Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/1594

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iv INDEX. Agncultural Credits Act, 1923-Continued. Paso- Agrilculttgrql Ored·lts Act, 1923—Continued. Page. special powers; mmake advances, etc., on supervision, etc., of Comptroller of the paper secured by lien upon breeding Currency over credit corporations. .. 1467 erds of live stock, with maturity additional third deputy Comptroller to be not over three years .., 1463 appointed; bond ,...,.. 1467 to deal in Federal securities 1463 operation of credit corporations to be to act as United States fiscal agent, etc,. . 1463 administered by . . . 1467 to acquire, etc., stock of rediscount cor- examiners, etc., to be appointed; salaries porations; limit .. . . 1463 to be Hxed b Comptroller ...,, 1467 to purchase, hold, etc., real estate; limi- salaries of present deputies, national bank YQUOHB ... . 1463 examiners, from ex enses of examito xd custodian, etc., of paper nego- 1 addlnatglnscof natiopal llianks 1467 _ --.· - 463 `tio mptro er e amin ’ to issue debentures, etc., maturing in of expenses of credit cbrporaesgngri 1467 mttlgee ... expenses o credit cpxrpuomtlions to be as- , , e ., assecun . sessed mum . . . subject to regulatlions prescribed tgy examiners fo;ecrediI1;cori,>¢.:;ra(l3:i'<ir<:ih1 author- 1467 Comptroller. . ._. . ._. I ... 1463  ; pay ,,,,..,,,., - ,.,,,,.,,..,. 1468 no Government liability for, to be con- prohibition, etc. _ on national bank ex- ¤p1¢¤0¤¤[Y on mues . 1464 ammers applicable to .,.,.,__,,,,, _ 1468

piynlgpggirgaising may Inge 1464 assesementftp examination expenses; mini-

18 nsecun · ull]-`m· 99. - . .. .. 1468 liabilityinexcessoftentimes 'tal d l , tc. to xamm° b ° .m·,,m¤,medd.m .. no °‘“‘° tread; .. f’T‘3..?.?f’T%’?T??‘f’?’3 1 468 advances to any person, etc., not to exceed reports to Comptroller as by national banks if 20 per isnt of 1:11 capital and surplus. 1464 reqrgirement ______________ _ ________ 1468 ¤¤¢“¥¤d Y*8T1 tunlcommodities, inspectorsoflivestockasbasisforloans to mttocxceed50percent ... 1 464 be licensed by Secretary of Aéripurchsse, etc., of live stock rohibited, ulture _ exoeptwhentakenforobliigatior¤.. 1464 suspgnsiometc mterest under State laws allowed ... 1464 punishment for falsely representing to

 gotta lmowingly charging a 1464 be . . ... _ ... 1468

.>.,.e.¤"‘%"., emo ‘·‘‘‘ .1::::.:;;::;:: ml ‘“‘°°r...,;'§c‘t‘.‘;‘;‘?}?'E‘f i'? I€"°’. .‘°* °""· by ne no permit to imurslrefore yment of 50 allotment by Comptroller to per mmméhgziilpmdmn for 1464 Department fldr expenses of._ ... 1469 increase 0lLfd801’&89 al1owed _ 1469 _m."“‘·.§’“ra. ..’..°°°"r,,.r?$i.?£€‘::::;‘.‘;:::::t }§ t.,.°’°§§°;‘i‘1Z“a°.f.§’°“m.£§§3’!;?,1‘.’·l§;.;.1‘ttt‘ ‘ we " 533 withdrawals from, for dividents, etc., of debentures not higher than on monprohibrted 1465 ed 'tal f ' ' transrering shares of, allowed as for depositgin rzglrve ih mlilwbmksdualsu - N. N ¤·¤~··¤ *··-·¤ —-----·---·-~------.- we sae smeared t§§‘..§'..g ···‘

 gfmugrpaid   to    may be converted into  

'°°*i°°°,;*¤§:;’_;1P{**·¤°¤¤ gg; gcu·;?iI;°¤§b¥i6idé1§.ZZZZZZZZ.fZZZZZZZZ ¤?$1,000,000, or over ... _. , 14455 m°::c_°_°_I_h£__$ft? '} _ _ _°'_ _'_°d~ _• 14.,0 """.m"°“"r ra’$‘é$.?’ae°°c¤rptl.“‘“'°°r§¤£ Sid}; "°"‘”° °°"‘!i.,".?" ""°" °°'“"°"° "'°" nm, ¢¤1‘P¤n .. . . 1470 on &g§:\'3:1°"mIb*I¥:§ulé’:¤P¤¤érN1g$d$ consolidation of two or more credit corporamk ____________________•_····- 1485 under charter of one, authorto discount notes, ze., of ‘ ¤]mm° 1` I · ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘··‘ · ··········· . · ·. ····· 1470 mum ··»§.em, ;"鑧¥fe4m¤K "'°°2‘;§§’ °*..,’°°°,,.,"'*°"’°"‘ "“’“”°‘”“ mo , tc. agncul' tural · ·‘‘•·•······ : ······· ucla, nine monghs. - 1465 d1mE4;t§h?§ (2d8rmwjm]b° pad who 1470 ww}, Bw., • P§?t_________··-.• all m ’ 7 °m•••••·•••• regulmcns as to mae terms, mgmt my- P°"Y· °°°·· *'%"°*°”°d **1** of djsccunm Gm, to be med. 1466 V_ m_uew corpore,tmon,,: ,,,.., .- 1470 mt ;;]e¢»¤eererJ’em““m‘ us. P’°°*;‘;g§;g·¤ mlvmcy ¤*·=*¤·¤¤·=<¤¤·* ,,,1 · °’` 5 ’'‘'°‘ "‘:···:· ··-~ ·-·· 1466 a tm nh--`uu .``·`°``` · ```````` cmdlt ppom ent and pow i rece; ,,,, 1471

 H plggsrg of shareh der;!:;ents,    1471

Sum, befcmcomm · b . q tron of credit co ration by two- _ éucing usmem- 1466 thirds v t f K0 1 Amount required; held 50,- ming _ 0 9 0 _¤toq elders. 147 holdersot c ‘ · · · P*Z°°°°d1¤8¤; hquldaung t, etc. . 1471 orporatron s ha tres, ., 1463 umshm · wagm roleoseof excem; sale, etc.- dsgcgmc P mit f°' d°“’·S”“ 9E°¤¤°¤i b? · m}mmadeg00d____•__`i_·_ Y 1466 ;:5¢;;i'1e;scorpomuon oHic1als or em- 1471 111 gnu credi tim., ` `· '``' . -···-·-·~-—- · --------.·-·--- MQ gas, m b‘?"·“‘°9” by receivers; accmirieg _,___________ 1471 g°"'m“· P to consider it · mw hw! · on was- & to Obiilll 8dV\H(!¢§, Bti:. house receipts, gfc ________ _ HM °V°'V?h¤¤8 Property onered as security- 1472 ·· ¤_1_»c¤;·¤i¤g,¤e., or °“‘;’.i;§l,$%*,;,‘;$.,,,-g'“,,g"**"°°· ‘“*; records names o °°° ‘°‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ········· · 1*67 borrowers, em . ...,_,,_,,,, 1472