Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1043

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six·rY-sEvnN1*n conennss. sas. II. oa. 402. 1922. 1015 fifteen seconds west, by the westerly curb line of Federal Street, three hundred and forty-five and seventy-six one-hundredths feet to that part of Federal Street now ublic; thence across Federal Street by the line of the southerly endp of that art of Federal Street now p;1blic,_fifty-four and eighty-two one-hundredths feet to the point of ginnmg; intending to describe all of the land located between the westerly curb line and the private ro rty on the easterly side of Feder Street from the resent eng of)0 that part of Federal Street that is public near Pearl Street to lines near the trolley track at Lincoln Street. Said property be` shown on blue print "Springgeld Mass. Department of Streets aufill Engineering, Federal Street, earl to Lincoln St., Bk. 276, pp. 47, 48, Dec., 1921." Lmconu srnmmr. Beginning at the intersection of the easterl line of Federal Street Lmwmsmu. and the northerly line of Lincoln Street; thence north sixty-four degrees BIZ minutes forty;five seconds east, eiglht hundred and sixt - four and ty-eight one- xmdredths feet to the intersection of tlie northerly line 0 Lincoln Street with the easterly line of Magazine Street; thence thirty-four and thirty-eight one—hundredths feet across Lincoln Stret on the easterly line of Magazine Street to the southerly curb line of Lincoln Street extended; thence south sixty-four degrees fifty minutes forty-five seconds west, eight hundred and sixty-seven an twenty-nine one-hundredths feet by the line of the southerly curb of Lincoln Street to the easterly line of Federal Street; thence northerly by the easterly line of Federal Street thirty-four and eigiig one-hundredths feet to the point of intending to descr: all of the land between the southerl cur line and the (private property on the northerly side of Lincoln Street between Fe eral Street and the easterly line of Magazine Street. Said progerty be` shown on blue rint ‘Springfield, Mass. Department of treets alfig Engineering, Lincoln Street, Bk. 276, pp. 48-50, Dec._ 1921." MILL srnnnr. Beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of Dickinson m“S¤°•*· Street and the southerly line of Mill Street; thence thirty-four and thirty-one one-hundredths feet to the fence on the northerly side of Mill Street; thence b said fence about five hundred and seventy- five feet to Hancock éreet; thence across Hancock Street about fifty-one feet to the intersection of the easterly line of Hancock Street and the northerly line of Mill Street; thence on a curve of two hundred and ninety-five and twenty-four one-hundredths feet, one hundred and nine and seventeen one-hundredths feet; thence on a curve of four hundred and forty-two and twenty-four onehundredths feet radius, seventy-seven and two-tenths feet to the intersection of the westerly line of Chester Street and the northerly line of Mill Street; thence north eighty-five degrees forty-seven minutes twenty seconds east, fifty-three and thirty-four onehundredths feet to the intersection of the easterly line of Chester Street and the northerly line of Mill Street; thence north eighty-five degrees forty-seven minutes twenty seconds east, forty-eight feet; thence on a curve of one hundred and forty-fo1u· and twenty-four one-hundredths feet radius, seventy-five and eighty-eight onehundredths feet; thence on a curve o eight hundred and fort ·eight feet radius, three hundred and thirty-four and two one-hundliedths feet; thence on a curve of one thousand sixty-eight and eighty-nine one-hundredths feet radius, three hundred and seventyseven and seventy-five one-hundredths feet; thence north twe ve degrees forty-nine minutes fifty-five seconds east, one hundred and sixty-one