Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 41 Part 2.djvu/91

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SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 45, 83-85. 1921. 1529 appropriated to reimburse the Duluth, Winnilpeg and Pacific Railway for custom fine numbered three hundred an sixty-eight erroneously imposed by the collector of customs at Duluth, Minnesota. Approved, February 9, 1921. CHAP. 88»—An Act For the relief of Perry E. Borchers because of losses suffered, Felglggbllmi due to dmtruction of property and termination of contract for services because of small- imma, Nm 95-l pox while in the employ of the Navy Department in Cuba. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives 0 the United States { America in Congress assembled, Thziit the Secretaiy of }`§;".;.£}¥:°h”' the Treasury e, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay Perry E. Borchers, of Tadmor, Ohio, out of any money in the Treas1n·y not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $346.45, the amount of loss sustained due to the destruction of his pglrsonal property while in §uarantine and to the loss of his position t ough termination, by the avy Department, of his contract for services as superintendent of pgcilxistruchon atthe United States naval station, Guantanamo Bay, a. Approved, February 27, 1921. CHAP. 84.-An Act For the relief of the owners of the American schooner William F°i’fii°ii¥ H. Sumner. Be it enacted by the Senate and House qi Rqepgesentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, t the Secretary of the m:YYMm,‘}';gn°§· S“m‘ Treasiuy be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to lisrmm to owuus William C. Reid, managing owner, and other owners of the American §§,,l°' °°m°i°° dm schooner William H. Sumner, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $2,354.57, to reimburse said owners of e American schooner William H. Sumner for damages su§ered by their vessel as a result of a collision with the United States stesmship North Dakota off of Cape Henry, Virginia, on November 21, 1914. Approved, February 27, 1921. February 27,1921. CHAP. 85.-An Act For the relief of Captain E. V. Dickson. _Tg{§’s;- 1};:037 T__ Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re resentatives of the United _ _ States of Anwrico in Congress assembled Tlliat the Secretary of the »ii.m°m E`v`m°k Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to pay to Captain E. V. R°*““’“”““°“"°‘ Dickson, One hundred and thirty-second Regiment United States Infantry, the sum of $474.80, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to reimburse the said Captain E. V. Dickson for the sum of $474.80, United States currency, which was stolen from the said Captain E. V. Dickson, without fault or neglect on his part, while he was captain, One hundred thirty-second United States Infantr , and acting disburs` officer at Saint Maurice, France, and which said sum the saiduhg V. Dickson has since paid into the Treasury of the United States in discharge of his liability as Sunh disbursing officer. Approved, February 27, 1921. 44282°—vox. 41-14 2—-7