Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1004

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976 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 356. 1922. °°”°;*,gg°°¤· Sec. 553. TRANSIT ooons.—jAny merchandise, other expmmv, ,;,,0,;, in plosives and merchandise the importation of which is prohibited, ¤P¤=***°*¤**=¤°°¤¤· shown b the manifest bill of ladin shi recei t or other mes mum. Y . » , g» PPmg P r document to be destined to a foreign country, may be entered for transportagon m bond throughhthe United Fgates byda bondgrl carrier wit out ap raisement or the payment 0 uties an export ' rmder such regulatiims as the Secretary of the Treasruy shall prescribe, <.,,=?,,Zt?°“°"”°""" and any baggage or personal effects not contammgfmerchandrse the importation of which is prohibited arriving in the nrted States destined to a foreigp country may, upon the request of the owner or carrier havrng the same m possession for transiportation, be entered for transportation ID bond through the Unite States by a bonded carr1er_without apggarsement or the payment of duty, under such _ regilations as the cretary of the 'I‘reasury may prescribe. p°,,F'§‘,‘§},,§’§§,,,*”,,§$.F‘,§';,{‘ no. 554. TRANSPORTATION Trrnouerr porrrrouous ooUN’rruns.——- ·>¤¤*=*¤¤¤¤¤ <¤¤¤¤*¤¤¤· Wrgh tlie cgnsent og the dpropgr authogrtres, liénported rpeixilchandise, in on or uty-pai an ro ucts an man actures 0 e United _ States may be transportedp from one port to another in the United e§?°"’° '“°"°' States through contiguous countries, under such regulations as the gig- S-. sw- 4347. r>· Seeretarylqf the Treasury shall prescribe, unless such transportation yr; 41, p. sm. is in v10 tion of section 4347 o the Revised Statutes, as amended, B Z1; 9;:mh serétron 27 of Ehe Merchant Marme Act, 1920, or section 588 of this Act. Doa . Mw- nc. 555. ommn WABEHOUSES.——B\1lldlI1gS or parts of buildin busiurngagiii °s' of and other inclosures may be designated by the Secretary of the Tree? my aésdllonded wlarehouses fclrihlzhe storage of ngiportrild mrilchandrse enter or ware ousmg, or en possession 0 the co ector or mm, mr mmm ulpder seizure, or for the mafrufacturg of merchsndise in léond, or,for ' the repacldng, sorting or c eaning 0 importe merchan iso. Such warehouses may be bohded for the storing of such merchandise only Public for ml as shall belong or be consigned to the owners or proprietors thereof use. ’ gm and be known as private bonded warehouses, or for the storage of B,,,,dS,,.°m °,,,m,,_ imported merchandise generally and be known as ippblic bonded pvarehouses. Beforg anlymurllporterlgdmerchandisg not allyhreleased rom customs custo s e stor in any suc remises the owner or lessee thereof shall, give a bond in such sum ang with srich sureties as may be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury to secure the Government against any loss or expense connected with or arrsrn UW, mmm em from the deposit, storage, or manipulation of merchandise in such Karehouieu gxcepg aslol>he;·vns51protv1ded infthns Actgdbondeg w$reouses s a e use_ soey or e s orage o un rt mere an use and shall be placed rn charge of a proper officer 0¥(the customs, who, together with the dproprretor thereof, shall have joint custody of all réggchgndrsegtpggll iln tlI:edv;ar1I;eh3u€e;tp1nd all labor on thetmerréhplps s ore e e e y e owner or ro rie oro e P t I warehouse, under supervision of the officer of the ciistgms in charge “’“‘°“ ° °"’°“’°“‘ of the same, at the expense of the owner or roprietor. The compensation of such officer of the customs and otllier customs employees appointed to supervise the receipt of merchandise into an such warehouse and deliveries therefrom shall be reimbursed to the G5i>vernt_ ment by the lproprietor of such warehouse. ,¤§“,‘°°,,c_f°,',§s,§§$,‘§,§’.f’§f Sec. 556. oxonn wsnnnousns Ama EXPORTATIONS THEREFROM.— ge Secrgatary oftthe Treasury lshall from tinile tcghtimetesiflabhlilslh suc]; es an revula ions as may e necessary or e es a s ent bonded wareiiouses and to protect the interests of the Govemmerit in the conduct, management, and operation of such warehouses and Prom in the withdrawal o and accounting for merchandise deposited mam; eeruasas. therein: lfromkied, That no landin certificate shall be required for énéegrcléandisp plxprlolrted frorlnallhlp Unitedi States, except where the re ary o the eas s ave goo reason tobeheve th t h certificate is necessarymzir the protection of the revenue, and ghlziill specifically order the production of such certificate.