Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1171

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1144 SIXTY-SEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Ch. 28. 1923. United States Veterans? Bureau in naval hospitals may be employed in addition to the numbers appropriated for in this ct: Provided ,m {§'1ig‘§$ further, That no of this appropriation shall be available for the A<\¤;d{¤r;=(y- ,30 pay of any mids pman whose admission, subsequent to the class ai) s.,'£»b. 1%.13, p. entering the Naval Academy next after the approval of this Act, ”“°·‘“"°""°‘*· gold res&ult in ixcgeding atRany tim? tan allovgazlgcei of tthree gid- ` men or eac enator, e resen a IVB, an e ega e in ongrelss; of one midshipman for ?l’orto Rico, a native of the island, appointed on nomination of the goyernor, and of one midshipman from Porto Rico, appointed on nommation of the Resident Commissioner; and of two midshipmen for the District of Columbia: Pro- ,_,§§§,§‘}§,$gi§f,§,s,§_§ vided further, That nothing herein shall be construed to repeal or P¤¤?°¤¤°l ¤¤¢ www- modify in any way existing laws relative to the appointment of midshipmen at large or from the enlisted personnel of the naval service.

  • "°““°'“· mzovrsroxs, Navy.

,,,§°'“"*“‘°" ”“°““· Dior provisions and_commuted rations for the seamen and marines, which commuted rations may be paid to caterers of messes m case of death or desertipn tggpln orders of the commanding ogioers, attg:1) cents rdiem,an mi menat80cents rdiem,an commu ration}; stopped on accouniz) of sick in hospisal and credited at the _°‘“""““°°· rate of 75 cents per ration to the naval hospital fund; subsistence of meg unagpidablg detainegig abslesnttcfrom vessels to attaghed unero ers unnw suisncerationsto on board ship and no cgedit for commutation therefor to bepégen) · quarters and sub@nce of men_on detached duty; subsistence of w§¤r¤H¤¤rv¤F¤¤¤, ggicerzaald 1éQD Elf the navalFaux1lg1.ry serviceéxiubinstgice of memrs o e av rve orce ri o a ive serv1ceexpenses of handling (provisions and orpzubsistence in kind at hosggitals and ondb§ar ship lieu 8; subsistenacle allowance if fem e nurses an avy an rine rps gener courts-marti risoners undergggng imprisonment with sentences of dishonorable gischarge from t service at the expiration of such confinement; in _ all, $16424,000, to be available until the close of the fiscal year end- $.§'§‘,,°,;M ,,m,,,,, ing June 30, 1925: Provided, That the Secretary of the Navy is

  • ”P*’*=°¤¤==· authorized to clpmmute rations for lsuch general lpoillrts-martial

risonersinsuc amonmtsusseemto im ro r w ic ma va in accordance with the location of the naval, iggoii, but which shdlyl in no case exceed 30 cents per diem for eacli) ration so commuted; mm? °m°'¤°¤°Y and for the purchase of United States Army emergency rations as required. iunnrnnsncn. M°m°°°°°°‘ For fuel; the removal and transportation of ashes and garbage fron; ships of waiiig bookg, blanks, and s£atione1£y,l;1§1clud%1ng1stationery or comman g an navigatin officers o s c a ains on shore and afloat, and for the use ofgcourts-martial gi; boaiid ships; pgrchase, repair, and exchange of typewriters for shi ; packing xes and materials; interior fittings for general storeihsouses, pay offices, and accoimting offices in navy yards; expenses of disbursmg odieers; eoifee mills and repair thereto; expenses of naval clothing gqupmmtmpm, factory and machinery for the same; laboratory equipment; pur- °*°· chase of articles of ezugmge at home and abroad under the cognizance of the Bureau o upplies and Accounts, and for the payment of labor in equipping vessels therewith, and the manufacture of such articles in the several navy yards; musical instruments and music; mess outfits; soap on board naval vessels; tells, ferriages, yc0men’s stores, safes, an other incidental expenses; labor in general storehouses, paymasters’ offices, and accounting ohioes in navy yards and