lands to Porto Rico 1813 disbursing officer to be designated 110 urging all persons to answer census in- Pruyn, Margaret S. (mliow), quiries . . . 1772 pension . . 1576 Prohibition Act, National, Pryor, Samuel, appropriation for ex§¤ses of enforcing, pension . . 1507 under Internal avenue Bureau 319, Public Buildings, 654, 1274 appmpriatrion for Supervising Architect, under Department of Justice . 319 etc, ,...,..,,,,,,,,.,., 647, 1268 deficiency sprrrigrhdnn for expense of for sites, construction, etc . 164, 874, 1368 Intema evenue Bureau in eu- for Alexandria, La., rent, etc ... . . 874, 1368 _ forcing ... 1161 for Amherst, Mass .. . .. 164 Prolribttwn of Into2¤@ng Liquors (see No- for Apalaehmola, Fla .., . 164 _ _ ticnhl Prohibition Act). for Batavia, Ill ,.,.,... . .-. 164 Pfoywtrluz Army, _ _ for Bellefourche, S. Da]: . ... 164 approgmuon for modermzmg, etc 609 {or Bluffton, Ind _,,,_ _ ,,,..,.,,,... 164 Pmyem , muy, , _ for Branford, com .. . .. 164 appropnauon for develcping armor piu·c· for Brooklyn, N. Y., post office . 874 ing, gw .. 142 for Buffalo, N. Y . . 164 Pfmnolwn Dwi Army (see also National De- for Carroll Iowa, .,,,.. , ,,.,..,,... 164 _ Act, 1916, Qmendmenm), for Central City, Nebr . . . 164 pmvuswns for preparsmcn of, for Axmy for Chamberlain, S. Dak .,.,... . ... 164 cliicers .. . . 771 for Chandler, Okla .,,...,... 164 Property and Dulmrsing Officers, National for Charles Town, W. Vs. .. 164 Gyard, for Cheboygam, Mich . ... 164 sppmprumop foépay .. 126, 972 for Cherokee, Iowa . . 164 Property of Alam omcn, for Clinton, Ind ..., . .. 164 dehvm, held by Alien Pmperq Cusco- for Clinton, S, C, ,_,______,__,.,.,. 164 ' , under specified conditions. 978, 1147 for Cohces, N, Y ,,,,_ , ,,__,,,_,,,,_,, , . 164