Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/709

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INDEX. 2127 V'w¤¤, Lydw (vwtiwr), Pm. Vinous Lz'qu0rs—Continued P VP°“¤‘°¤1¤°¥°¤¤€d -·····-···· · ······.·-·.. 1616 alcohol strength of,subjec1; to Pfgvigiong we W C°"'·"¥L’a . of Constitutional prohibiuou ,,, 307 saggrqprmuon for salsapcsi ... , . 748, 1215 lower strength me subject ummmmency appropna on or . .. 1022 ‘ _ ‘ ’ vm Preeiejergt mgm Umm sum, mm }’J”';“t°’ °“’ ’ '°q“”°d ‘‘‘‘‘‘······· 3**8 ap prxauon or compensation 640,1261 ’ · ·’ - · · géosecremryl clerk, etc . . ... 631, 1252 ?pPmpmu°u fm public bm1dmg' '‘‘°’' ‘ 167 for automobile for ..,.,... , , , _ 633, 1254 V"·'Vm I*h}”4$» for adgl1tiona1&> driverfof sutomobilolcf. 226 ”*PP’°P:;g‘;’:1:‘;:)$xP€¤¤*» *°mP°¥‘U'Y 80233 813 1>r0c6edmg¤ m ngress or coun e ec- . ··--· · --~··--···--·· » toml votes for President . . 1642 fw q“%"”·“u“° ········ .· 17*} 88·*·13"" Vicha, Frank, for agncultmal oxpenmont staucns m. - 261 , 'on increased 1539 720, I 339 71,,,,;,,;,,,,9, m_,,_, ycmdd Amway leave; of abseucctocmployoesg cumu- ¤1>vr<>pri¤¤i¤¤ for roimbwy iwedm-ick *¤t=·v¤ ¤¤=v¤¤ ¤¤<>W¤d -·--··· - -··-- 262 A_ mime, Gxpcma 0 Vicksburg for l‘6l18f_0f shipwrockod American sea- Memorial Reunion, mm um;. ¤¤¤¤m ·-------·-·-- , ·----------—- 12*6 ded balances _,_,_____ _ ________ 129 branch officeg eve., cstablgshod for post for pggas for, and construction of 129 . °mc°,(#j‘°"l°tt° Am?h°- -··-·· _— · ; - · 323 commxssiou designated for constructing, creation ofjomt Congressional ccmmnmwn etc - _,,____ _ _________ _ 129 {np vnmttzotc., and report on condi- <=<>¤¤p<>¤if·i¤¤: duty: no ¢¤mp¤¤¤»·¢i¤¤ -·-- 129 ¤¤¤» ¤ ---·- Z ··-·.·;······------ 1637 to { · ·· oxpcnsesftomcontmgcntfundsofboth "°¥·",,‘k?..Y‘????‘%‘§ ????‘T‘T‘T¥ 129 How- ..·...-... my under control of commission .., . 129 Virgimh, _ _ _ Vidzaburg National Cenwtery, Miss., appropnanon for Samt Helens, ctc., naval deficiency appmpriation for repairing mmm; mmm . . 137 storm dama§e .. 1025 for Hsngpjnn Roads naval operating base, V¤bk¤1>ury_N¤¢i¤Ml www Park, Mw-, _ _ pqming muon ..,. . . 817 appmpnation for conunuing establish- yunsdxcuou over Cradock townsitn retro- _ montof .. 185, 897,1388 ceded to. . . 1429 deficmnc gp mprigtiou for __,,,__,_ , _____ 1185 M0uougabel$Nat10ml FOIBIZ, W. V8., md, Mem0rmf Arcgway made a part of 129 ¤91;:£¤l’t. . 1792 Vader! Liberty Loan Acc, Shcnsmd National Forest, W. Va., aud, provmions of, not. affected by resolution .. . .. 1780 declaring date of termination of I}118.k$N8t10DBl crest, N. C., Tenn., md, War wi Germany, etc 1360 _ set apart. . . ... 1801 V`un1uz,‘ Vzrginia Avenue and Eighteenth Street, NW, appropriation for acquiring premises for Q. Q., _ diplomatic, etc., uses at. .. 1214 appropnataon for operating {ucc and oxlimit of cost; subject to approval of Kenney, Army temporary office commission 1214 uilding . . . . .. 662, 1282 Village Delivery, Postal Senxiu, Virginnm Pilot 1’ublisMng (fonzpuny, appropriation for towns and villages, hav- giciicncncy appropriation for advertising. . 1168 ing second or third class ces, eu:. 582, Venues, c¢g.,_ _ 1152 appropnauon for regulating propagation deficiency apgopriation for ... . 347, 1189 and sale, ou·.,_of: .. . 176, 885, l377 Wllage Service, octal Service, doticianvy uppropnatxon for regulating allowance for carriers . . ... 1052 pro uon, sale, ctc., of . 508 Vimzrznea, Ind., Virumv, etc-. for Againwlg (nec Summa, atv., loan of Army cots to oncampment of for bomoauc Annuals). American Legion at, authorized 1062 Viale: of Alqn Imsports, Vinegar, foes established for, and applications . 750 not subject to Constitutional prohibition excepting officiala, etc., of foreign Gov· £I'0ViEl0l]B . . 309 emments . 751 con tions; permits, etc., required .. 309 alien residents returning from was exemption of manufacturers of distilled, serxicc with the alhoa 751 from alcohol proof, etc., require- Vocanbml Education, Federal Boardfor (sec menu .. 321 also Federal Board for Vocational V`*mel¢md, N. .[,f bh bm] Educatgon), 8-88 ?·PP ristion or u `c ° dmg` .. 167 appropriation or expenses . 17 _ 7 Vmqlzg, George Pfér Expenses, etc., for rehabilitation of pension .. 1621 discharged soldiers, etc ... . 1379 Vmeyards, Pbcational (au also Federal appropriation for investipting insects Board for Vocauoual Education), affecting ... 256, 714, 1334 deficiency appropriation for expenses of. . 328, Vineyards, Escperimenl 504, 1020 purchase authorized of Agricultural De- additional hcagital facilities frowided for partment, near Fresno and Oak- World arpatients un . . 1365 _ vglle, Cahf . 1205 benefits of, extended to all djsabl per- "mxmm- { I, ,,,0, vain mms *:,,,.w%‘°"“p.¤% cs 0,sujectto ·isio.ns . 7,1917, on ·se of Warlgghibition Act ..., 305 thereirom . . . . 1 59 lesqr strength noqsubjectthereto;per— to be furnished by Federal Board for nuts, ctc., requuedu .. 305 Vocational Education .. . . 159