Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/651

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INDEX. 2069 Radio Stations, Go·ver·n·m.ent—Continued. Pm. Railroad Routes, Postal Service Pqq mgval; iinal termination in two years . 1061 appropiiation for mail transportation by ' wgrglg telegraph regulations gg govern ______________ _ ____ _ __________ _ 579 1152 · operations . 1061 specigl ammgcment for mail by freight ’ Rudy; T,z¢g,·ap;,y, trams. etc---; -·---·------------- 579,1152 interstate commerce regulaticnsa plicable c°!{*·¤¥°t¤ f°¥' wcmft ¤¢1’Vi¤9? ¢¤¤dito of mgagestgg ,,,.. 474 _ tions -----· ; ·-··-·••···---·•···- 579» 1152 wholly Wlthlh one State excep .. 474 mcmft we payable fmm 11 Radiotelegra hic Cmwmtiorn Inta-mtionul, - °‘?· · : ·········· : ···· v 52 apgrgpriafion for e¥pguSé_ ______________ 1212 d°5c1°DcYm;,%PrgPn“n°¤ for mml mms` dg mgucy gpprgpngtmu for ___,_,, , , ,,.,,. 524 por D 'idéé 'i ``° 1 847’ 349’ 525’ Radwteleggaghy, Naval, { mm] S 945;édZ4·' u89’ 1192 apfrogrmtxon for naval shore stations . 149 °' f . t”m°p°i msn Y· mm or ante for station, Otter Cliffs, Mc .. 150 for lmilm ‘ ‘ ‘ ° ‘R‘ ‘ °.'] ‘‘"‘ I · · 1031 acquisiizion of stations used for com- Al t?°P°p°| gu un 6* 1 mm-cig] manages, forbidden ..-----· 150 for mg (mssmly. · ° · - - · ~ · - - _ 17* gm- sms for ghgm m,¤°m_ _ __,,,,,,,,,. 827 . "““P° ?”• YW ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1174 _ Raslroad Sqfety Dwwca, R¤9¤"•»_Eum (wvivw), carriers may be ordered to install autop¤¤¤¤>¤ --------·------~--------—------·- - 1493 matic min awp. ew -··----·····---- 498 Ragsdale, Homer T., _ penalty for noncompliance, ctc... , . 498 pgmgipn increased _,,._, . ..,. . 1621 RGTJTOGJJ Gb!) I¤W¢T¤t$Y·6 C(m¥' Ragsdak,CJ. Willard, late a Representative in ;*§1’;g$°¤ “""•d T¤*¤¤P°1’*·¤·¤°¤ A¢t, angress, ’ . · . . . deficiency appmpriatiou for pay to wid0w_ 342 appmpmuon for , ctc., umform Ml M WM T¤WP°"”**'?m· for °f£§°§ ay` 1ii¤;Z:’€89’ ww authority of Inthirdgmw Commerce 0011- cing pp 179 gg 1380 mjgion to act C011Il€CtZ10DB· wi , ```° `· ``°`°°°``°```°`°`° · `°°° ’ ’ terms and conditions of rates, etc. . . 483 mr mwm °f °°°dmt°i7;t§§9 1380 policy of tl) and for i]]v%-Z.-%{£é.t;fOk¥·EgDSl.:··-.-iid umn,. • ’ P¤'¢¤¤'V¤ b°*·h- ---·····-·-· · ···----· *99 contrtgfasyswms, etc., for ---- 179, 889.1380 Railroad Adrniniahutiqn, United Stain, _ for physical valuation of dgiiqignqy gppmpnatinn for Iiquldihhg property. ... .~ 179, 889, 1103, 1381 accountq w1t.h garricrs, etc . 589 for information of stocks, bonds, foy mm!3by-.- ... -.:.. 1].74 etc.,0 ... ..··· 179,889,1]-03, 1881 War Finance wrgmmn to takg over Lib- for compelling use of safe locomotive erty loan nds not dxnod to be boilers by .. .- .. 179,889,138l · R7..z»d· k°»%L 'Z?.} Bf -Labor ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Li·1mmh’ ‘‘`‘`‘’` (.2; 57° "°°°i°“§’y¤i1£??£$‘·§i§L‘ ¤¥°§m““'“““‘put;Q 504 . P · · - _ Tmnsportauon Act, 192);. for infomation of socnritia Rmlmad Cqmtmgenz ]i'u*n,d, Genera , _ y .. : .. 504 half of excem of mcomo of camera, ovpr for enforcing systems of accounting by, prescribed {air return to be pmd eu; ... . ... 591 mw ... - .. . ...- 489 for enforciuF safety appliances by ... 1159 admjniauation of, by Interstate Commerce for compel mg use 0 safe locomotive Commimion as a. revolving fund 490 boilers by .. : . . 1159 uses designated; investment of unused extensions of hues, new conatrucgmn, •c- money-; . , . 490 uizing linen, etc., by, restncwd. .. 477 applications of carriers for losnq {rpm 490 certg cam _ {gum Intnrauqa Commerce mvestigstion, etc., by Gommmmon 490 Comnnmcn of nccemty, etc., for security, interest, repayment 490 reqmred ... . ... 477 lane of transportation equipment pur- required for abqndonment of road 477 chned {mm . . ,.. . . . 490 application; for cen-t1Ecateg;_he•rlngn . 478 action of Commision granting 491 notice to State guthentnes, ctc 478 rental charges, etc .. . 491 publication of, an newsgzpersrz . . 478 purchase, ale, etc., of equipment from, diamztionary power of mmnmon to authorized ___, _ ______,_,,,,,,,. . . . . 491 igue, ew . . .. _ . 4 78 rules, etc., to be prescribed for loam, no other approval than certxiicntc lease, etc . . 491 _ _ - -_ ···- ; ----·····--·-···· 478 Railroad Control, Federal (acc also Federal myunctmns or vxolsgtncms. . _. . : . . 478 Railroad Control and '1‘nnsp0rt¤· punishment of earner, etc., permntxng tion Act, 1920). vwlntxons. .. _ .. _ 4 78 provisions relinquishing ... 457 order for gate, etg.,_cu· servnce, authonzed, Railroad Employees, etc., by Gomugxmou - .. 478 provisions for settling disputes between, extenspn of l.mes.._ .. . . _ 478 ' gm] their ggnployus ,,,,,... . ... 469 muditmu nf ¤€C€§lfy_fo¥, €$€;» T9‘1mY°d· 478 Railroad Grant Lands, _ _ _ pumlty for npncomplunce vqtb 478 relinquishment to Indmns m Amana, mungtatp swxtcpm, etq., not mclnded. . 478 gtcq gxgmd_gd_ __________,____, , , , - 9 qjnmhdghgn gf! mtg 3 hunted number of 1 R•zilroadLabor Board (ue also 'l‘nmp0rts· systgms du·ectod.. . 48 tion Act, 192)), _ puepantnon plans! etc., for .. 481 ap mprintion for salaries .. 890, 1381 mcome pmwmqm; adyustmeut of rates to Eyyexpgngg _____ _____ ____ ,,,,.-. 8w,1m £!\l!3fII!lBfu¤l,€tC-········•··· *88