Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1393

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1366 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. IV. Ch. 148. 1923. P`g1¤gg§ S'>¤¤°¤ PM Fox; opleratlion, qare,t;epair, qid gainteréance oféhe p¤$1q1ps which _ opera e e t ree oun ins on e n1on tation aza 000. mk "'°m°°°"°°°‘ To provide for the increased cost in park maintenance, $50,000. For care of the center parking in Pennsylvania Avenue between ma, Mm bat Second and Seventeenth Streets southea t, $2,500. ' mul. mg Tmar. Basin narmiwe amen: For purification of waters of the Tidal Basin and care, maintenance, and operation of the bathhouse and beach, $12,000. For care and maintenance of Mount Vernon Park $1,000. For purchase and repair of machinery and tools for shops at Rock Crm and nursery, and for the repair of shops and storehouses, $1,000. gslegraalsgnpumy, de thF§· t£eCpre1para31qn;>f d€S1§l1S kzxid eggrgages for development of

 eocreean oomacar ay .

mE?-£§?¤¤l)°mt °°m For the construction of a comfort station and shelter at Haines Hmm bmh M Point, East Potomac Park, $15,000. cog peoplch The appropriation of $25,000 contained in the District of Columbia _4,,}§f’f,°f*?,{{§ °"‘ gpcpropriatiqn Acét lfoagne iiscéxl ygar 1%23 fin the fqnstmqtiqln of a _ a beac an a ouse or e co ore popu a 1on t `t is coiilgnued and made available during the fiscal ear 19(24 fsrcthld l H mk construction and maintenance of said bathing beach and bathhouse. aazuumseuim er. For improvement and mamtenanee as a recreation park of section lg, $c¢§st5i)aO§0ark, between Pennsylvania Avenue and the Anacostia r . ,l,§§d]§Yi”" p“°"° Ligllizing the public grounds: For lighting the public grounds, watc en’s lodges, offices, and greenhouses at the propagating gardens, including all necesary expenses of installation, mainte- Hwm umm, m nance, and repai1i£$37,000. ’ \ For heating 0 ces, watchmens lodges, and greenhouses at the propagating gardens, $6,000. rgfgiaegxrzxg ROCK CREEK AND POTOMAC PARKWAY COMMISSION. uiigglming °ddm°mi To enable the commission created by section 22 of the Public l'°l‘37*p‘885‘ Buildings Act approved March 4, 1913 (Thjrty-seventh Statutes at

page 885)% to continue proceegivngs toward gw acquisition

Fromm- o required or a connect1ng par ay between otomac Park, Ama, wd ,,,,,,,,1, ex. the Zoological Park, and Rock Creek Park, $75 000. Provided, That

  • '*°**°¢ the §ollo3ving aqeas aind plalrcels gescribed alqd cgingated org map

num ere 2 con aine in ouse ocument um re 1114 ixt - fourth Congress, first session, as a gart of total area to be sic uirgd for said parkway shall be exclude from the total area fimill to gglacquired, tgwwgt ;hThrqe hgncged (ixqd fifteen square ?et ofy lot 1n square ree un re an orty-nine s uare eet of lot 836, one thousand three hundred and three square (feet of lot 74 in iguare §'>43, Iilyenlénméireddand forty-n;netsqE1qr§ gggtof lot 583;:;; ousan one u re an six square ee o o in square three thousand six hundred square feet of lot 20 in square 23, one Mdmw md! im ggtndred andfmgieqyining square feet ofllgt §011nPsquare }2;38,t2;d mm. y uare ee o o in uare num re : romk ur That follow%{1g)Gdesc1iib§d;(lots ailid parceg thiit arebvgithout tig; ncsa mcue intearea nayto acuire namegf, four thousand four hundred and eighty-three square (feet of lot numbered 1, two thousand nine hundred and nineteen square feet of l0t_2, three thousand two hundred and fifty-nine square feet_of lot 3 m square 2510, six thousand eight hxmdred and seventy-nme Mmmm m °pm_ square feet of lot 1 lll square 47, and about nine hundred and two

¢¤&<1i§_¤$ square feet of lot 803 in sqluare 2543 : Promded further, That in order

mgm. to plrotect Rock Creek_an its tributaries, none of the moneys herein or eretofore appropriated for the openiqg, widening, or extend` of any street, avenue, or highway in the istrict of Columbia shldli